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Third person's POV



"Come take a look."

The older of the two walked towards his boyfriend to take a look at what the younger had found.

A small girl who had a slightly pale complexion with brownish hair was looking up at them with teary eyes.

The two looked at each other before Jungkook extended out his hand to her.

"Hey.. it's okay.."

The little one was a bit hesitant before giving her hand to Jungkook and coming out of the bushes.

"What's your name bub?" This time Taehyung was the one to ask.


"That's a beautiful name Aria. What are you doing here? Alone?"

"I c-came to the park with my d-daddy but I don't k-know where he is a-anymore."

The little girl was on the verge of crying again.

"Hey..ssh..its okay. We'll help you."

Jungkook gave Taehyung a look and the older understood. He gently took Aria into his arms and lifted her up.

"Wait! Wait!" She screamed and Taehyung immediately put her down.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked a bit more confidently this time.

"To the police station. We can help you find your daddy over there." Jungkook explained to the little one as he crouched down in front of him.

"No I can't go with you..."

"Why not bub?"

"My d-daddy told me to not go with strangers."

Jungkook softly smiled at the little girl and carresed her arm.

"How about I stay here with you and my boyfriend can go find your daddy?"

She was hesitant but gave a small nod. She was pretty much helpless.

"I'll be right back." Taehyung placed a small peck on the younger's nose and went off to his car to drive to the closest police station.

Taehyung's POV

I drove there as quickly as I could, not wanting to leave Jungkook and the little girl alone for too long. Upon entering the building I saw a man whose back was faced towards me grabbing a police officer by the collar while the other officers were trying to free him.

"Um..excuse me..?"

I called out but everyone was too busy trying to calm the black haired man.

"I'm here for a little girl's parents."

I called out yet again and this time I managed to grab everyone's attention.

The black haired male turned towards me and immediately rushed to where I was. He was a little shorter than me but was still scary.

"A little girl? What's her name?? Where is she???"

"I found her at the nearby park and she said her name is Aria." His scary aura made me gulp.

"Aria?!? Take me to her! Now!"

Before anyone could say anything the man had already dragged me out of the police station and to our cars.

He got into his and I got into mine. I drove to the park as he followed me.

From the distance I saw two figures. The bigger one running around while the smaller figure chased him.

A smile came up on my face as me the scary dude walked towards the two figures.


"Huh? Daddy!!!'

Aria ran into her father's arms as Jungkook was catching his breath.

"Daddy where did you go??"

"I'm so so sorry baby. So sorry but daddy is here now okay? You're okay right? Are you hurt?"

"No I'm not. This nice oppa (I never thought I would be using this word in this story) played chase with me."

The guy turned towards me and Jungkook and came towards us.

"Thank you."

"No worries. I'm glad we could help."
Jungkook exclaimed.

"Here's my card. The name's Min Yoongi."

"I'm Jeon Jungkook and this is Kim Taehyung. My boyfriend."

I swear the butterflies in my tummy went crazy when he introduced me as his boyfriend.

"Daddy I'm hungry."

We heard little Aria whine from behind us.

"I'll get going now. Call me if you ever need help with anything."

Hmm? Help with 'anything'? That's weird...?

I took a look at his card and there was just his number and name. No profession, company name, nothing.

I watched Aria skip towards her car with her dad and soon they drove off and something else exploded. A particular bunny boy beside me.


"Sure babe let's get one soon."



I just wanted to make something clear that it's not necessary that the events of every chapter take place every day of the characters' lives. Some times there will be time skips in between two chapters but I won't necessarily mention it.

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