chapter 10: Message

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Izuku POV

After talking to the doctor I went to the room where I put my bag, when I got to the door of the room I heard a voice from inside the room I opened the door and saw a detective Tsukaichi watching the news on TV, "Is that a famous detecive that is often on the news? why is he here "Kaishi said. 

Hearing that detecive looked at us then turned off the tv and walked towards us," Izuku I have some questions for you, and who is this kid? " The detective asked, "well this is Kaishi Midoria, what do you want to ask the detecive" 

I replied while sitting with Kaishi, "First, did you save a child last night?" The detective asked, "Yes, I saved Kaishi last night from a gang of criminals." I replied while still holding kaishi hand.

 "Second, how did you get to the scene?" The detective asked. "I was walking looking for a place to sleep until I heard a sound and decided to check it out, when inside I saw a child in a cage and there were 4 people armed with rifles and one holding a knife while pointing the knife at the child who was locked up and concluded that is a kidnapping and I'm trying to save him" I said.

After hearing that the detective said that the person who doesn't wear a mask is one of the leader of the DeathHound villain group and he also told me to be careful because I might have become their target, before the detective left he said. 

"Izuma awakened yesterday and after he read your letter he blamed himself for not being able to save you when you were attacked by a criminal slime "heard that I said" detective, can I ask you to deliver a message? " 

"sure, what is it?" the detective asked "tell Izuma to don't blame yourself and give up on your dream brother, we will meet again when we become heroes and please don't tell who about me is here then if the incident comes in the news use Deku not my name" I say "ok, i will send your message" the detective said while leaving the room.

after the detective left I took my bag and went to the hotel with Kaishi, during the trip Kaishi became very silent, I tried to talk to him "Why are you silent" I said, "I'm afraid you become like my guard before, you will die and leave me" he said, " don't worry I won't leave you, so cheer up, I like it when you are cheerful and happy "I said while making him look at me "okay" he said smiling. 

when we arrived at the hotel we went to the reception area and gave the voucher we got, then we were given our room keys to stay and we went to our room, there we decided to rest while watching TV, on TV there was news about Kaishi's kidnapping, Kaishi fell asleep Not long after the news was broadcast and I decided to sleep next to Kaishi and turn off the light.

Detective tsukauchi POV

After talking to Izuku I went from the hospital to the police station to report the information I got, while traveling I felt this Izuku and Kaishi were very close and midoria? I think I've heard of it somewhere but I'm not sure where, when I got to the police station I immediately reported the information I got, after that I went to Yagi's residence when I got to the Yagi residence I knocked on the door of Yagi's residence after a while the door was opened by Izuma.

"Mom and Dad are in a meeting inside, what are you doing here, detective?" Izuma said, "I'm here to deliver a message from Izuku to you" I said to Izuma, hearing that Izuma was surprised and said "Message from Izuku? Do you know where Izuku is?! ̈" 

After Izuma said that there was a sound of footsteps from inside and visible. Toshi, Inko, and UA staff walked towards me "Do you know where Izuku? Where is he ?!" Inko said "Yes I know where Izuku is but he doesn't want me to tell anyone, and I'm here to deliver a message to Izuma from Izuku. He said don't blame yourself and give up on your dream brother, we'll meet again when we become heroes that is the message "I said and asked," I want to ask if you are familiar with Deku? " I heard my question Izuma looked annoyed "I know, it was a call for him from the bullies at school, why?" Izuma said, 

"Look at the news, actually I can't say this but Izuku is Deku" I said, they don't understand what I mean "why is Nezu and staff UA here?" I asked, "we here being asked by Toshinori to look for his son, can you tell him where he is?" Nezu said "before I answered, what did Toshi say about Izuku?" I asked, hearing that Toshi bowed head while the Nezu confused 

"umm ..he ran away from home because he was bullied at school?" Nezu said "of course he only said that" I said irritably, "is that wrong?" Nezu asked "not wrong, but not only that, please let me tell you about Izuku" I said while walking into the yagi residence.

Inside I sat opposite Nezu, Toshi, Inko, and staff UA then I started telling Izuku's life story to where a hero destroyed his dream, while listening to Izuku's life story, Nezu and the staff UA looked angry, upset, sad, and Aizawa asked "who is the hero who destroyed His dream, he deserves to be punished "hearing that Toshi he bowed his head in shame. 

"the hero who destroyed Izuku's dream is All Might or his own father, the hero Izuku idolizes" I said while looking at Tōshi, hearing that Midnight said" the number 1 hero in the world said that ?! he is Izuku parent, it doesn't make sense "hearing that Izuma left and not long after he returned with a book, "read this Mr. Nezu" Izuma said while giving the book to Nezu, after reading Nezu gave the book to staff UA for them can read and said with a very angry face 

"How can you treat your child like he doesn't exist just because he is quirkless?! You should be behind a prison cell because of this! But because you are a hero you can't be caught, because society needs you to save people but I will. make sure you get a penalty for quirkless discrimination and child discrimination"

After saying that Nezu and staff UA got up from his seat and walked out, before he came out he asked "Detective is Izuku okay?" I replied "last time I saw he was fine and looked happy" 

"good, can I meet him?" nezu asked, "let me ask him first" I said while take out my cellphone, I chat Izuku about Nezu's request and Izuku says "sure, when?" then I say to Nezu. 

"Izuku says" sure" and asks when" "tomorrow afternoon, I'll give it know the place "Nezu said while leaving Yagi's residence, I also left Yagi's residence when I wanted to leave Izuma asked "Can I have Izuku's number?" I replied "sure, don't tell your parents" he nodded and said "thank you" then I walked home.

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story and when that happens I might update once a week.

I received suggestions for the rest of the story so please give me suggestions ok? :)

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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