Chapter 6 : The First Meeting

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Izuku POV

After chatting with detective Tsukauchi I continued my journey to Mr. Ichio's mansion by doing parkour from the top of the building to another building until I heard the sound of firing near me, I decided to look for the source of the gunshot and I saw several people shooting at 3 people who were hiding behind a wall.

Ther is 2 man dressed black and having gun, and there was a kid in my age. I saw someone who was trying to sneak and wanted to attack the boy, so I decided to help the boy by jumping towards the person who was sneaking and causing him to faint immediately. 

2 people dressed in black pointed their gun at me and said " Who are you" I answered "I am Deku and this person wants to attack him" while pointing to kid in my age then I said "follow me" and they followed me out of the alley after outside I showed the police station and said goodbye they thanked me and I continued my journey to Mr. Ichio's mansion.

When I got to Mr. Ichio's mansion I knocked the door of the mansion and a few seconds later Mr. Ichio opened the door and invited me to go inside Mr. Ichio asked me to sit on a bar stool near the kitchen island and he made me hot tea, as long as he made tea I told him that I finished helping 3 people from a group of people with guns. 

heard that Mr. Ichio said "good work my student, what you do is a good thing and good things will be rewarded with good things too" hearing him call me his student makes me happy "thank you teacher" he smiled and gave me a glass of hot tea then he said "I have moved your stuff into a big bag and I have a suggestion for you"  "what is it?" I asked, he answered "because being a hero requires a quirk why don't you just become a vigilante?"  "why I never thought of that, thank you teacher" i said, He replied "be careful on the road and if you need anything come here, I know a good place for you to live for a while" "where?" i ask. 

He replied "I see there is an abandoned apartment near the city hospital"  "ok thanks teacher" i said, he smiled and said "here are some books I already not use about medicine and also how to mix drugs that can paralyze people" I sometimes confused why Mr. Ichio/teacher has a lot of books to mix drugs to poison, paralyze, make people immobile and all that can be used to arrows. Sometimes I'm afraid of Mr. Ichio/teacher book.

After saying goodbye I went to the place that the teacher meant when I got there the place looked very good and I started to think I was wrong place when I wanted to leave that place there was a sound of crying from inside that place I immediately ran into the building, when I the sound got louder then I looked for an empty room to put my bag and I took out a bow and quiver full of arrows then I used the mask that was in my hoodie pocket and started looking for where the sound came from. 

It turned out that the voice came from the child I saved earlier and saw 2 people with him who had been shot dead in the head, there were 4 people armed with AK-47s and wearing dog-shaped masks and one person without a gun without a mask and holding a knife he seemed was scaring the boy with a knife. 

I was wondering how to save the child, Should I kill them all or let them live? maybe they better die because they killed innocent people. I decided to make all of them sleep and tie them then put them in cage. After that I lured one of the guards into the empty room and after he entered I grabbed him from behind and I made him fall asleep with sleeping fluids which I put in a handkerchief and it worked! wow. 

Sleep fluid The teacher made work and was very effective, in less than 5 seconds he fell asleep I did the same to the other 4 people and I tied them up and put them in the cage next to the child cage that I helped before then I opened the child's cage and he thank me for saveing him, i took one cellphone from the villain and call police to take them to prison, then I take the child to where I put my bag and prepare to go to the city hospital. 

during the trip my biceps felt hot like burning but I did not care because this child started to sound like he was in pain to so I speeded up my path to the hospital. when I got to the hospital I went straight to the front desk and said. 

"I found this child was attacked by a group of criminals" after I said that the nurse there take me to the checking room, when he's done examined the doctor said "he only had minor injuries and he felt tired from exhaustion" hearing that I was relieved then I asked the doctor" is there any burns on him? because during the trip here he said he felt burning "the doctor answered.

" there was no burns on his body maybe that's quirk" after he said that I said" thank you doctor "and left the doctor's room carry the child, my god what is this child's name? I am very uncomfortable calling her "the child" because we are the same age, when I wanted to take him out from hospital some nurse stop me and she asked "what's the name of this child?" I answered. 

"I didn't know I found it like this" hearing this he said "can you wait a moment we may know his parents" "of course" i said, "wait at room number xxx, this room is at the top ok" she said, I nodded and immediately walked to the elevator. when I got to the front of the room I opened the door and saw a very luxurious room for a hospital I put the child on the bed and I put my bag on side, then I sat on the chair next to the bed to rest. 

I woke up when i heard the door open loudly and seen a man in a doctor's coat running to this child while saying "KAISHI" Kaishi huh so the child's name is Kaishi then the man looked at me and said. 

"thank you for saving my son from a gang of criminals, I'm very grateful" how did he know me who saved kaishi? Is that his quirk? then she said "that building still has cctv and i know you saved my son from that cctv" i asked "how do you know what i think?" he replied "you mutter even though it is not very clear but I understand" my stupid habits started again. 

I asked "why is your son being targeted by criminals?" he looks surprised and answers "You don't recognize me?" I replied "sorry if you're a famous person but I rarely watch TV or see news" he laughed and said "my name is Hisashi Midoria and I am the owner of the company Hope, the owner of the best hospital in the world, Hope hospital" 

I was shocked when he introduced himself then He asks "what is your name?" I answered "my name is Izuku or usually called Deku" he asked "where do you live?" I replied "actually I do not have a place to live, and the place where your son was caught was my place to stay for some time and now I do not have a place to live" hear my words he looks sorry. 

Suddenly I hear "how about living with us" heard that Mr. Hisashi and I looked at the awakened Kaishi then he said "can he stay with us in here?" Mr. Hisashi thought and replied "Yes, but he will be your guardian and he will go to school with you and he has to be with you all the time, okay?" 

"Ok,I agree" Kaishi said with a smile then Mr. Hisashi asked "please keep my son safe in the future Izuku, bye" while walking out of the room. I said in my mind but I don't agree at all? why didn't he ask if I agreed or not? what a unique type of person. 

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story and when that happens I might update once a week.

I received suggestions for the rest of the story so please give me suggestions ok? :)

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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