Chapter 8 : Deku

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Detective Tsukauchi POV

After I talked to Izuku I decided to go back to the hospital to ask the truth to Tōshi when I got to the hospital I went straight to Izuma room being treated when I got there I saw Izuma had regained consciousness and was talking to Toshi. 

I walked towards Toshi and Izuma and asked "Toshi, does Izuma have twins?" toshi replied "yes, he have a twin named Izuku, what's wrong?" So it's true Izuku is Izuma's twin brother, why doesn't Toshi never talk about it? I asked "Is Izuku quirkless?" toshi replied "yes, he's quirkless" I asked "does he have green hair, green eyes, and has freckles on his face?" toshi replied "yes, why?" I asked the last time. 

"toshi, when was the last time you saw Izuku?" Toshi was silent for a second and said "this afternoon, why?" I said "Izuku left this letter for Izuma, I just made sure he was really Izuma brother or not and Toshi woke up inko I wanted to talk about something with you two" after that I went to the next room together. 

toshi and inko when he got there Inko asked "what's wrong, detective?" I asked "do you know where Izuku is?" They looked at each other and said "at home? why? "I asked" anyone in the house? "they replied" Izuku alone "hearing that I was annoyed and said" he's 7 years! and you left him at home alone! and he was not at home earlier I met him and he said he wanted to stay away from his family and do you guys realize that Izuku often gets wounds, even I can see scars on his hands!"Hearing this they looked shocked and said" we- "words they were cut by Izuma saying. 

"because you two never pay attention to him, you don't think of Izuku as your son you always call him" Izuku "and never greet him when he comes home from school, don't remember his birthday and even cook for him!" Izuma came into this room with a face like he was crying and he said "now Izuku is gone and I'm sure if I don't talk about it you won't feel there is missing because you guys have thought it didn't exist since he was 4 years old! I hope you are happy "after saying that he went out of the room. 

I was even more annoyed and said" I know the summary of Izuku's life story he told me and at first I did not believe it, but after hearing your answers and Izuma's words everything he said was the truth, I am very disappointed in both of you especially you Toshi, you know what it feels like to be quirkless and you don't support your quirkless son and forget about it? and toshi Izuku leave a message for you, he says "your son has become more relistic" that is the message" After saying that I got the order to check a building near the city hospital and I immediately went there.

When I got to the building I was immediately directed inside by several policemen inside I saw 2 corpses of people dressed as black who were shot in the head and there were 2 cages in this room, one of which was open and one of them contained 5 people who were tied up and were unconscious. his confinement contained a written paper.

'These five people are criminals who kidnapped a child and killed 2 people dressed in black and their weapons are in the cupboard to the right of the room. I took the kidnapped child to the nearest hospital.

From: Deku

after reading I spoke "Deku? who-" I immediately remembered that Izuku said he used to be called Deku. Is this Izuku's job? One of the police said "this CCTV building is still functioning and I managed to get a record of the incident" 

I heard that I immediately saw the CCTV camera footage, at first I didn't see where Izuku and I began to doubt my theory but suddenly I kinda see a shadow of a child walking from the left of the scene and I asked to repeat the scene earlier and i sure it's Izuku because he was wearing the same clothes when we were talking at the cafe. I create team to check every hospital near this place to find Izuku and that child.

After searching for information in the hospital around the scene, no one saw a child carrying another child his age. After hours the police finally found a clue that was a black mask that was the same as the one Izuku used but the mask was on the alleyway far from the scene. 

After a few minutes had passed and the police found Izuku's location, he was in the city hospital, how did he ther? the place is far away if you drive- Izuku doesn't use a vehicle and he is on foot so he can go through the small alleyway and get to it faster and safer than the other paths that go through the open road. I immediately went there and without realizing the sun was shining brightly, I hope Izuku is still there.

When I got there I immediately asked where Izuku was to the front desk and the nurse said Izuku and the child he took away 1 hour ago to the amusement park, I asked her where the room was, nurse said the room was on the top floor of number xxx I decided to wait for them in her room When I got to the door, it looked like this was not an ordinary room and when I opened the door I saw a hospital room but with hotel facilities and I waited in the room while watching the news on TV.

Izuma POV

after returning from the hospital I walked through the hallway to my room and stopped in front of Izuku's room, I remembered the contents of the letter from Izuku and I speak myself "Izuku why do you have to go? for my good? I am happy with you, why do you have to leave me alone"

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story and when that happens I might update once a week.

I received suggestions for the rest of the story so please give me suggestions ok? :)

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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