80 (Sope)

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Jungkook's POV:

I was woken up by kisses being placed all over my face. I groaned and opened my eyes, trying to adjust to the light.

"Good morning baby. I love you."

It took me a second to understand what the voice was saying. I was about to reply back when a sharp pain was felt in my ass.

"Ugh I'm sore."

"Not my fault you're the one who kept screaming 'mhm faster daddy.'"

He mimicked my voice from last night making me feel embarssed.

"Shut up."

He chuckled and placed a longing kiss on my lips. He pulled me closer and deepened it.

"Can we just stay in bed today?"

Yoongi's POV:

6 years ago.

I watched as the man played with Aria. She was smiling and laughing and I hadn't seen her do that in a while.

He bathed her and changed her into clean clothes, fed her and was now playing with her while I stood there and watched.

He turned to look at me and flashed me a smile. I swear I saw him shine.

Who would've known that my new neighbor would become the love of my life.

I was a bkt hesitant but I didn't see any other option at the time.

"Hey uhm..."


"I have work tomorrow..would it be okay if you watched Aria for a couple hours....it's fine if you decline I just really needed someone-"

"I'll do it."

"Really? I mean you know I can't pay you right?"

"Haha don't be silly. I'll gladly watch over little Aria here. Besides I think she likes me."

He cooed at her as she booped his nose.

I sighed and smiled to myself. This won't be so bad after all.

Next day I went to work and he looked after her. Then the next. Then the next and it went on for a month until one day when I knocked on his door early in the morning to leave Aria with him, he didn't answer.

I thought maybe he was still sleeping so I called him. A rough voice answered the phone. I felt as if something was wrong but I didn't ask much.

"Hey uh it's Yoongi...I'm at the door."

"Fuck off." The voice answered back and the call was declined.

I'm not sure who that was but it couldn't be Hoseok. The feeling kept bugging me that something was wrong but I decided to not think much of it.

I didn't go to work that day and instead stayed home to look after Aria. It's not like I can be mad at him or whatever, he was doing me a favor all this time.

I didn't go to work for two days and instead stayed home to look after Aria. He wouldn't open the door so I didn't bother knocking. Its better to leave him alone.

It was around 4 am when I heard weird noises coming from next door. I tried to ignore it and go to sleep until a loud crash right outside my door woke me up.

I went to check and could here angry mumbling. I opened the door to my apartment and saw Hoseok laying on the floor right infront of my feet while a man alot bigger than him was hovering over him with a burning cigarette in his hand.

Hoseok was crying alot. The shine in his eyes that I had gotten so used to was gone and he was lying in the floor helplessly.

I don't know who that man was but as soon as he saw me glaring at him he walked away.

I helped hoseok up and walked him inside my house. I could tell how he was trying to control his sobs but couldn't.

I sat him down, handed him some water and helped him calm down.

While he was drinking I noticed several burn marks all over his arms and neck. I subconsciously clenched my fists as he set down the glass on the table.

"Who was he and what did he do to yo-"

He cut me off by kissing me harshly.

"Don't talk."

He demanded as he pushed me down on the couch and took his own shirt off. I let him do what he wanted until he went to unbuckle my belt.

I flipped us over so now I was on top. I placed a soft kiss on his lips before moving down to his neck.

"Let's keep it down hmm? Don't want Aria waking up."


I posted a short story which will only take a couple minutes for you guys to read so please show it some support 🥺

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