Chapter 30 : Exams and Preparation

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Izuku POV

After we caught 2 ages of government I got a call from the American government people, they wanted me to let go of the agency first then they granted my wish but I refused and asked them to do what I said I would just let go of their agent.

"Release our agents or we will attack Broolyn Academy and arrest you," the government said.

"Do it and you'll see all the american data spread across the globe" I said.

"You will be considered a terrorist if you do that" the government said.

"I will be considered a savior after I spread all your rotten plans" I said.

"You have no proof of that," the government man said.

"How about the weapons plan on the outer space satellite that you guys are now going to launch" I said.

"What is the proof of your words?" government people say.

"The proof is that now the satellite has sent data to my lab about how to make the satellite" I said as I pressed enter.

after I pressed enter I heard evidence from what I said and the government sounded very angry, after hearing everything I said was true then the government people asked me to surrender.

"What for?" I say

"because you have stolen state secrets!" the government man said.

"I didn't steal it you gave it to me" I said.

"We didn't give it! You stole it!" government people say.

"What is the proof?" I say

"You! .." the man was running out of patience.

"You give me what I want and I'll give you what you want" I said, hanging up the phone.

After talking to the government people I walked to the empty room where the government agents were being held, after arriving I was digging up information about their mission but they were quite strong and didn't want to tell me until I mentioned their real names and their place of residence and their family residence. I even said where their friends and girlfriends lived.

after I mentioned that they started talking about their mission and their target and that was the order from whom, so I got what I wanted I said I would not hurt their family but the government might then leave those who begged me to save their family.

When I left the room I saw Miss Roze standing beside the pitu with a man dressed all in black, the man said that he was the father of Enzi and wanted to meet Miss Violet and Enzi.

"Before I take you to them I want to ask what is Miss Violet's nickname from your wife?" I asked while fishing.

"um ... mom?" the man says.

"Miss Roze, this man is lying" I said and Miss Roze stopped from the way and looked at me.

"how do you know?" Miss Roze asked.

"Enzi's father left before his mother Enzi met Miss Violet, Miss Violet told me when she had dinner at her house" I said.

"what do you mean?" miss Roze said while looking at the man.

"He's an American agent" I said, the man immediately ran and Miss Roze chased him by walking because to get out of here must be with me and my group and miss Roze.

not long after Miss Roze came bringing a man who had fainted and I asked Miss Roze to put him in the room where we were holding the American agent before, after I checked his identity I woke him up and did the same thing I did to other agents and he told me about the target, the mission, and who ordered it.

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