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Third Person's POV

It was two in the morning when the couple came back inside due to the cold weather.

Taehyung grabbed a hoodie with some pajamas and threw them at the younger's face.

"Go change."

"But I'm comfy like this."

Jungkook pouted because he didn't want to get out of the warm covers he was wrapped in.

"Babe we need to sleep it's already late come on go change."

With a sad pout on his face the younger grabbed the clothes he was given and took them to change in the bathroom.

He put on the hoodie but when it came to the pajamas he realised they were too big for him. He somehow managed to hold them up and came out of the bathroom to notice that the room was dark and Taehyung had already gotten under the covers.

He went to his side of the bed and scooted closer to his boyfriend trying to cuddle him. He could hear soft snores from the boy next to him indicating that he was already asleep.

Jungkook tried to go to sleep himself but it was hard. He was used to being sprawled all across the bed but Taehyung's presence wasn't allowing him to do so. He didn't want to move around too much and wake the older.

Jungkook knew how stressful it could be to manage an entire company at such a young age and he was beyond grateful that Taehyung managed to make time for him despite being so busy.

After a while of having trouble with falling asleep Jungkook walked out of taehyung's room in search of one of the many bedrooms Taehyung had shown him during the tour.

He walked around aimlessly and walked into a room which had a neatly made bed with some pillows and covers which were good enough for Jungkook.

He took off the overly sized pajamas which were uncomfortable for him since he was used to sleeping in his undies and got under the warm covers.

It took him only a couple minutes to get comfortable and fall into a deep slumber.
Taehyung woke up around noon and immediately searched for his boyfriend who was not next to him like he was supposed to be.

Assuming the younger was already awake he went to the kitchen to greet him but he wasn't there.

He went to check the bathroom but he wasn't there either. Taehyung thought that Jungkook had went home but his shoes and phone that were still lying around in Taehyung's house said otherwise.

He rushed around looking for Jungkook when the slightly ajar door of one of the guest rooms caught his attention.

Walking in Taehyung found the younger sprawled out on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

Heaving a sigh of relief Taehyung closed the door to let his boyfriend continue his slumber as he went to freshen up.
Waking up around 2 pm Jungkook was still sleepy but he decided to get out of bed anyways.

He searched for taehyung's bathroom and freshened up, went downstairs to kitchen and got himself a glass of water.

A sticky note attached to his phone that was lying on the counter caught his attention.

'hey bunny. Did you sleep well? Order anything you like. My card is on the coffee table. I was unexpectedly called to the office for some work but dw I'll be home soon so don't leave just yet I'll take you out on a date when I come back. Wait for me.

-your Taehyungie'

The younger smiled a little before deciding to order something to eat since he heard his stomach growling a couple times now.
After Jungkook was done eating lunch and cleaning up after him he took out his phone and clicked on the yellow icon.


@JustJeongguk sent you a message.

Hyung when r u coming home?? I'm bored.





Because of lack of reply from Taehyung the younger assumed that he was just too busy so he decided to text someone else.


@JustJeongguk sent you a message.

Heyyyyyy. Wya?


The person replied immediately and they talked for hours. And when I say hours I mean Jungkook didn't even realize when the sun went down and the sound of Taehyung unlocking the door and coming inside.

He was so immersed in the conversation he didn't hear his boyfriend calling his name.

It resulted into the elder thinking that he had done something wrong and now Jungkook was ignoring him.

A little worried he sat on the floor with his hands on Jungkook's bare thighs.

Feeling Taehyung's touch Jungkook shot his head up and immediately hugged the elder.

"You're back!!"

He excitedly exclaimed before going back to his phone, typing in a sentence and sending it he turned off his phone and put his full attention on Taehyung.

"You must be tired...." He gave a little pout.

All of Taehyung's worries had washed away when he saw that the bunny before him was never ignoring him to begin with.

"A little. Where do you wanna go for dinner?"

"Anywhere as long as we get cookies. I've been craving some lately."

"Sure bub."

Pecking his boyfriend's lips Taehyung went to the bathroom to wash up.

Changing into something a bit more comfortable he came downstairs to see Jungkook giggling while texting someone.

He frowned as he walked towards Jungkook and snatched the phone out of his hands.

"Go change. And you won't be getting your phone back until the night is over."

A pouty Jungkook stomped upstairs to chose something for himself from Taehyung's wardrobe.


I? Posted? So? Soon? Sayy whaaat?

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