81 (Sope)

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Jungkook's POV

"Should we hang out with the boys tomorrow?"

"Sorry bun I'm busy. We can plan for the weekend tho."



@JustJeongguk (ggukie🐰) sent a message to yeehaw.

peeps he said we can plan something for the weekend.

yep joonie is busy as well

ok then hangout this weekend.


who added him??



Yoongi's POV

6 years ago:

Fuck this shit. I got fired again.

I was walking back home in frustration when some noises around the corner caught my attention.

Two men were beating up a guy whose face was already bloody. I rolled my eyes and continued walking until I heard a gun cock.

I turned around to see the injured guy shooting the two men straight in the head.

My eyes were wide as they met his. He pointed the gun at me ready to shoot.

"I didn't see anything." I immediately surrendered.

He smirked a little and put the gun away.

"What's your name boy?"

"Who's asking?"

He chuckled at my response and analyzed me from head to toe.

"Would you like a job kid?"

And that's how I ended up being a part of a mafia gang though I don't kill people. I just track them down, keep an eye on the suspects etc.

Those were desperate times and I had to do anything to earn money for the sake of Aria.

A year after fucking my child's babysitter he asked me out.

He wasn't surprised when I told him about the mafia. He already knew.

The more I spent time with him the more I fell in love. Aria loves him. He's an excellent father and I'm gonna put a ring on him soon.

Namjoon's POV

3 years ago.

Ok I know I shouldn't be saying this but I am completely whipped for my dad's secretary.

I honestly don't think it's humanly possible to not be. Everything about him is just so perfect.

The way he talks, smiles, laughs. He's probably the goofiest person I know but also has a professional side when we're at work.

The more I get to know the more I fall in love with him and I'm planning on confessing soon- and he's got a girlfriend. Great.

Ok that's alright, no problem. This will be easy.

Mission: Break them up.
Then be there for him.
He'll start liking you.
You'll ask him out.
He'll say yes.
Mission: Accomplished.

"Mr. Kim?"

He called out to me with his oh so beautiful voice.


"You are aware that you're thinking out loud and I am right here right?"


He smirked a little before making his way towards me. Walking around the he table, he stood right infront of my chair and bent down to my eye level.

"So let me lay this out. You want to ruin my relationship. Provide me emotional support. Then somehow I'll start liking you. You'll ask me out and you think I'll say yes?"




"One. I don't have a girlfriend. I just spread those rumors around so literally all of the employees would stop asking me out cause I mean I am pretty fabulous. Two. You're not that bad. Just a little uptight. Maybe you have a chance."

He stated while examining me from head to toe.

"I can be fun."

"Prove it. Date. Tonight."


He left.

Ok so I've got a date tonight.


Hoseok's POV

5 years ago.

Why is he here again? Fuck I can't let him see Aria. I need to hide her.

I took the little girl into one of the rooms, carefully layed her down on the bed and made sure to shut the door on my way out.

It had been a couple months since I started dating Yoongi and the man hadn't showed up for a year now. I thought he finally left me alone until today.

"What do you want?"

"For you to leave this delusion behind and come back home."

"This isn't a delusion. This is who I am. Why can't you be more supportive dad?"

I could see the anger boiling, the furious look on his face and the clenched fists were scaring me.

Where are you Yoongi? I need you.

I closed my eyes shut and covered my face ready to take the hit that was soon gonna come towards me.

But it never came. I opened my eyes to see Yoongi pointing a gun at my father who had his hand raised in the air ready to hit me.

"Leave or I shoot."

"And who the fuck are you?"

Please don't say boyfriend. Please don't say boyfriend. He's gonna kill me. He'll kill me for real this time.

As if Yoongi heard my silent pleads he turned back to my dad with his eyes filled with rage.

"None of your fucking business. Get out."

Seeing how the gun was loaded my father left the apartment causing me rush to Aria's room, grabbing her in my arms and breaking down.

Yoongi came in, sat beside me on the floor and hugged me and the little baby in my arms as if we were his whole world.

"He won't hurt you ever again. I won't let him. I promise."

And he really did stick to his promise. I never saw that man who called himself a father ever again.

And I didn't need to either. I had Aria and Yoongi. They are my everything. My new beggining. And my forever.

Our journey will have many ups and downs from here but we'll overcome them all together.

Sope Chapter: closed.

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