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So I get these random ideas in my mind at like 6 am in the mornings coz of course. They are like one shots which I randomly think of. So I was wondering if I should make a Fanfic Instagram account where I could post these one shots instead of managing a whole book. Of course I'm still gonna write here on wattpad. So let me know if I should make an account on Insta.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I chose the ferris wheel coz it was less scary and more of a date ride.

"The ferris wheel? Really?"

Jungkook whined as we got in our cart.

"Yeah. Why?"

"It's so....boring and not scary at all."

"Wait till we get to the top. You're gonna love the view."

He gave me a smile which I returned.

There was an awkward silence as the ride progressed slowly, stopping every two seconds so other people can get on.

I looked over at jungkook and caught him intensely staring at me. But unlike every other time this time he didn't look away but instead maintained eye contact. Not in like a romantic way but sorta like an intimidating stare.

"What are you doing?"

"Staring contest."

I wanted to chuckle at his childishness but I was too busy staring.

It was about 40 seconds later when I noticed his eyes started to water but he didn't back out.

A single tear fell yet he didn't blink.

"Ah I give up."

I smirked when he admitted defeat and wiped his eyes with his sweater paws.

Our cart reached the top and I signalled Jungkook to look outside. He did and a smile immediately took over his lips.

We were overlooking the entire park. The bright lights from the other rides making it prettier.

Jungkook turned to me to say something but no words came out when he saw me already looking at him.

I felt myself lean in closer. I shifted my gaze from his lips to his eyes and found them already shut as if he was waiting for me to kiss him.

I leaned in reducing the gap between us and then...........

I basically head butted him. We both groaned in pain. I massaged my forehead and opened my eyes to see him masaging his nose.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry the cart suddenly moved and I lost balance." I apologised.

"It's okay. I'm fine. The view though...." He immediately changed the subject and looked out to the view.

A heavy blush decorating his cheeks. Wait. Was I about to.....kiss him?

The thought itself made me embarrassed and now I'm pretty sure  my face was the same color as Jungkook's.

"Yeah i-its pretty."

Way to go taehyung. That's right keep stuttering and make it more awkward.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I can't believe I closed my eyes. This is so embarrassing. Just throw yourself out of the cart Jungkook.

My heart was beating so fast I'm sure taehyung could hear it.

Stop expecting things Jungkook. He is your boss he wasn't gonna kiss you. Now he probably thinks you're some weirdo. Don't be surprised if he runs away as soon as the ride ends.

After a few rounds the ride came to an end and both of us got off. I expected him to run and not look back but instead he grabbed my hand, increasing my heartbeat (mY heArt'S oN fIrE fOr yOuR LoVeE~)  in the process and dragged me to a ice cream stall.

"What flavour?"

Well atleast he's trying to make things less awkward.

"Cookies and cream."

"One cookies and cream and one vanilla ice cream." He handed the money to the cashier and the guy began preparing our ice creams.

"Here you go. Enjoy!" The ice cream guy handed me my ice cream and gave taehyung his.

We started walking to wherever and I was happily eating my ice cream when I felt taehyung grab my hand and intertwine our fingers.

I looked over to him and found him looking somewhere else to avoid my gaze.

I giggled to myself and gave taehyung's hand a little squeeze. As we were walking we passed by an old couple.

"What a bunch of fags." The old man commented out of no where.

When will people learn to mind their own business? I used to get called a fag along with many other names back in middle school. When I went to high school I hid the fact that I was gay to avoid any more bullying.

One of the guys from my middle school, my bully apparently, had one day showed up as new student in the middle of the semester.

He spread around the word how I was gay and interested in dicks. Everyone knew I was gay and he tried taking advantage of that. So one day during gym practice he called me all those disgusting names that he used to call me back in middle school.

I mentally prepared myself for all the bullying that was gonna come but fortunately for me his bullying backfired on him and everyone labeled him as a homophobic freak.

Turns out alot of others guys were openly gay at my school and they helped me build confidence in who I am. So the old man calling us fags really hit a spot.

Update on injury: So basically I have to regrow my toenail from scratch. Might as well just go back to the womb.

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