Chapter 27 : New Friends

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Izuku POV

It's been a year since we entered class 1-S and today the class was asked to make a hero name for himself, I never thought about my hero name, I tried to make my hero name but no idea came up.

I asked Kai and Ryu for help but they said it was up to me and they suggested a name related to archery, I tried to make a hero name related to archery but I didn't get the idea at all.

I use survivor as the hero name but Kai said it's too ordinary, I tried to play with the word survivor, survi? vivor? or maybe urvi? I tried playing the word survivor on google and I deleted surv from survivor and came across an article from Wikipedia about Ivor which in Scandinavian origin means archery.

I asked Kai and Ryu about Ivor's name and they said That's good, I decided to use Ivor as the name of the hero I would use.

Kai decided to use sparks and Ryu use change, after deciding that we wrote it down on paper and gave it to the teacher.

after we gave our paper to the teacher we went to the cafeteria because it was time for lunch, when we got to the cafeteria we sat at the table where we usually ate lunch.

when we were walking towards the table we saw a student sitting at our table having lunch and studying, we put our lunch on the table and the student seemed unaware of our arrival until Kai tapped him on the shoulder to ask him to shift a little.

The studen looked surprised when Kai tapped him on the shoulder and our presence, he was so shocked that he accidentally shouted and spilled his drink on the table.

"S-sorry I'm not aware of your presence," the student said.

"It's okay" Kai blang as he sat down and Ryu activated his quirk and turned the spilled drink into a cylinder and put it on the cup and canceled the quirk.

"T-thank you" the student said to Ryu.

"no problem, what's your name? from what class?" Ryu asked.

"I'm Enzi, Enzi Jackson from class 2-A, what are your names?" Enzi asked.

"I'm Izuku, I can't say my last name sorry" I replied.

"I'm Kaishi, Kaishi Midoria" Kai answered.

"I'm Ryu, Ryu Yamana" Ryu said. (Ryu uses Yamana at school because America is still hunting down people who have the name Nayama)

"Y-you three are the strongest students in school ?! S-sorry for my impoliteness" Enzi said.

"It's okay, if you may know what your quirk?" I said.

"My q-quirk is a shadow gate, I can create a gate from shadows to move places like teleportation but I can only make it in a shadow or dark room and can't use it under the light" Enzi said.

"I also have to fully concentrate and know the destination and the destination where there should be no light, I'm not good at fighting and it took me a long time to make a shadow gate" Enzi said.

"Your quirk is very useful, you just need a little practice and you can definitely become a great hero" I said.

"I don't know what to practice, I tried a lot of exercises but none of them fit and I have no friends to ask for help and advice" Enzi said with a sad face.

"why don't you have friends?" Kai asked.

"Because there were rumors about me being bad, I never did anything like that but there were students who spread bad rumors because I refused what he told me" Enzi said.

"what did he order?" Ryu asked.

"He told me to steal exam questions from the teacher's room" Enzi said.

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