Chapter 23 : Spending Time Together

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Izuma POV

After Izuku forgave Katsuki I decided to apologize to Kaishi this morning, I walked to Kaishi's room and knocked on the door after several times I knocked on the ribbon and there was no answer I made it my decision to ask Izuku.

I walked to Izuku's room and knocked on her door, after a while the door opened and I saw Izuku just woke up.

"What's wrong Izuma?" Izuku asked.

"do you know where is kaishi? i want to apologize to him" i said.

"He's still sleeping here, at 7 o'clock come here" Izuku said as he closed the door.

after Izuku closed the door to his room I decided to ask Katsuki how to apologize properly because I was afraid that Kaishi would not forgive me, after returning to the room I woke up Katsuki and asked him what I should do.

After talking to Katsuki what to do the clock showed 7:30 and I went to Izuku's room again and knocked on the door, and soon the door opened and the one who opened it was Kaishi.

"why did you come here?" Kaishi asks.

"I want to apologize to you, I know my apology cannot restore what I have lost but I hope you will forgive me" I said with a sense of utmost hope he forgives me like Izuku forgives Katsuki.

"So this is what Izuku means? I have forgiven you and Izuku has convinced me to forgive you, you should be grateful Izuku still cares about his family" Kaishi said.

"So Izuku still cares about his family?" I ask.

"He still cares, but the way he cares is a little weird" Kaishi said.

"I want to go to practice, want to come?" kaishi says.

"I want, can I take Katsuki too?" I ask.

"it's fine" said kaishi.

I went to my room and invited Katsuki to practice, hearing that Katsuki immediately got ready because he really liked training.

after katsuki was ready we went to meet kaishi who was talking to Ryu.

"Where do you want training?" Katsuki asked.

"On the field yesterday" Ryu said with a smile.

"Where's Izuku?" I ask.

"He's in his workshop making something with uncle" Ryu said.

As long as we went to the field yesterday, Ryu and Kaishi told some stories of Izuku while he was in America, after a few minutes of walking we arrived at the field yesterday and seen Miss Roze was waiting for Kaishi and Ryu.

"Alright, let's start the practice you two can come if you want" Miss Roze said

After saying that Miss Roze told us to run around the field and have a one-on-one fight, I fought Ryu and Katsuki against Kaishi after fighting Ryu I lost and Katsuki also lost the difference in our ability was quite far.

After training Ryu and Kaishi took us to the Izuku workshop, there I saw Izuku making 2 knives, one black and one white and in Izuku's workshop there were several designs of arrow designs, Izuku's bow, Kaishi sword, and Ryu's scythe. .

"Izuku, you made your own bow, kaishi sword, and Ryu's scythe?" I ask.

"I just made my bow and Ryu's scythe and all the arrows I have" Izuku said.

"Izu also makes medicine in this school" Ryu said.

"This damn kid is so genius that he can make an odorless, colored, and deadly poison within 3 months of work and even find an antidote" Mr. Ichio said from behind me.

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