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So as usual I was doing some dumb shit and ended up injuring myself. I had to be rushed to the ER at 1am in the morning all while my mother kept lecturing me for being careless.

Third Person's P.O.V

"Are you single?"

Taehyung was caught off guard with the sudden question. He stayed still for a second as the younger casually continued eating.

Noticing taehyung's lack of response Jungkook quickly put his fries down and dusted off his hand.

"I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to be nosy.....it's none of my concern I shouldn't have asked." He ended with a nervous laugh.

"What? No its alright. I uh I'm single but I do have a huge crush on someone.......I sound like a high school girl."

Taehyung awkwardly rubbed his nape making Jungkook chuckle.

"Well I hope it goes well with you and your crush."

Jungkook frowned at himself at the pang his heart felt. He liked tae. He has a huge ass crush on him then why is he dissapointed about taehyung having a crush on someone that's not him.

He shrugged off the thought and just decided to enjoy the night.

After Taehyung and Jungkook were done with their unhealthy dinner taehyung escorted jungkook back to the car and began driving to where he planned their little date.

Jungkook P.O.V

"Amusement park?"

"Yeah haha you said you like fun dates so I thought this would be nice......"

"I love it!!"

I ran in through the gates as taehyung followed behind. I had been grinning like a child the entire time. I wanted to come here ever since I moved to seoul but I never got to because I didn't have anyone to go with and coming alone was just not as fun.

To say I was excited would be an understatement. Infact I was so jumpy that I had lost taehyung.

And now here I am looking for him. I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me towards them. I crashed into a hard chest.

I scrunched my nose before looking up at him.

"Jungkook you can't just run off like that! You had me worried!"

No fair. He can't say things like that and make me feel all fuzzy inside. I pouted at the thought.

"Uh I- sorry I didn't mean to scold you."

What? No. I wasn't pouting cause of that. You know what? This is getting awkward.

"Let's go have fun!" I pulled him along with me.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I looked at the excited Jungkook pulling me along with him. I looked down to our intertwined hands.

Not now taehyung. You can't blush like this!

I just followed Jungkook to wherever he took me. We ended up in front of the roller coaster. Of course.

He excitedly dragged me along with him and we took a seat after showing our tickets to the scary looking guy at the entrance.

Here we go......

Jungkook's P.O.V


No response. Ok my arm's stating to hurt.

"Taehyung let go the ride's over."

"Huh what?"

He slightly lifted his head up to see that the ride had stopped. He looked around us before looking at my arm which he was holding onto for dear life.

He awkwardly cleared his throat and got off the ride with me following him.

"Don't tell me?" I let out a soft dramatic gasp.

"Were you scared?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You were scared of the ride. I can't believe this. You were holding onto me the entire time!!" I started laughing.

"Was not."


"Was not."


"Was no- ouch."

"Taehyung are you okay??"

"Yeah I'm fine."

I helped him up as I looked back at the guy who had pushed taehyung just so he can make way for himself. How selfish.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung held onto my wrist to stop me.

"To get you an apology."

"It's fine. We don't need to pick fights."

"Oh no I'll teach that piece of trash a lesson."

I started marching over to the selfish dude.

Taehyung's P.O.V

This kid.

I sighed as I grabbed him by the waist and threw him over my shoulder.

We walked a little distance as I placed him back on his feet.

He immediately turned around and faced the other way.

"Jungkook? Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"


"What is it then? Look at me."

I grabbed his shoulders and turned him around. His cheeks and ears were a deep shade of red, making me chuckle.

He whined as he hit my chest.

"Aww lil Jay kay is blushing?"

"Lil Jay Kay? Stoooppp!"

He started blushing even more if that was even possible. He brought a smile to my face.

"Come on let's go on another ride."

He tried hiding the blush with his shirt. So cute.

"Alright but I pick this time."

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