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I feel like ever since taekook got together this story has been getting boring. Let me know ur opinions. No sugar coating. True honest opinions. Istfg if y'all ignore me-

Jungkook's POV

"Let me turn up the heat for you."

I told taehyung who was sitting on the couch before going to do what I had said.

But before I could take a step further he pulled my arm making me stumble and fall on to his lap.

I don't think he was expecting it either cause he was just as surprised as me.

He quickly composed himself before beggning to talk.

"It's all a misunderstanding Jungkook. Please understand that I really like you for you and not for your body and I never mea-"

I placed my index finger over his lips to shush him.

"I think I should apologise first. I know you like me for me and not for this ass. I kinda was just mad at that moment and maybe a tiny winy bit jealous. So I'm sorry for lashing out on you without letting you explain first."

I gave him a pout to add to the apology. He stared at my lips for a few seconds as if he wanted to kiss them but for some reason decided against it.

"I....I think I should still explain."

"Of course you should." I cockily said.

"Um..that woman her name was recbecca......no wait maybe Jenna? Or Marie? Whatever it was she was kinda my...um how should I put this....my friends with benefits but minus the friends parts just the benefits. But I swear I didn't call her after I realised my feelings for you. She just showed up but don't worry I'll tell her that whatever we had is over."

"You have a couple of 'friends' with benefits don't you?" I scoffed.

"Well what can I say? A man got needs."

"Well cut them all off. I'll fulfill your needs from now on." I folded my arms on my chest to show how serious I was.



He started blushing. Like where is the overly confident taehyung I knew before the confession. I'm not complaning though. I thought of this as the perfect opportunity and took his lips in for a kiss.

But this time instead of a simple peck I decided to go deeper. Putting my arms around his neck I pulled him closer.

I felt like he was struggling with his hands as if he didn't know where to put them.

He's experienced but so shy I love it. I guided his hands to my ass and let them sit there expecting him to atleast give it a squeeze but he didn't.

Our make out session was going just fine when I decided to creep my hands under his shirt. I wasn't initiating anything I just kind of did that in the heat of the moment.

That might have been a mistake because he pulled back and looked me straight in the eyes.

He gently placed my down on the couch and shifted around a bit.

"I....I'm sorry kookie I just.....I don't think I'm ready for it yet." He uncomfortably scooted away from me a little bit.

"What? No I'm sorry I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just kind of did that in the heat of the moment. I wasn't indicating anything. I don't mean to pressure you or anything. We can wait until you're ready infact I don't think I'm ready either. It's best if we wait a little while after all we just got together yest-"

My embarrasing rambling was cut off by him kissing me.

This was the first time he kissed me first. It was unexpected. I liked it. I thought he did it to shut me up and would pull back but instead he deepened it continuing where we left off.

He kept kissing me and I was running out of breath. I had to push him back with a chuckle earning a pout from him.

"Video games?"

"Sure. But for every round the loser has to do one thing the winner says."


Wattpad's getting hacked. I secured my account but I'm still scared. Also tomorrow is my bday. At first I was like I cant invite my friends for a party cause of corona.....but then I was like LMAOOO I don't even have frnds.

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