Chapter 28 : Izuku's secret

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Izuku POV

Enzi has been doing some training with us for several days, Enzi shows some progress as he can now open the shadow gates faster and I found that Enzi's quirk can be used on his and other people's shadows too.

Enzi also spent more time with us, Enzi began to open up more with us, he even wanted to tell us his life story and we also told our story.

---//Flash Back\\---

Today the four of us plan to go to the mall to look for some items, I look for some books while Kai, Ryu, and Enzi go looking for something that catches their attention.

when I finished buying some books about the latest technology and some other books I heard there was a criminal fighting a hero in the mall, I approached the scene and saw the criminal was holding a small child and I saw Kai, Ryu, and Enzi in the crowd.

I walked towards the three of them and told me the plan I had made to catch the criminal, after telling my plan the three of them agreed to do it.

"First, Enzi makes a gate below us and directs the gate behind the criminal, it doesn't have to be too big just as big as a circle of spears" I said, Enzi

a shadow gate below us and directing the gate behind the thugs.

"Kai, use your quirk and bring electricity to the spear and you stab the spear at the villain through Enzi's shadow gate" I said and Kai did what I said.

The criminal screamed in pain and let go of the child in his hand and Enzi opened the shadow gate under the child and moved the child to our place, the little boy was also hit by a little quirk Kai and I treated the boy's wound and asked where the child's parents were. that.

"where is your parents?" I asked and the boy pointed at a woman who was crying hysterically behind the crowd and I walked towards that woman.

"Excuse me ma'am, is this your son?" I said and the woman looked at me and she looked very happy to see this child.

"My son! Thank you, young man," the woman said, hugging her sleeping child.

"why is my son unconscious?" the woman asked.

"Your child is tired after the treatment I gave him" I replied, the woman checked her son's body and saw the burns on the child's hand.

"Apply this medicine every morning and in a few days the burns should disappear" I said while giving the woman a medicine and she took it.

"Thank you young man," the woman said.

After the criminal was arrested, the four of us returned to school, during the trip Enzi became somewhat different, he became silent and when he was spoken to, he did not listen.

"What's wrong with you?" Ryu asked.

"eh? what?" Enzi said.

"What happened to you?" Ryu asked.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" Enzi answered.

"You're not good, what's wrong with you. You become more silent and you don't listen when we call your name" Ryu said.

"um ... that ..., hah .. looks like I can trust you" Enzi said and invited us to go to a park.

"umm ... I've experienced something similar with the child we helped earlier" Enzi said.

"The difference is that the child survived and no one lost his life while ..." Enzi stopped and started crying.

"While I lost my sister and my mother because they both tried to help me" Enzi said while crying more, we approached him and tried to calm him down.

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