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   Positive. The tests were positive. I can't believe this.

"Oh my god two out of the three are positive. There is a chance you are actually pregnant." Liam said. I was speechless. I just stood there staring at them not knowing what to say. The next thing I knew I was crying.

  "Hey why are you crying?" Liam asked hugging me.

  "Because I always imagined my mom being there when I had kids so she could be a grandmother but now she isn't and I am pregnant." I told him. I felt Zayn and Paul join in on the hug.

  "Hey tomorrow we have the day off how about we take you to the doctor and get it confirmed then we can figure out from there." Paul said.

  "Hey we can go with you. We will have the other two distract Harry while we do it. We can say that we are planning something for him like we did Louis and when we get done we can decorate the hotel room. If you are ready then you can tell them if not we won't make you." Zayn told me. I nodded and sat on the bed.

  "I was looking up places close to here and there is one close to here. I will call them and see if I can get you an appointment tomorrow. How about you head back to the room with the boys and I will text you three the details." He told us. I nodded and went to the door.

  "Wait what am I going to tell them if they ask what we were talking about?" I asked him.

  "Tell him that I had talked with you about working on their touring crew during the concert and you were talking about it with me. If they ask about you two just tell them that I was using you two to convince her." Paul said. We nodded and headed back to the room. We went inside and all of them were beds watching a movie.

  "Oh hey look they are back. What were you talking with Paul about?" Louis said when he saw us.

  "He offered me to become a part of your touring crew. I wanted to talk with him about it more before I gave him an answer. He brought these two in to try and convince me." I told him.

  "So are you going to do it or not?" Niall asked.

  "I don't know. He told me to let him know by the end of the week. What time is it any ways?"

  "It is ten. Let's sit down and watch a movie." Liam said. I sat down by Niall and I was empty food containers on the floor.

  "So where is my food. I had left it in the bag while I went to talk to Paul." I said. All of the boys looked at each other.

  "What did you get?" Louis asked.

  "I got a bean and cheese burrito." I told him. Everyone looked at Harry.

  "I didn't know that was yours. They were both handed to me." Harry said.

  "So your telling me that Zayn and Liam knew what I got and they still handed them both to you." I said looking at them. Zayn shook his head while Liam put his hands up.

  "No we got the food after they left. They never told us to save you one." Louis said. I narrowed my eyes at him and he ran out of the room. I heard the door to Paul's room slam shut. I didn't think anything of it until I remembered the tests in his bathroom. I jumped up and ran after him. I got outside the door and I heard Louis talking to Paul.

  "Whose are these?" He asked. I knew he found the tests.

  "I don't know whose they are. Yeh were in the trash when I got back to my room. Put them down you do know that a girl has to pee on it right." Paul said. I heard something hit the ground and laughed.

  "No I didn't know that. Who would have put them in your room. It's just you and Andy who stay in here and neither of you have a girl to have to test here."

  "No. Maybe it is from the last person who stayed in this room. Or someone had access to the room and took them because they were trying to hide it."

  "Wait a minute. These are Sarah's aren't they?" My heart started picking up. I started panicking.

  "No they are not. She was in here discussing if she wanted to be a part of the tour team or not." Paul told him. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. I turned around and Liam was standing behind me.

  "What are you doing out here?" He asked me.

  "I was listening to them. I forgot to throw out the tests and Louis found them. Paul is trying to convince them that they are not mine but he is not listening." I told him. I heard someone coming over to the door so I decided to knock and make them think I just came over.

  "Oh hey I was just about to leave." Louis said when he saw Liam. When he saw me he ran back into the room and behind Paul.

  "What did you do this time?" Paul asked him.

  "I let Harry eat her food. In my defence I didn't know that it was hers." Louis said.

  "Well there is your mistake you never let anyone eat a girls food. They are very protective of it especially when they are in their periods." Paul said.

  "I didn't know that it was hers. Liam and Zayn left and they didn't tell us not to eat it."

  "Well if she got food wouldn't you think that she had gotten some for herself as well."

  "Yeah but she had a bag in her hand so I thought that she had it in her hand already." Louis said. I forgot that he had seen the bag in my hand when I got off the elevator. I looked at Paul for help.

  "No I had asked her to run by the store to pick me up some deodorant because I ran out and I knew that they were already going to be out." Paul said. I silently thanked him for saving that.

  "If you will let me past you and not kill me then I will go get you some more food." Louis said. I nodded and he ran out the door.

  "So now Louis partially knows that I am possibly pregnant. What am I going to do when he says he knew it when I tell everyone else." I said. I sat on the bed and Liam sat beside me.

  "Well if he says something then say you didn't want to tell anyone until you knew for sure. I will tell Zayn that he has to act like he didn't know when you tell everyone else and I will too. We will say the only one who knows is Paul." Liam told me. I nodded and Paul turned on the tv.

  "How about we watch a movie in here until Louis gets back. What do you want to watch?" Paul asked.

  "Let's watch toy story." I told them. Liam agreed and Paul rolled his eyes. I guess Liam has made him watch it with him a lot.

  "Fine I will put it in. We will get this all figured out tomorrow. I did end up calling before you chased Louis over here. I got you an appointment for tomorrow at nine. We have to get them out of here by eight." Paul told us. I sat on one of the beds. Liam sat beside me and Paul sat on the other one. We were halfway done when there was a knock on the door. Paul went to get it and he brought back some food.

  "He said that he got you some chicken instead of a taco." Paul said. I grabbed the bag and I sat it beside me. I finished eating and I was about to start the fries. I opened the ranch and I started feeling sick. I ran to the bathroom and my chicken came back up. Liam and Paul both came and stood in the bathroom.

  "Maybe you should not have eaten the chicken so fast." Paul said.

  "No it's not the chicken. I opened the ranch and I got sick. The smell made me sick." I told him.

  "When my wife was pregnant certain smells made her sick as well. Let's go back to the movie." Paul said. I flushed the toilet and followed them back to the bed. I sat down and watched the movie. When it was done I decided to go back to my room and go to sleep. I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom. I got undressed and went to shower when I caught sight of myself in the mirror. Now that I am looking for it I have more fat over my stomach than I usually do. I just assumed that I had gained a little bit of weight. I showered then changed and climbed back into bed.

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