Chapter 43 : Meet Up With Opponents Who Become Friends

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Izuku POV

After talking to Enzi I heard Kai and Ryu's voices from below and also the voices of Mr. Ichio and Miss Roze, not long after that Kai and Ryu entered my room and saw me sitting on my bed and Enzi who was on my lap facing me.

"hey how are you in mansion mr. ichio?" I asked them but they just jumped on me and Enzi.

"What is wrong?" I asked and Ryu told me that Kai tried to do what I taught him before but Ryu didn't feel pleasure but pain, I just laughed while Kai's face turned red.

I asked their feelings when Izuma and Kacchan talked about my childhood and they admitted they didn't like it because they didn't know my childhood, I apologized to them because I didn't realize it and they said they would forgive me if I bought them their favorite drink after that I stroked their hair.

I nodded and went to buy them their favorite drink at the shop near the house and returned to my room and gave them their favorite drink, after that as they said I stroked their hair and they leaned me against me.

"Do you want me to tell my childhood story while I stroked your hair?" I asked and they nodded, I told him like I told Enzi before and they asked the same as Enzi while Enzi just sat on my lap while enjoying his drink.

"That's my childhood story, have I forgiven you two now?" I asked and they nodded.

"Do you want to come to meet White at a cafe near UA after that I'll go to UA take care of some things then I'll go grocery shopping" I asked them and they agreed to come with me.

"Why are Enzi's feet in bandages? Why don't you just drink Izuku's potion and the wound heals right away?" Ryu asked and I just realized it.

"I wanted to know Izuku as long as he did his morning run and last night I didn't think about it" Enzi answered.

"You don't need to be hurt to know something about me you can ask directly and as I promised I will answer your questions honestly" I said and they nodded.

"Okay, I'll take the potion and you two get ready" I said and Kai and Ryu got ready while I carried Enzi to where I kept the medicine and gave him a bottle of potion.

after we were ready I looked at the clock and now it's 11 noon and it took me half an hour to walk to the cafe where I met White or Keita, I told Mom that we were going to go and would be back at 2pm.

"be careful on the road" mom said when we left the house.

During our trip, Enzi, and Ryu asked about various things about me and like my promise I answered their questions honestly, and when we got near the cafe I decided to do a little monitoring around fearing that this was a trap, after I toured the area. around I did not find anything suspicious and we went into the cafe.

We sat at the back table near the window and we ordered drinks and some cakes to accompany our drinks, when the order came I saw Keita enter the cafe and looked around looking for my whereabouts.

I waved to him and he walked over to me, Keita sat in front of me and Enzi and Kai were on my right and Ryu was on my left and Keita started the conversation.

"hello my name is keita i come from japan and live in america because i was forced to be there and live in jones family as white jones, my quirk is photography, i can stop object or someone using my camera from quirk" keita said while showing the camera in his hand, after he introduced himself I remembered Hiro's story about his childhood friend who left Japan and lived in America.

"Sorry if it sounds weird but have you hit someone named Hiro?" I asked and Keita looked surprised and nodded.

"yes I know someone named Hiro, why?" keita asked.

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