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  When I woke up I felt a really bad pain in my head and in my right leg. I tried to open my eyes but they were too heavy. I heard someone moving around my room and talking but I could not make out who it was or what they were saying because everything was blurred together. I tried to open my eyes again and this time it was successful.

  "Oh hey you are awake. How are you feeling sweet heart?" One of the nurses asked.

  "My head and leg hurts. What happened. Why am I here?" I asked her.

  "You and your family were in a terrible car accident. I am going to put some pain meds in your iv it will help with the pain." She said.

  "Where is my family?" I asked her.

  "I am so sorry but your brother and dad didn't make it. You mom is hurt really bad." She told me.

  "Can I see my mom?"

  "Not right now sweet heart. She is in surgery right now. I will come get you when she is out and you can go see her. You need to rest right now." I could feel the medicine kick in and my eyelids were starting to get heavy. I fell asleep and when I heard people talking in my room.

  "Have you told her about her mom yet?" A voice asked.

  "No I have not been able to tell her yet. She has been asleep. I will tell her when she wakes up. Right now she needs the rest she had been through a lot and she has already lost her dad and her brother when she finds out about her mom she is going to be devastated. Now please get out." I heard another voice say.

  What were they talking about. What happened to my mom. I was going to ask what they ment but I was too tired. I was going to ask her when I wake up. The next time I woke up I heard the same nurse was sitting in my room.

  "Hey you are awake. How are you feeling?" She asked me.

  "Better. My head and leg don't hurt as bad. Can I see my mom now?" I asked.

  "Sure but I have to tell you something before you can go see her."

  "What's wrong?"

  "Well during the car accident your mom suffered some bad injury to her head. The doctors were trying to fix it but they weren't able to. I am so sorry but your mom is brain dead." The nurse said. I felt tears start selling up in my eyes. I could not believe this. My dad and brother died on my birthday and now I found out that my mom is brain dead. The nurse helped me into a wheel chair and took me to my mom's room.

  "When we go in there there is going to be a tube down your mom's throat to help her breath and she is going to hucked up to a monitor that is help monitor her heart rate." The nurse told me when we were outside her room. She took me in the room and I saw my mom. She looked so different from the last time I saw her. There was a doctor in her room.

  "You must be Sarah." The doctor said.

  "Yeah I am." I told them.

  "Okay. I have to talk to you but I will let you have some time alone with your mom." The doctor and the nurse left the room.

  "I don't know if you can hear me but I wanted to say that I love you so much. I don't want you to leave me." I told her. I grabbed her hand. I sat there for ten minutes before there was a knock on the door. I said come in and the doctor walked in the room.

  "Hey I wanted to ask you if you knew if your mom was an organ diner. There was no id on her." The doctor said.

  "No I don't." I told him.

  "I am sorry to have to tell you this but we have to ask you to make the decision of weither or not to donate her organs." The doctor told me.

  "Can I have some time to make the decision?"

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