Chapter 31: Go Back To Home

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Izuku POV

1 month has passed and today is the day The whole class 2-S went to Japan to take the hero license exam, the government has granted my wish and the agents I caught have I let them all go.

But the government didn't just let us go or rather let me go from America, they sent some people to the airport to prevent me from leaving America.

They are smart enough because they found a hole in my agreement, they promised not to hunt down Enzi's family but they would still hunt me.

but I have found a way to overcome this by means that Enzi will go to Japan 2 days before our exam and he will live with his grandmother at the Yagi residence, after he reaches the Yagi residence he will use his quirk to go to my room then he will use his quirk again when he had enough strength to take us to the yagi residence in his quirk.

Enzi would also use his quirk to move my belongings from the lab and workshop to the yagi residence, after all my belongings were in the Yagi residence Enzi looked very tired and I took him to my room and asked him to rest while I made something to restore his energy.

After Enzi rested and his energy had returned he helped me move my stuff to my lab and workshop which was under my mansion, I tried to forbid him because he ran out of energy but because he insisted he wanted to help me so I let him help bring some of my stuff and I asked Izuma and Kacchan's help to help us transfer my belongings to the lab.

When I got in front of my mansion, Enzi looked confused because my mansion still looked like an abandoned mansion, I invited them all to enter my mansion then took her to my lab and workshop which is under the mansion.

after we got to my lab and workshop Enzi, Izuma, and kacchan looked surprised after he saw my lab and workshop which was like in a movie, I laughed at his reaction then I tidied up all my lab stuff while Enzi and the others tidied up my workshop items.

after everything was finished I took Enzi, Izuma, and kacchan back to the Yagi residence but before returning I took Enzi, Izuma, and Kacchan to a mini market near the Yagi residence to buy groceries for dinner because the Yagi residence ran out of some food ingredients and father and Mother was going to a hero meeting, after buying some ingredients we went back to the yagi's residence and her grandmother Enzi said she would cook dinner because she wanted to repay the yagi family's kindness.

while Enzi's grandmother was cooking and Izuma and kacchan were doing their activities I took Enzi to the attic to help me find an item that I just remembered when I entered my room, after a few minutes of searching I remembered where it was and I found it.

the item I was looking for was a toolbox but its contents were not equipment but various kinds of drugs and poisons that I made myself when I was a child, I told Enzi I had found it and Enzi asked what I was looking for and I told him the box contained various drugs and poisons I made myself when I am still a kid.

"after 6 years I have stored all these drugs and poisons I want to see if anything changes" I said while taking some medicine and poison.

"Are all those drugs and poisons? They look like mineral water in a small bottle," Enzi said.

"And how do you differentiate between poison and medicine? They all look the same" Enzi asked while taking a small bottle.

"I saw the cap of the bottle" I replied.

"Everything that is colorful is various drugs, the black lid is poison, and the white lid is the antidote," I said.

"Is this poison dangerous?" Enzi asked.

"one bottle can kill 1 to 2 people" I replied.

"umm .... anti-poison?" Enzi asked.

"one bottle for one person" I replied.

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