Chapter 14: New Start

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Arriving in America we were escorted to Brooklyn Academy from the airport in a black car and escorted by several American heroes, when we arrived in Brooklyn, we asked where the principal's room was, when I got to the principal's office I knocked on the door and heard a sound "come in" then we opened the door and the principal looked confused by our presence, Kaishi gave a letter from the teacher to the school principal and not long after the principal was crying and she looked at us.

"what's the name Kaishi?" the principal said to use Japanese.

"I miss" Kaishi said.

"Izuku?" she asked.

"me miss" I said.

"and you are Ryu?" she asked Ryu.

"Yes miss" Ryu answered.

"The three of you will live in the dormitory of this school and will be taught by me until you are old enough to enter classes in this school, okay?" she says.

"Sorry miss, but what is your name?" I asked, he smiled.

"My name is Roze, I am the principal here and a friend of Kaishi and Ryu's parents, call me Miss Roze" Miss Roze said.

"Let me take you to the dorm" Miss Roze said as she got up from her seat.

"You three will be in one room because the three of you are a couple right?" Miss Roze said while taking us to the dorm.

during the miss roze trip notifying the rules and providing a school map so we could get around and not get lost, we stayed together with mirid class 1-A and our room was on the 3rd floor.

Arriving at the Miss Roze dormitory, inform the class 1-A students that we will live with them from now on.

"any question?" Miss Roze said.

"Are they going to practice with us?" a male student asked.

"No max, they will practice with me, any more?" Miss Roze said.

"what are their names?" a female student asked.

"boys, introduce yourself" miss roze told us.

"Hi my name is Izuku, this is Kaishi, and this is Ryu, we are from Japan" I said.

"why is only one child talking?" a male student said.

"Kaishi and Ryu don't speak English, so I will intercede for them until they can speak English" I replied.

all the students there nodded and began to introduce themselves, after they introduced themselves Miss Roze returned to her office and we went to our room to unpack our things, when we got to the room we saw there were 2 beds, bookshelves, wardrobes, and 2 pieces table and chairs, we decided to change the room a little by combining 2 beds and placing tables and chairs on the right and left of the bed and leaving the wardrobe and bookshelves in place.

because of all the noise some students knocked on our door and asked what the sound was and I answered "just rearrange the room so we are more comfortable" and the students left.

After rearranging the room Ryu and Kaishi were hungry and tired so I decided to cook for them in the downstairs kitchen, when I got downstairs I went to the kitchen and checked the ingredients and I decided to cook chicken katsu with teriaki sauce along with rice, after cooking a lot The students asked me what I made because the smell of my cooking was delicious, they asked me to cook for them and I said I will cook for them tonight because this afternoon I have to do something.

when I got to the room I knocked on the door and not long after that Ryu opened the door, saw what I was carrying Kaishi immediately got up from the bed and came to me, after eating I asked them to take a shower and change clothes because I would wash their clothes and my clothes, as long as they man I took their dirty clothes and took them to the laundry room, I washed their clothes and the T-shirts that I wore while I was washing I did some sports movements such as push-ups and sit-ups, after I finished exercising and washing I realized I was in look at the students in the dormitory

"umm ... what did you see?" I ask.

"why did you wash your two friends' clothes?" one of the male students asked.

"Because I take care of all their needs from cooking, washing and looking after them" I replied while removing the clothes from the washing machine.

"why are you in charge of them? Are you a slave or something" one of the male students asked and was immediately beaten by his friend.

"I take care of them because they are my partner and also I have promised the father of Kaishi before he died to protect him no matter what and promised to take care of Ryu since his parents dumped him" I replied sadly.

Hearing that all the students were shocked that Kaishi and Ryu had gone through a sad incident at such a young age and understood why I kept them up.

"Wait a minute, the three of you are dating?" one of the male students asked.

"If you pay attention, I, Kaishi and Ryu have tattoos on our shoulders, it is not a tattoo but our quirk is called a soulmate mark, me and Kaishi have one tattoo while Ryu has two tattoos on his shoulder" I said while showing my tattoo.

"Kaishi and I are the owners of quirk soulmate mark, while Ryu is the core" I said, the students didn't seem to understand.

"I mean, naturally the quirk soulmate mark owner only has one partner and that is the core or the person who can get pregnant regardless of gender but there are rare cases where two people who have a quirk soulmate mark have one core for example, me, Kaishi, and Ryu" I said, trying to explain as easily as possible.

"So this quirk only shows who your partner is? Then what happens if you don't meet, is there an effect?" one of the male students asked.

"People who have a quirk soulmate mark will not be able to have children other than with their soul mate and from what I heard that people do not find or do not want to accept their soulmate ends they die" I said like that was nothing.

"So if for example the three of you don't meet you will die later?" one of the female students asked.

"Before I met Kaishi and Ryu I always wanted to die so if I didn't meet them I would have died before them and Ryu would still be alive because he still has Kaishi" I said with a smile.

"You already told me and Ryu's story. How about yours Izu?" Kaishi says from behind the students.

"I haven't told my story to both of you, I'm sorry, my story is quite long so it's better sitting than standing" I said while finishing drying clothes.

Kaishi, Ryu and all class 1-A students waited in the living room where there was a long sofa and tv, I took a shower then took a soda from the refrigerator and walked to the living room.

"So you all want to hear my story that is not interesting?" I asked and they said of course, I sighed and started telling stories from the beginning until the loss of my trust in my twin brother, I didn't mention about one for all and all might. After the clock was past 5pm and I started cooking for everyone while they were all silent because of how dark my past was.

After cooking I returned to the living room and they still didn't move from where they were while lowering their heads.

"It's just past now I'm happy because now I have people who care about me, come on, dinner is ready" I said.

After eating me, Kaishi and Ryu returned to the room, when they arrived they both still bowed their heads while lying on the bed they hugged me, Kaishi from the right and Ryu from the left.

"We will always be there for you Izu" Kaishi said.

"and we will continue to love you" Ryu continued, they put their head on my chest and I hugged them.

"Thank you for coming to my life and making my life happy" I said, kissing both of them on the forehead and stroking their heads until they fell asleep and then I fell asleep.

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story and when that happens I might update once a week.

I received suggestions for the rest of the story so please give me suggestions ok? :)

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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