Chapter 16 : "Training" 2

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Izuku POV

After the fight Kai miss Roze asked if anyone wanted to challenge us again and a girl raised her hand and she challenged Ryu, the girl seemed to have a quirk controlling the wind and Ryu came to me and he asked for sleeping powder from me, I gave the powder to Ryu and he said thanks to me then he went up to the arena, I saw Ryu turning the sleeping powder into some needles and he looked very ready, when the fight started Ryu immediately threw the needle in his hand and the girl held the needle with her quirk and I could see Ryu smiling and I understand Ryu's plan, after the needle flew near the girl Ryu snapped his fingers and the needle turned back into powder form and flew around the girl because of the quir, because of the powder the girl started to lose consciousness.

"I won Bich!" Ryu said very loudly and it made Kai and I look at him with surprised faces, Miss Roze also looked surprised because of that and Kai and I walked up to him.

"Where did you learn that Ryu?" Kai asked and Ryu covered his mouth.

"I can't tell you guys" Ryu said while covering his mouth.

"Ryu, if you don't tell us there won't be a cuddle for you for 1 year" I say and Ryu looks surprised, he has an argument in his head and I press him again to tell him who taught him with another threat.

"And also I won't be stroking your hair again if you don't tell me" I said and Ryu panicked, after a while he gave up and he told me and Kai.

"Max told me, please don't be angry with me" Ryu said and I stroked his hair, Kai and I immediately looked for Max and when I saw him sneaking up I immediately shot him.

"Argh!!" Max shouted and I walked towards Max and Kai followed me, everyone gave me a way and I saw Max trying to run away but he couldn't move too much because of the stun arrow that stuck in his shoulder.

"Where do you think you want to go Max" I say angrily and Max looks scared.

"come on Izuku, p-please don't kill me, I still don't want to die" Max said with a scared face and I smiled.

"I won't kill you Max, do you think I'm that good?" I said and Max looked even more scared.

"I will torture you until I am satisfied, you don't need to be afraid you will die, I will heal you then torture you again and it will keep repeating until I am satisfied" I said and Max was trying to run away but I held his leg.

"Let's get started" I said and started torturing Max with my stun arrow.

"Izuku......I want to torture him too, can I?" Kai said.

"sure" i said and we both tortured Max, Max's screams filled the arena and after 1 hour Miss Roze stopped us both.

"Stop it you two, Max looks almost insane" Miss Roze says and we both sigh and nod.

"fine" we both said and stopped Max's torture, I threw the healing potion at Max and he still looks scared.

"Teach Ryu something bad again you will feel the torment worse than before" I said and walked away, Max nodded and Kai and I went towards Ryu.

"because you said a bad word you won't get a cuddle today" I told Ryu and Ryu protested but at the end he nodded sadly.

After all the commotion Miss Roze asked if anyone still dared to fight us and all class 1-A shook their heads and Miss Roze dismissed all of them, Kai and I took Ryu back to the room and Ryu nodded with a sad face, during the journey Ryu continued to be sad and we feels guilty for giving him a punishment but he has to get that punishment so he is deterrent, while in the room Kai invites to watch a movie together and I turn on the laptop and Kai goes to get snacks, Ryu still looks sad and it makes me feel bad, I tried to ignore him but I can't until when the movie starts I talk about repealing Ryu's punishment and Kai agrees with me, we both pull Ryu into our laps and we hug him, Ryu looks surprised but he lets himself melt in our arms.

"Ryu, promise you won't use bad words again" I said next to Ryu's ear and he nodded.

"I promise" Ryu said and I stroked Ryu's hair, I also stroked Kai's hair and the three of us focused on watching a movie, in the middle of the film Ryu fell asleep and Kai also looked very sleepy.

"let's sleep" I said and Kai nodded, I turned off my laptop and I lay down next to Ryu and Kai was here with Ryu.

"Good night Kai" I said and closed my eyes.

The next morning the three of us practiced together with Miss Roze again and while we were practicing I felt danger near me and I dodged towards a tree near me, right after I jumped into the tree an arrow was at my previous place and I shot at the direction that shot me, there was a laughing sound and I recognized the laughter, I saw who was laughing and I sighed annoyed, that person is Mr. Ichio and he jumps down from a 3 story building, Miss Roze scolds Mr. Ichio for shooting me and Mr Ichio only says that he believes I can beat the arrow.

"But what if Izuku gets hit by that arrow and dies? Do you want Ryu to lose his partner?" Miss Roze said.

"Ok ok, I get it, I just want to see Izuku's abilities while he was trained by you and it seems he has quite a lot of improvement" Mr. Ichio said.

"Of course, I have 2 people I need to protect so I have to have some progress during training" I said.

"What did the teacher want to come here?" I asked and Mr Ichio hit me on the head.

"Don't you like me visiting you or something?" Mr Ichio said and I stroked my head.

"It's not like that but I'm just curious why you came without giving news first" I said.

"I'm bored in Japan so I want to go for a walk and visit my nephew" Mr. Ichio said.

"I also have some things I want to talk to Roze about" Mr. Ichio added, after that Mr. Ichio went with Miss Roze to the room and I invited Kai and Ryu to continue practicing.

After practicing we both went to the cafeteria for lunch and after lunch we both went to Miss Roze for a walk outside, after Miss Roze gave us permission we all went out of school and we both went on a date to the park and also some other places, the three of us had fun together and we went back to school in the evening, when we arrived at school we were very happy, when we wanted to go to our room Mr. Ichio called us and he gave me some work like every time he came and he also gave Kai and Ryu something but it's not a job but a gift from Japan such as cake or candy.

I complained in protest and Mr Ichio hit my head and asked me to do all the arrow designs without Miss Roze knowing but that was impossible because when he told me that Miss Roze was behind him and Miss Roze hit Mr. ichio on the head and he scolded him, I grabbed Kai's hand and Ryu went to our room slowly and we all laughed when we were in the room, the three of us were already tired from the previous date so we all immediately got ready for bed.

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story and when that happens I might update once a week.

I received suggestions for the rest of the story so please give me suggestions ok? :)

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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