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Jungkook's P.O.V

Feeling embarrassed of my past I unconsciously let go of taehyung's hand.

It wasn't a second later when he grabbed both my hands and stopped me from walking.

"Who gives a shit what the old dude says? We wanna hold hands? We gonna hold hands."

He held my hand and started walking again while shooting a glare towards the old couple.

That gave me butterflies in my tummy as we walked hand in hand.

"What do you wanna ride next?"

"Pirate ship!" I exclaimed.

"Alright let's go then."

We got on the ride and it began.

"This isn't too bad..." Taehyung said as he relaxed in his seat.

The ride slowly got faster and our screams got louder. Mine out of enjoyment and his out of fear.

The ride ended and me along with a dizzy taehyung got off the boat.

"That was fun right?"

I turned around to ask taehyung when I found him lying down on the floor all dramatically.

I chuckled and went to his side.

"You good there buddy?"

"Buddy? Ew."

"Your turn. What do you wanna ride?"

"The tea cups sound good."

"Oh come on they are for kids!"

"I am one." He remarked as he started walking towards his chosen ride.

He's such a babie. So cute.

After taking turns on chosing rides we had most probably ridden all the rides in the park. It was getting late so we decided to head home.

Taehyung stopped the car in front of Starbucks on our way back.

"What would you like?"

"Um a cake pop sounds nice.."

"Anything to drink?"

"No thanks I'm good."

He left the car to go to get our orders. (Ik drive through exists but just bear with me.)

Taehyung's P.O.V

After getting Jungkook his cake pop and a drink for myself I paid for our orders and went back to the car where Jungkook was waiting for me.

"Here you go." I handed him his cake pop.

"t-thanks....." I looked over to him who was giving me a look I couldn't understand.

"Everything okay?"

"What? Uh yeah....can you please drop me home sir?"

Sir? What happened to taehyung?

"Yeah um of course."

"Thank you......"

The rest of the ride was filled with an awkward silence. Whenever I would try to crack up a conversation he would just give me dry replies.

I started to think back on our day...did I do something wrong? Was I being too touchy? Why did his mood suddenly change?

I parked the car outside his apartment building.

"Thanks for today sir I'll be going now. Have a good night."

And just like that he left the car. As I reached home I checked my Snapchat expecting messages from Jungkook telling me about his date and stuff but I got nothing.

What was wrong? Did I say something? Maybe I should text him first.


@K.TH (95Hyung) sent you a message.

Hey kookie!

You didn't text me today so I was wondering where you were.


Yes tae?

Um hi? Tell me bout ur day kooks.

Maybe later tae I'm tired.



Fuck what did I do to upset him so much. Everything was okay. What happened?

Jungkook's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I was a little embarrassed but I was still all smiley.

I did my morning routine, ate some breakfast, dressed up and left for work.

I cheerfully greeted all my co-workers on my way to my desk.

"Some one's quite happy today."

I heard somi chuckle from behind me.

"Yup! Some great things happened yesterday!"

"Really? Like what?"

"Well.......I went on a date....."

"Omgomgomg with who?"

Somi started fangirling.

"That's a secret."

She scoffed and slightly hit my head with her binder.

"Want to get coffee with me? I mean you always disapear during lunch break."

"Yeah sure."

Me and somi made our way to the company cafeteria to get ourselves some coffee.

On our way there I saw taehyung making his way to his office. He stopped for a brief second to look at me but I turned away and walked off with somi.

I have no idea how I'm gonna face him at lunch. Wait....

"Hey somi?"


"Wanna have lunch together today?"

"For real? Alright!"

I was gonna post this part yesterday but couldn't coz of network issues.

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