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Third Person's POV.

Time moves fast and the next weekend was already here. Taehyung had spent the entire week shopping and making preparations for their visit to Busan.

And the younger? Well he had been busy pissing Taehyung off more day by day.

His complete attention had started being on his phone. It ticked Taehyung off whenever he would ask his baby for cuddles or kisses but Jungkook would be too busy texting someone.

He even went so far as to skip lunch with Taehyung in his office and spent the time on his phone.

But the elder of the two decided to keep cool and discuss the whole situation with Jungkook in a calm manner but he didn't get a chance to do so as he was too busy with work.

It was Friday evening and the couple were packing their bags for their flight to Busan. (If you haven't watched train to Busan already then sir/ma'am what u doing?)

Taehyung had asked Jungkook to pack his bags and wait for him to pick him up. He wanted Jungkook to spend the night at his place so they both could leave for the airport early in the morning.

The plan went accordingly it was until the couple entered Taehyung's room when Jungkook huffed in annoyance and asked a question that made Taehyung want to pull out his own hair.

"Why are you ignoring me Taehyung?"

"Me? I'm ignoring you? Aren't you the one who's always so busy on his phone texting some person and when I ask who they are you shrug it off. Do you have any idea how stupid that makes me feel. It's like my boyfriend is hiding something from me." Is what Taehyung wanted to say but instead he just went for a simple peck on the lips and ignored Jungkook's question.

"Let's go to bed bunny."

He switched off the lights making the room completely dark. He laid down on his side of the bed and closed his eyes.

It was a couple minutes later when he opened them to notice that the room wasn't as dark anymore.

He looked over to his boyfriend to see him on his phone again. Taehyung sighed and turned his back to his oblivious boyfriend.

He was feeling insecure, stupid and his heart was hurting. He didn't like Jungkook ignoring him. He didn't like that his boyfriend was hiding something from him.

He just closed his eyes trying to ignore the overwhelming emotions and drifted off to sleep hoping their trip would make their relationship stronger and by the time they would be back to Seoul Taehyung would tell the younger what he have been meaning to tell him for a while now.
The sound of alarm woke Taehyung up. He turned to his right to find a fully woken Jungkook staring back at him.

"Hey handsome. Freshen up. I already took care of breakfast."

Taehyung smiled adoringly at his boyfriend. The other times Jungkook had stayed over at Taehyung's place the older hadn't gotten a chance to wake up next to the younger mainly because Jungkook would always sleep walk into the other rooms in the middle of the night.

It was a habit which Taehyung didn't mind but now that he had woken up to such beauty looking at him with a bunny smile he decided the next time they slept in the same bed he would hold the younger down to prevent him from going anywhere 'cause a sight like this is what anyone would want to wake up to every day.

When the two men were done with their breakfast. They began getting ready for the airport. Taehyung had purposely booked a flight early in the morning so that they had enough time to rest as well as spend time with Jungkook's family.

It was a two day trip and Taehyung wanted to spend one of the days having Jungkook show him around Busan. He had visited the city multiple times but they were all for business purposes.

They got ready and drove to Incheon airport looking like snacks.

They got ready and drove to Incheon airport looking like snacks

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It was supposed to take them an hour to reach Busan but probably took them more due to the delayed flight

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It was supposed to take them an hour to reach Busan but probably took them more due to the delayed flight.

Jungkook tried to get some rest during the flight as he had woken up way earlier than needed this morning.

The younger was beyond excited to get to see his parents again after a good couple months and he was even more excited that Taehyung was accompanying him this visit.


It's 2:15 am rn and my eyes are trying to glue themselves shut but I had this extreme rush of motivation to write so here you go.

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