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Taehyung's P.O.V

The rest of my day was all rainbows and smiles. I had big fat crush on Jungkook and it was pretty obvious with the way I reacted over a simple peck on the cheek.

I did some research regarding my sexuality and came to the conclusion that I was bisexual.

It felt strange at first but knowing that Jungkook was gay too and I actually had a chance with him gave me  tinglies.

He was just the prettiest boy I had ever met and the sweetest, cutest, lovilest, thickest, sexiest and on and on.

I was head over heels for him and just the thought of him gave me butterflies in my tummy.

It was weekend the next day and I had decided to take a step well more like a leap in our relationship.

I grabbed my phone with sweaty palms.


@K.TH (95Hyung) sent you a message.

Hi kookie

Hi tae tae!!!!!!!

Umm I wanted to tell you something.....

Sure. What's up?

Uh I just found out I'm bi.

As in bisexual.

As in I'm also interested in men.

As in boyfriends, husbands.

Lol I get it tae and I'm happy for you!

Wait. You're not surprised?

Lmao no I kinda saw it coming. U were kinda obvious.


If that's all I'll be going now. Bubye.


Third Person's P.O.V

Throughout the conversation taehyung felt like he was talking to a stranger.

He just came out. To taehyung that was a huge deal. Jungkook was the first person he came out to.

The Jungkook he knew would've freaked out. In a good way of course.

Taehyung felt insecure and he felt like he shouldn't have told Jungkook about this.

He wanted to ask the younger something else as well but decided against it when he saw the unfamiliar replies.

He has to admit he felt a little hurt. Did Jungkook not like him anymore? What was going on?

Everything was fine in the office. What was with the sudden change of attitude?

To try to set his mind to rest he decided to grab himself a glass of wine along with a movie to watch.

That one glass of wine turned into a couple and taehyung was already drunk.

His drunk self wanted to text Jungkook but fortunately for the sober taehyung his phone was dead.

He groaned as he dragged himself to the bedroom and fell face first on his bed.

Next morning taehyung woke up with a stupid headache. He got himself some meds as the events of last night played in his head.

He grabbed his phone and plugged it into the charger.

Making his way to the kitchen he accidently tripped over the empty wine bottle that was lying on the floor from last night.

It resulted in a slight bruise on his ankle but nothing he couldn't handle.

Taehyung limped to the kitchen and got himself the first-aid kit. He applied some ointment and wrapped his ankle with a bandaid.

Taehyung being taehyung sucked at caring for wounds and his bandaid job was so messed up that the situation looked worse than it was.

He just got off the floor and began preparing his breakfast. It was a few slices of toast with some Jam.

What else could he do? He sucked at cooking.

"You can't care for a wound, you can't cook wow some husband material you are taehyung." He sarcastically said to himself.

After eating his breakfast he got a hold of his phone and clicked on the yellow icon.

He was dissapointed to see not a single notification from the bunny boy.

He read his last night's conversation and the feeling came back again.

Should he had not told Jungkook? He should've just kept his mouth shut right?

The train of thoughts was bothering taehyung so he decided to take long bath.

Unfortunately for him the bath wasn't helping at all.

Dragging himself out of the bathtub he made his way to his closet to dress himself in some clothes.

Nothing was able to distract taehyung and by nothing I really mean nothing.

Not the TV, a bath, food, cleaning, exercising literally nothing.

He even locked his phone in a drawer to keep himself away from it but it wasn't working.

"Fuck it."


@K.TH (95Hyung) sent you a message.

Let's meet up.

Y'all got some one-shot ideas?

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