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Louis pov

  I woke up to smell bacon and eggs. I tried to get out of the bed but I heard a loud pop and I screamed. I looked around and the room was completely filled with balloons.

  "Sarah what did you do to the room." I yelled. I tried to make my way to the door but I fell. I heard someone running and then a door shutting.

  "I will get all of you back for this once I figure out how to get out of here." I said. I made it to the door and there was a note on it.

  We have set up a scavenger hunt for you to find you big birthday present. In some of the balloons there is one. When you finish popping all of them you should have 200 dollars. Once you are done there is a clue for the next thing that you have to do. Follow it and it will show you to the present. Good luck and have fun finding.

  I grabbed the thumbtack that was there and I started popping all of the balloons. It took me fifteen minutes to pop all of them and find the money. I looked around and found the first clue on the bed under the pillow.

  Clue #1- Now that you have your money it is time for breakfast. Come get your food. Once you finish you will find your second clue.

  I pulled a shirt on and went into the kitchen. I found Liam sitting at the table with a place of pancakes with Bacon and eggs. He handed me that plate and I started eating.

  "Did you know about this scavenger hunt that I am being sent on?" I asked him.

  "No I didn't. I was not told what was happening until she woke me up this morning. She had me up at five. She also got Perrie and the rest of little mix up for this. None of us know what the end is though. She won't tell us in case we slip up." He told me. I nodded and ate. Once I was done I looked for the clue but I didn't see it.

  "Check under your plate." Liam said. I picked it us and the note was tapped to the bottom.

  Clue #2- Now that you have ate it is time to get dressed. Meet me at the clothing store. Liam knows which one.

  "Do I get to change before we go there?" I asked him. He shook his head and led me to the car. When we got there I saw Jesy standing outside. She ran up to the car and grabbed my hand.

  "Come on. We have to get you dressed then I can give you the next clue." She said. She pulled me inside and a stylist was waiting. Jesy told him something and he nodded and left. He came back with a button up shirt and a pair of pants. I put them on and he made them fit me.

  "Okay now that that is done here is your next clue." She handed me the clue and I opened it.

  Clue #3- With every outfit you have to have the perfect pair of shoes. Jesy will take you to the shoe store.

  Jesy led me to her car and drove me to a converse store. She led me inside and Perrie was waiting. I walked up to her and Jesy left.

  "So you know why you are here right?" She asked me. I nodded and she led me to the back of the store. "What is your shoe size?" She asked me. I told her and she pulled out a pair of blue shoes that matches my shirt. I tried them on and the fit perfectly. She handed me the next clue and led me out the door.

  Clue #4- You can never have the perfect outfit without having your hair done nicely. Now you get to go to the hair dresser and get your hair done. You better hurry because you will miss your appointment with them.

  "I'm guessing you know where I have to go." I said. Perrie nodded and we got in the car and drove to the hair dresser. Zayn was waiting outside the door for me.

  "You should have been faster. He has five more minutes before he was late for it." Zay  told her. She nodded then left. We went inside and Zayn checked me in. Not that long after I was called and they styles my hair. Once we were done it was already eleven.

  "Okay you have two more clues then you will get your present." Niall told me. He handed me the clue and got in his car.

  Clue #5- We are trying to delay you getting here. Sorry but you have to walk to the bus station. Go to the end of the street then take a right. Once you get to the end of that street take a left then two rights. Have fun and happy birthday. See you when you get here.

  I looked up and I saw that Zayn was already gone. I followed the directions and I got to the bus station. When I got there I saw Harry standing there smiling at me. He handed me the last clue.

  Clue #5- By now I am sure that you are tired of me making you go all over the place. Head back to the house and you will find your surprise.

  "Seriously. You had to take me all over the place just to back to the house. This is outrageous." I said. Harry looked at me and smiled. He pulled me to his car and got in. We drove back to the house and it was decorated. We got inside and the room was empty.

"SURPRISE. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUIS." Everyone jumped out and shouted. I jumped and ran to hug my mom.

  "Thank you all so much for doing this. It has been the best birthday anyone could ever ask for." I said.

  "Don't thank us. This was all Sarah's plan. She stayed up all night setting it it." My mom said. I looked around for Sarah but I could not find her.

  "Guys where is Sarah?" I asked them. They all looked around for her. Niall ran up the stairs to found her. We went in her brothers room and she was asleep on his bed holding a bear.

  "Should we wake her up?" Lottie asked. I shook my head and shut the door.

  "Let her sleep. She is asleep in her brothers room holding his bear. She really misses them a lot." I told them. All of us went down the stairs and hung out till she woke up. We had cake and I opened my presents. Since they were leaving tonight we gave them their presents early. After everyone opened their presents we said good bye to my family and they went home.

  "Today was a lot of fun but I am tired because Sarah made all of us stay up all night. I'm going to head to bed." Liam said. I laughed and said good night to all of them.

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