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Jungkook's P.O.V

I shut the door and turned around to welcome taehyung when I realised how big of a mistake I just made.

There he stood. In all his glory. His damp shirt now see through, sticking to his torso, water droplets dripping down from his neck to his broad shoulders, his damp hair sticking to his forehead. How am I gonna control myself if he keeps looking like a full course meal.

"You done checking me out?" The smirk on his lips only grew bigger.

"I w-wasn't....."

I just stood there with flushed cheeks before I realised we are still in the doorway.

"Uhm c-come inside....."

He followed me to my living room.

"Wait here I'll get you some clothes."

I rushed to my room and grabbed the largest set of clothes I had. Then I brought it back to him.

"Uh taehyung?"

It felt kinda weird to call him by his name.

"Yes?" He turned around from the wall where a picture of me and my parents hung.

"The bathroom is this way."

Taehyungs P.O.V

The cutie showed me to the bathroom so I can change into his clothes. Honestly when he called me by my name I felt a shiver. A good kind of shiver. It rolled off so perfectly from his tongue.

I changed into the clothes he lent me. It smelled just like him. I put away my wet clothes and exited the bathroom with a smile on my face.

Jungkook sat there on the bed nervously playing with his fingers. I noticed he had changed his clothes too.

Did he change in the room? Damn if had gotten out one miniute earlier I could have seen him nak-

Shut up taehyung dont be a pervert.

He noticed me when he heard the bathroom door shut.

"A-are the clothes okay?" He asked awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Huh? Yea they're fine......"

An awkward silence followed. My eyes travelled around the room taking in the details.

It wasnt too clean but it wasn't messy either. For example the bed was neatly made yet there was slight mess of chargers and headphones on the nightstand.

There were a couple picture frames on the walls. A little boy with a corndog in one hand sat with the biggest smile on his face.

"Thats you?" I asked pointing to the said picture.


"Cutie" I mumbled.


I chuckled at his awkwardness and made my way towards him.

"So Jeon what do you suggest we do?"

My simple sentence made his cheeks turn a shade of red. What is that dirty little mind of his thinking?

Jungkook's P.O.V

He asked me a simple question and my brain immediately started thinking of all the sexual scenarios that can take place.

I mean I've already sucked his dick once whats stopping me from doing it twice.

"Hello? Earth to Jeon?"

"Huh? Oh.....uhm.....you hungry?" I blurted out stupidly.


You can eat me out. Wtf jungkook stop

"Let me see what I've got."

Only when I moved away to make my way to the kitchen I realised how close he actually was.

Taehyung's P.O.V

Fuck this cutie is gonna be the death of me.

He waddled to what I assume was the kitchen as I followed, eyeing his cute little butt that swayed from side to side.

Dont get me wrong I'm no pervert. Its just that this little one always manages to provoke me in one way or the other.

Its his fault my perverted side is cumming- I mean coming out.

We made our way to the kitchen as he looked around.

"Uhm are spaghetti okay for dinner?"


Jungkook's P.O.V

Stupid stupid jungkook he probably has like chefs to cook for him every morning, evening and night what were you thinking by offering him a plate of spaghetti for dinner you dumbass-

"Im so sorry.....would you like something else? We could order from your favorite restaurant if you like. Treats on me-"

Fuck you jungkook. What if he picks a hella expensive restaurant and you cant afford it. Stop emabarissing ur stupid ass for nothing.

"On second thought I dont think they'll deliver in such weather conditons-"

"Jeon.......Spaghetti spunds good to me."

"You s-sure?"

"Positive. Would you like me to help you out?"

"No n-no its fine. You can wait in the living room. I'll get it cooked quickly."

"I'll probably get bored in the living room let me help you out."

"Al-alright. Can you cook?"

"No.....but im great at keeping company....." He wiggled his eye brows as if it was HUGE deal.

I let out a chuckle before easing a bit.

"Alright lets get started then." I gave him a smile which he immediately returned.

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