Chapter 39 : UA Entrance Exam 1

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The entrance exam will be the same as in the anime except that the uraraka will be saved by Izuma and Katsuki and I didn't write the order of the scores because I forgot the order of the scores in the anime

I hope you understand ^_^

Izuma POV

During the past 2 weeks me and Katsuki have been trained by Izuku's group and dad, Katsuki and I have managed to clear 70% of the beach from the junk that previously pile up on the beach and dad said our abilities improved a lot.

During our training Izuku went to see Nezu and attended several meetings to discuss the upcoming threats, Izuku never told me even his family about what he discussed in the meeting.

I asked Kai and the others and they only told me that it was a secret and he had promised Izuku not to tell anyone including his family, I asked why Izuku told them and Kai answered Izuku promised not to hide anything from his boyfriend when they were in America .

when our training was finished Izuku approached us and told us that the entrance examination would be held in 4 days and he looked annoyed when he told us, during the trip home I asked him why he was annoyed and he answered that the meeting he attended was not going well.

"Those arrogant heroes did not believe my words and instead insulted me during the meeting and I resigned from the meeting saying I will not help them in the future" Izuku said irritably.

"Be patient Izuku, you have to keep helping them because they don't know what they will face in the future" I said trying to calm him down.

"I've been holding back for 2 weeks! I can't stand that arrogant and selfish hero anymore!" Izuku said, his eyes lit up and the items around her began to float away.

"Izuku calm down, you activated your quirk without realizing it" I said and he deactivated the quirk.

"sorry" Izuku said while scratching the back of his neck.

"no problem" I said.

when we arrived at our house we were welcomed by Mother who had cooked our favorite food and Mother asked us to clean up first before eating, I immediately went to my room and took clothes and went to the shower for a while.

When I went to the bathroom I saw Izuku was helping mother put the food on the dining table while discussing something with Mom.

after I finished showering I immediately went to the dining table for dinner but I was stopped by Katsuki and he scolded me because I didn't dry my hair properly, during dinner we talked about many things until Izuku, Kai, and Ryu stood up and approached miss Violet (Enzi's grandmother if you forgot) and said something.

"Miss Violet, we would like to ask your permission to make Enzi our boyfriend and Enzi has been dating us for the last 2 weeks, sorry we didn't tell you earlier," Izuku said representing the three of them.

"We promise to always be there for Enzi and look after him," Kai added.

"Enzi is our soul mate and we will always take care of him, we also want to apologize because now Enzi has a new organ in his body because Kai and I quirk made him conceive a child, and only Kai and I can make him bear a child," Izuku said.

"And father and mother I hope you agree with our relationship" Izuku added while looking at the father and mother, Miss Violet cried and she hugged the three of them.

"Please take care of Enzi, make him happy and keep him from harm, Enzi is the only family I have left, please take care of him" Miss Violet said crying.

"We will protect him with our lives, thank you Miss Violet" Kai said.

"We also agree with your relationship and we are happy about it, but we have some questions" Mother said.

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