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Taehyung's POV

"No Taehyung it's not fine. I've been called clingy and annoying many times and with you I thought I could be myself but you went ahead and called me a brat."

I tired to speak but he cut me off once again.

"You know how much that hurt? I cried myself to sleep that night. And what? It took you two whole days to finally come and apologise? What the fuck Taehyung?"


"Taehyung I understand that you're busy and exhausted with all the work but really? I don't think it's okay for you to use such attitude with me and expect me to excuse it."

"Please let me explain."

I paused a little expecting him to cut me off again but he didn't. Anyone could tell that he was fuming and I wanted nothing more but the engulf him in my arms but he wouldn't let me touch him.

Which I understand. He is extremely upset with me right now and it's all on me.

"Baby I was just...it's all hyung's fault and hyung is sorry alright please don't be mad."

Well Taehyung that was some shitty apology.

"Really? So you're not even gonna explain what caused you to go off on me?"

"No I-"

"What is your problem? Why can't you just talk to me if something is bothering you? Instead you just keep it all in and when the cup finally overflows you use me as you punching bag."

"Baby please-"

"I'm sick and tired of this. Tell me Taehyung what the fuck was bothering you so much that you-"

"You. You are the reason I've been so messed up this whole week alright? I told you I lo-"

I didn't wanna speak any further as I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged myself. I don't like angry bunny he's scary.

"Are you trying to blame all this on me now? I kept asking myself what I did wrong but I could think of nothing but still I was the one who ended up getting hurt."

I just kept silent and I rocked myself back and forth.

"Come on Taehyung aren't you even gonna give me a fucking excuse? Anything?"

I don't wanna talk...

"Fuck you Kim Taeh-"

"I'm in fucking love with you."


"I love you. I-"

The words kept getting caught up in my throat no matter how hard I tried to get them out and he was making it worse by staying silent the whole time.

"I..tried to tell you this the other day but- you ignored me and I thought you didn't love me back. I'm so fucking sorry Jungkook. I'm so-"

I was once again cut of by him but this time it was not by words but by a hug.

A hug that I didn't ask for but really needed right now. I hugged him back tightly and griped onto his shirt not wanting to let go.

"Let's just talk like this."

I stopped him when he tried to pull back. We stayed like that for some more minutes neither  of us saying anything until he tried to pull back again.

"Jungkook it's fine if you don't feel the same yet. I'll wait just don't leave okay? Please I need you."

I didn't let him pull away and started rambling while we were still hugging each other.


"And I'm so sorry for calling you a brat. I'm sorry for raising my voice at you. I'm so sorry for everything-"

"Hyung I heard it."


"That day...I heard what you said."

Then...he didn't answer on purpose? My arms fell lose around his frame and he took the chance to pull back.

I looked everywhere but him and he gently placed either of his palms on my cheeks and turned me to look at him.

I don't want to be in this situation. I wanna leave. I want to go somewhere far away from here. It's suffocating. It's hard to breathe. Make it stop.

"I heard what you said...but hyung how do you know it's love?"

What? What is he saying?

"I just...know."

"I don't."


"I've never loved someone hyung."


"Tell me what love is."


"I want to love too. I want to love you."

Not sure about the cover cause them both be looking like da-

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