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Jungkook's P.O.V

After the whole weird af scene with the fortune teller lady I asked taehyung where he wanted to go next.

Since it was weekend I planned on staying out with taehyung the whole day but I guess he had other plans.

"How bout my house?"

His h-house?

"Did you just stutter in your thoughts?"


He chuckled before repeating himself.

"So? My place?"

Various thoughts- no wait. Various dirty thoughts crossed my mind.

Him. And me. Alone in a house.

"What are you thinking?"


"You're blushing. What do you think will happen at my place?"

He smirked, leaning in closer to me. Wtf? I can't tell him about my dirty fantasies so I did what I knew for sure will shut him up.

Closing the gap between us I pecked his lips. A blush appeared on his face. Why does he blush everytime I kiss him. HE'S SO CUTE AH MY HEART.

Starting the engine I asked him for the adress to which he smiled. 


"We are here!" He excitedly clapped like a baby.

Wait. A baby? Where is his 'I'm sexy and he world knows it.' aura.

I parked my car in front of his hous- no shit that's a whole ass mansion.

Like I get it you are the CEO of a successful company and shit but why you need a house THAT big?!?

"You done gawking?"

"No. I need a few more mins."

"Okay I'm done." I gave him a sheepish smile and he led me inside.

I was led through a beautiful garden which had a sitting area surrounded by white roses and other flowers I couldn't recognize.

"You like gardening? When do you get the time?"

"I like the view and I have a caretaker for those baby."

Baby? Teehee.

I was back to gawking when I saw the interior.

"Holy Moly I'm shook."

He chuckled at my reaction.

"Where's your room??" I asked excitedly wanting to see his room.


Then I realised what I said.

"What? Haha no that's not what I meant haha I just wanted to see your room haha I think it's time for me to go back home haha ok bye haha."

I turned around to leave when he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. I crashed into his chest and slightly flinched.

"Let's go see my room."

He simply said before taking my hand in his and walking me up some stairs.

He opened up double doors that I presume that led to his room.

"What the fuck?!?" Is what left my mouth after seeing the naked woman lying on taehyung's bed.

"Did you bring over a friend daddy? Is he gonna join us?" She asked in the most disgusting voice.

I know I should've listened to Taehyung first. We like got together yesterday but anger took over me and I lashed out on him.

"Is this why you brought me here?!? To have a threesome with you and some random chick!?! Like for fuck's sake I got with you yesterday taehyung!!!"

I gasped loudly when the realisation hit me.

"Did you pretend to like me because of my body??"

Tears were gonna spill.

"Baby no-"

"Save it."

I said before walking down the stairs, out the house.

I heard taehyung chase after me but that bitch held him back. He managed to get out of her grip and chase me but I was already in my car and I drove off.

I kept my cool until I drove myself back home, went to my room and then just cried my heart out.

"I liked him so so much. Why would he do this?"

I cried more thinking I can't even text my only friend tae cause he turned out to be the same person who I just screamed at.

Should I have not done that? I think I should've listened to him first. I didn't even give him a chance to explain himself. I cried more until I heard my phone ding.


@K.TH (95Hyung) sent you a message.


Baby open up.

I know u r reading these please let me in.

We need to talk about this.

Baby I didn't bring my coat.

It's cold out here.


(Clearly my dumb ass doesn't know the time zone of this story so don't mind if it's winter one day the summer the next.)

Although I was mad at him. I did want an explanation and also didn't want him to get sick so I dragged myself off my bedroom floor.

Seeing myself in the bathroom mirror I angrily washed my face. There is no way I'm letting him know I cried over his dumb ass. Nuh uh.

I made my way to the front door and swung it open. I was gonna keep a straight face but when my eyes met his worried ones I immediately went soft.

Aww couples have fights all the time was he really so worried about our first one?

Shut up Jungkook you were crying on your bedroom floor minutes ago.

Rolling my eyes as if I didn't care, I did care, I let him in.


Author can't live without drama.

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