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  I could see people moving around me but I could not hear anything other that the sound of Lux screaming. I tried to calm her down but every time I tried to move or say anything my whole body hurt. I felt someone grab her off of me. Slowly I was able to catch my breath and focus on that was happening around me. I saw all five of the boys running over. Louis had Lux and Niall was standing with Paul and the stage manager. Harry was talking to a paramedic while Liam and Zayn were trying to talk to me. I tried to sit up but they pushed me back down.

  "No you need to lay still. If you move too much you can hurt yourself worse. Where does it hurt?" Liam asked.

  "My head and my back hurt the worse. My arm hurts a little also." I told him. I saw Lou come out and grab Lux from Louis.

  "Is Lux okay? I tried to turn so that I didn't land on her." I told him.

  "I think she is fine. Her leg is hurt because when you were falling she wrapped her legs around you and you landed on her leg." Zayn told me. I felt bad that I landed on her and hurt her.

  The paramedic came over and placed me on the stretcher. When he picked me up I yelled out from the pain in my back and arm. They went to the ambulance and headed to the hospital. Every bump that we hit shot pain through my body. Before I knew it we were at the hospital. They took me inside and started to figure out what was wrong. They x rayed my arm and back and the doctor checked for a concussion. Once he was done he put me in a room. Lou walked in holding Lux. She had her leg wrapped up.

  "Is she okay?" I asked Lou.

  "She is fine. Her leg is broken but it's not that bad. How are you. You fell pretty hard." Lou said.

  "My arm and back hurt pretty bad but the pain medicine should kick in soon. Lay her down. She looks like she is about to fall asleep." I told Lou. I carefully moved over so that Lou could lay Lux down beside me. She was about to fall asleep when the doctor knocked om the door.

  "So the x rays showed that you have a small break on your back. The good thing is your arm is just sprained. You do have a small concussion. We will keep you at least an hour for observation but then you are free to go home. Just take it easy so you don't hurt yourself worse." The doctor said before he left.

  "Looks like you will have the boys taking care of you for the next two weeks that they are off instead of you taking care of them." Lou joked.

  "Yeah I guess so. Hopefully they dont get sick otherwise I will be coming to you for help." I told her.

  "Yeah you would be staying with us. The boys still have like half an hour before their show is over how about you get some sleep." Lou told me. I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I was woken up when five noisy boys came in the room.

  "Guys quiet down. Sarah and Lux are trying to sleep." I heard Lou hiss at them.

  "Sorry. We didn't mean to wake them up. We wanted to see how they were." Niall said.

  "They are fine. The doctor said that Sarah has a small concussion, a sprained wrist, and a small fracture on her back and Lux just has a broken leg from Sarah falling on her. Now let them sleep." Lou told them. The room got quiet except the shuffling of them moving to sit down. I opened my eyes and saw Niall looking at me and the rest of them were looking at their phones.

  "Hey Sarah how are you feeling?" Niall asked when he saw that I was awake.

  "My back hurts." I told him. The doctor walked in the room and saw that I was awake.

  "Good your awake. We are going to discharge you. Make sure that you rest and don't do any extraneous activities for at least two weeks." The doctor said. He signed the discharge papers and we left.

  When we got back to the hotel Paul and the rest of the boys crew were in the hotel room waiting for us.

  "Hey how are you two feeling?" Paul asked. I was holding Lux in my lap while the boys pushed me in the room in a wheelchair that I have to be in for the first week.

  "Sore." I told him. They all laughed and left the room. Lou came in and sat on the couch.

  "Do you want me to take her to our room or are you wanting to keep her in here for now?" Lou asked me.

  "I want her to stay in here for now. I like watching her when she is not fussy." I told her. I rocked Lux until she fell asleep. Lou turned a movie on and helped me to the couch. I ended up falling asleep halfway through.

  "Hey let's get you to bed. You must be exhausted from today." Niall told me. He picked me up and he carried me to the bed. He laid me down and my back was hurting. I winced and he noticed.

  "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He asked panicking.

  "No you are fine. My back just hurts. Can you put a pillow under me please?" I asked him. He grabbed one of the extra pillows off the ground and helped me get it under me. I laid on my side and fell asleep. I woke up multiple times because my back was hurting. When I woke up in the morning I hardly got any sleep and my back was hurting a lot.

  "How are you feeling this morning?" Niall asked me.

  "I am fine. I should be asking you that since you were sick yesterday." I told him. He laughed and carried me to the couch and Harry brought me some food.

  "I could have gone into the kitchen to eat instead of sitting in here and you bringing it to me." I told them.

  "We know but you are hurt so we are going to help you. The doctor said you had to take it easy for these next two weeks so we are going to help you." Niall said.

  "Guys it's not even that bad. There is a small fracture in my back. I can move around on my own. You don't have to carry me everywhere."

  "Yeah but it is fun to carry you everywhere. You are so light that we can all carry you. Today we are not going to do anything. We are going to sit here at the hotel and relax." Louis said. He jumped over the couch and landed beside me and Niall.

  "Louis don't do that. You could have landed on Sarah and hurt her." Liam told him. He sat on the other couch with Harry and Zayn.

  "Hey have you talked to Perrie. She heard that you fell on stage and she keeps asking me if you are okay. She won't listen to me when I say you are okay." Zayn told me.

  "No I have not talked to her yet. I will call her later." I told him. We turned a movie in and had a lazy day in the hotel. It felt nice to relax after go go going for the last four months. Four months down four more to go.

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