Chapter 34 : Exam 1

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Izuku POV

After I apologize to Mr. Ichio I, Kai, and Ryu prepare to do the hero license exam, we will take the exam together with class 3-A students from UA Japan.

I was told by my father that during the exam I shouldn't use any weapons and only use my physical abilities and my quirk, I nodded and asked if it was permissible to use weapons made of quirk and dad said that was allowed then I told Ryu to make weapons for Kai and I used his quirk when the hero license exam started.

after we were ready we left for UA with my family, the bakugo family, Enzi's grandmother, Mr. Ichio, and Miss Roze, when we arrived at UA Mr. Nezu welcomed us, then he escorted us to the place for the hero license exam, when we got there I was with Kai, Ryu, and Enzi went to the waiting room of the students who were going to do the exam while my family, the bakugo family, Enzi's grandmother, Mr. Ichio, and Miss Roze followed Mr. Nezu to a place where they would watch us do the Exam.

After a few minutes of waiting for a man to come and he told us what we were going to do during the hero license exam, we would do a written exam then we would test our abilities against students from other schools.

We are given 30 minutes to study then we will do a written exam, in our written exam we are given 2 hours to complete all the questions and if we don't finish within 2 hours we will be disqualified from the exam and if our score is below 90 we will also be qualified from the exam.

when the exam started I saw the questions on the paper and all the questions were very easy even I only needed 45 minutes to do all the questions, after finishing working I gave my exam sheet to the exam supervisor and left the exam room.

a few minutes later Kai, Ryu, and Enzi came out of the exam room and decided to buy drinks at the drink machine near the waiting room, when the exam time was over all participants were told their scores and more than 80 percent of the participants were disqualified and only the remaining 20 people including me and my group.

after that we were asked to take a number from a box for the next exam, I will do the first match against a student from another school.

The student who became my opponent had a quirk that allowed him to make weapons, I asked Ryu to make 2 knives using his quirk.

"why did you ask him for weapons?" the supervisor asked.

"My quirk is a passive quirk, I need a weapon that I can throw to use my quirk" I said, in my data I only have my hunter quirk because I recently found my telekinesis quirk and the supervisor nodded and went to see my opponent.

Ryu gave 2 knives to me then I walked into the battle arena, my opponent used 2 pistols and he seemed to be smiling underestimating me because I only had 2 knives while he had 2 pistols.

when the fight started my enemy shot at me with his two guns and I avoided then ran to him, he continued to shoot at me but nothing hit me because I used my telekinesis quirk to move the bullet so it didn't hit me I kept running close to him then I threw my knife at his hand so that he drops the gun.

after he dropped the gun I pointed my knife towards his neck and he admitted defeat, after I was declared victorious I got off the arena and went to my group and encouraged Kai because the match was about to start.

Kai will fight a class 3-A student from UA who has a quirk to make a barrier from the air around him and he can trap his opponent in the barrier and then stop the flow of air inside the barrier which can cause his opponent to faint from running out of oxygen.

I gave some advice to Kai before he did his fight, Kai just smiled and said don't worry he had thought of how to beat his opponent quickly.

I watched Kai's fight with curiosity about his plan to beat his opponent quickly, when the fight started Kai ran around his enemy at a speed exceeding his usual speed.

The enemy looks confused by Kai's whereabouts because Kai runs at a speed that is hard to see with the naked eye even all the audience is looking for Kai's whereabouts, I can see Kai because I use my quirk to see Kai's footsteps running.

His enemy only uses his quirk around him to protect him from Kai's attack, but Kai has not done the attack at all until when his enemy removes the surrounding barrier due to exhaustion and Kai takes the opportunity to attack by shocking him with his quirk from behind and then the enemy is unconscious.

Everyone was shocked when they saw their opponent Kai was unconscious and Kai was standing behind the student with his hands that looked like there was electricity, after Kai was declared victorious he returned to the audience and he walked towards me with a smile and asked how his plan was to defeat his enemy.

"how was my fight earlier?" Kai asked.

"Your fight is very good, your speed seems to increase huh?" I say.

"hehe I want to surprise you with my speed" Kai said, I stroked Kai's hair and he smiled.

I don't know why I wanted to stroke Kai's hair but Kai looked happy when I stroked him and Ryu walked towards me then pulled my hand and put my hand on his hair, I asked myself while stroking Ryu and Kai's hair "what really happens when I'm not with them in America? " they look happy and I somehow like stroking their hair.

After several matches the name Ryu is called to do his match, he will fight a student who has a black wing and has a black halo circle on his head that student also holds a black spear.

I looked at Ryu who was making a weapon against his enemy, I wondered what weapon Ryu would use against his enemy and it turned out that he used a scythe like the one I made for him.

Well the fight looks like it will be fun to see.

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story and when that happens I might update once a week.

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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