Chapter 46 : Bad News

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Izuma POV

when I and katsuki arrived at school we heard many students from other classes watched us when we walked into school, many students talked about me behind my back and I didn't care about it but Katsuki looked annoyed with the students who were talking about me behind the back.

I had told Katsuki to ignore them but Katsuki couldn't do that, his hands kept on letting out small explosions indicating he was very upset and annoyed.

Arriving in class 1-A all of our classmates looked at us without saying anything, Katsuki and I went to our seats and waited for the first lesson to start which would start in 20 minutes.

all my classmates were silent and looked at us while whispering to each other occasionally, after 5 minutes one of them came over to us and talked.

"Good morning Izuma and Bakugo," Kirishima said.

"Morning" I answered with a smile, Katsuki just nodded and Mr. Aizawa enter the classroom and Kirishima went to his seat.

"I have an announcement for you, next Monday you will go to USJ to do training there and your hero costumes will be finished in 3 days," Mr. Aizawa said then he started the first-hour lesson.

During lessons, Katsuki leaned against my desk and I played with his hair, when it was lunchtime Kirishima invited us to have lunch together and we agreed.

When we were walking towards the canteen I got a message from Izuku to meet him in the teacher's room to discuss something and he asked Katsuki to come too, I told Kirishima and Katsuki and Kirishma said he wanted to come with us to meet Izuku.

"Okay, let's go to the teacher's room after that go to the canteen for lunch," I said and we went to the teacher's room, when I got in front of the teacher's room I knocked on the door of the room and went inside.

"What's wrong Izuku? Why did you call me and Katsuki here?" I asked Izuku who was writing something on paper.

"I just- oh hello Kirishima, what are you doing here?" Izuku said.

"He followed us here because before you gave a message to Izuma we were going to the cafeteria, what do you need to call us? I'm hungry so hurry up!" Katsuki said.

"I just wanted to tell you two that I will make your costumes and give you this" Izuku said while giving 2 lunchboxes.

"It's your lunch and this is for Kirishima, this is to disturb your lunchtime," Izuku said while giving Kirishima a plastic.

"What is this Mr. Ivor?" Kirishima asked.

"Just call me Ivor, it's my homemade onigiri that I made using the leftover rice this morning," Izuku said.

"I wanted to make it a snack while working but I was too full after eating my lunch so I didn't eat it" Izuku added.

"Thank you, Mr. Ivor!" Kirishima says happily.

"If there's nothing else to talk about we'll go eat our lunch," I said while going out of the teacher's room.

"Izuma! After lunch dad will teach your class and the possibility that he will do training might be prepared!" Izuku said when I closed the door.

"What does he mean Izuma? and who is your father?" Kirishima asked.

"You will see after lunch" I replied, we walked to the classroom to eat our lunch and Kirishima kept asking about various things.

"Kirishima! Can we talk to you?" kaminari says from behind us, Kirishima asked us to go first to class while he was talking to kaminari.

"OK, Bye!" I said then I pulled Katsuki's hand so we can get there faster.

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