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Third Person's POV

"No he's not. He's my baby boy. Don't talk about him like that."

"I'm not sure if you can tell but I really don't give a fuck."

Yoongi sighed before scooting a little closer to the very drunk man and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, listen to me alright. I understand that you are hurt and it sucks. I know you miss him, I know you want to run into his arms but your ego won't let you do that."

There was a slight pause in his speech as he noticed the younger of the two had stopped himself from taking another shot.

"Talk to him. Sort things out and if you still feel that it won't work then let go but don't take decisions until you have heard his side of the story as well. You deserve an explanation and so does he."

Taehyung's eyes were glossy and he was ready to throw himself into his very new friend's arms but instead he just turned his head towards the man with teary eyes and gave him a 'what do you know?' look.

"Trust me on this one. I've been there before. You need to talk to him or you might regret it later."

"I c-can't let him see me like this...not again.."

"He doesn't have to. I'll get you home. Take some time tomorrow and think about it then talk to him."

Taehyung nodded with determination as he tried to get up only to stumble and trip over his own feet.

Luckily Yoongi caught him just in time and walked him to his own car.

Forcing out the adress from a very giggly, but like not the cute giggly the psychotic giggly Taehyung, he drove him home.
Jungkook had fallen asleep on his living room couch with a half eaten, almost melted, tub of ice cream next to him on the floor.

His rant to his friend had to be cut short when he was informed that Hoseok's boyfriend had come back and was asking him to spend time with him.

Although Hoseok clearly wanted to be there for his friend, Jungkook assured him that he was feeling alot better now and that Hoseok could go to his boyfriend.

Going to be bed late without setting his alarm resulted in him waking up late but when he checked the time and saw that he was already 30 minutes late plus it would take him another 30 minutes to get ready and get there he just said 'fuck it' and went back to sleep.

He decided he would stay home today, he deserved that after all the overwhelming emotions he had been going through the past days.

He woke up around one pm and just sat there, staring at the melted tub of ice cream that was staring back at him with, what Jungkook assumed, disappointment.

He stuck his tongue out at the gooey stuff left behind from what once used to be creamy deliciousness and disposed it off and made his way to the bathroom where he stood and stared at himself in the mirror debating whether a shower was really needed or not.

He decided to not shower or change his clothes as he would be staying at home all day anyways.

His day was spent with much difficulty. He would watch TV, then get bored, scroll through his phone, then get bored, eat, then get bored.

He spent some time talking to his hoseokie hyung but then soon ended the conversation lying that he had to take care of something when in reality he had to just lie there and listen to his heart beat against his chest in the completely silent apartment.

It was around 7? or maybe 8? Jungkook wasn't sure what time it was but it had gotten dark outside when he heard soft knock on his door.

'Whoever it is will leave.' that's what he thought but the person seemed to be really stubborn as by kept knocking after every 5 minutes.

Jungkook huffed as he got up to open he door and give the person behind it some attitude.

He swung open the door and locked eyes with the person he was missing so much but also who he didn't want to face.


'Hey? That's what he has to say? The fucking audacity of this bitch.'

"Hi.." A squeaky greeting was what was given to Taehyung in return.

When Jungkook broke the intense eye contact to take a look at his whole face he noticed the dark circles around his eyes but also noticed something else that had him gawking. The change was so unexpected but Jungkook wasn't complaining.

"Can I come in?"

Jungkook awkwardly coughed and tore away his gaze, moving aside so Taehyung could walk in, bringing the tension in with him.

I'm sleep deprived and hangry but I'm alive .

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