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  After we got off the plane all of the boys walked to the car and left me alone. I was getting in a different car because I was riding with Lux and Lou.

  "Do you want to stay in our hotel room or are you going to stay with the boys?" She asked me.

  "Actually my parents house is not that far from here and I think I will go there for a little bit." I told her.

  "Do you want me to come with you or do you want to go alone?" She asked me.

  "I don't want to be there alone so I want you to go with me. This is the first time that I have gone home since the accident. You may want to tell the boys where we are going so they don't worry when we don't go back to the hotel right away." I told her. She pulled out her phone and called the boys. She told them where we were going and that we would not be at the hotel right away. After she hung up I told the driver the address and we left.

  "As a fair warning the house is a mess because we didn't clean up before we left." I told her.

  "It's fine. I live with a toddler. I am used to messes." She told me laughing.

  "Yeah but there is clothes everywhere and my brothers toys." I told her. We were messing around the whole ride and making faces at Lux which she was making back. We were laughing so hard our sides were hurting and we pulled up to the house.

  "Wow you own such a pretty house." She told me. We had a two story house that was white on the outside. There was a garden in the back but it was all dead because no one has been here in six months to water them.

  "Yeah it is. My mom and dad owned their own company so they had a lot of money. They set up a bank account for me that I don't get access to until I an twenty but I have a lot of money saved up that I have to get from here because I would put away half of my allowance." I told her. I looked for the house key and found it. I opened the door and let her inside.

  "I have to go grab something from my room. You two can walk around if you want." I tell her. I climbed up the stairs and head to my room. I went to my closet and I pulled the safe that I keep in there out. I remembered the day that my mom and dad had bought me this when i told them that i was wanting to start saving money. I carried it down to the lounge and sat it down.

  "What's in there?" She asked me.

  "It's all of the money that I have saved over the last ten years. Every time i got my weekly allowance i would put half of it in here. I have about fifty thousand in here. My brother decide that he wanted to start saving money when he saw that i had saved a lot of money." I told her. Her mouth dropped open and she looked at me in shock.

  "Wow you have a lot of money saved up." She told me.

  "Yeah I do. I started saving when I was nine. My little brother had not started saving like two years ago. He has about three hundred dollar saved up." I turned around to see Lux trying to climb up the stairs to grab a toy that was sitting on the steps.

  "Do you want to play with that toy Lux?" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded. I went to grab it and I realized that it was my brothers favorite toy. It was a spiderman action figure that shot a fake web out of him hand. He would carry that toy every where after I bought it for him for christmas last year. I handed it to her and she started playing with it.

  "You can keep it if you want. My brother has a whole set of them in his room that you can have." I told her. I picked her up and took her into my brothers room. I pulled all of the action figures down off the self he had our dad build and sat them by her.

  "You don't have to give those to her. They were your little brothers. They probably mean a lot to you" Lou told me.

  "I want her to have them. They will sit here and collect dust or I will just sell them so if she wants them she can have them. They were his favorite but i will not be able to keep them because they will reminder me of him and it will make me want to cry when i see them." I told her.

  "Your right. Let's go get some food before we head to the hotel. I'm sure the guys are going crazy because you are not there. Every time you are not with them they either cause a lot of trouble or they mope around. Its like they cant behave without you there." She told me. She came to pick up Lux and I grabbed all of the action figures. I put them all in a bag I found in his closet and walked out to the car.

  "Where do you want to go eat?" She asked me. I handed Lux the bag with the toys in it and i got in the drivers side of the car and started it.

  "Let's go get some McDonald's. We should probably take some back to the boys." I told her. I started driving to the McDonalds and i had Lou text the boys and see what they wanted.

  "Hey I have some old dolls and Barbie's that she can have. My mom always told me to hang onto them to give to my little girl if I have one some day but I want to give them to her." I told her.

  "You need to stop spoiling my daughter. What am I going to do when the tour is over and you are not able to spoil her anymore?" She asked me.

  "I don't know. That is your problem to figure out." I told her and she just rolled her eyes at me while laughing. I pulled up to the drive through and got everyone some food. After I got the food we headed back to the hotel.

  "I will grab the food if you will grab Lux. She is asleep." Lou told me. I handed her the food and went around the car to grab Lux out of her chair. I went inside and found Paul sitting in the lobby.

  "Thank God you are back. The boys are driving me nuts and I am ready to hit their heads together. Come on I will lead you to their room." Paul said. He grabbed the arm that Lux was not in and pulled me to the room. He unlocked it and pushed me inside.

  "Sarah is back." Louis shouted. Lux started awake in my arms and started crying.

  "Thanks Lou you woke her up." I told him smacking his arm.

  "I'm sorry. Now that you are back Niall will stop mopping around the hotel room because he thinks your mad at him." Louis said.

  "I was not mad at him I just needed some space. I went back to my old house and grabbed a few things. I will need yall to help me tomorrow and get some more things. I am thinking about selling it." I told him. Everyone else came in the room and ran up to me. I stuck my hand out so they could not crash into me because I had Lux.

  "Yay your back. Are you still mad at me. I am sorry I never ment to make you mad or upset." Niall said.

  "I was just telling Louis I am not mad at you. I never was. I just needed some space. I hate it when people fight and I hate it even more when I am the one that people are fighting about." I told him. He pulled me into a hug and started kissing me.

  "Please don't do that in front of my kid you two." I heard Lou say. I pulled away from Niall and saw that she came into the room.

  "She is asleep and we were only kissing nothing more." I told her.

  "No she is not asleep look." Lou said. I looked down and saw that Lux was awake.

  "Oh right I forgot that Louis woke her up by yelling." I told her. I grabbed my food and Lux's and went to sit down. I opened Lux's chicken nuggets and started breaking them apart and handing them to her. While she ate the ones I gave her I opened my burger and started eating.

  "I can feed her if you want to eat." Lou told me.

  "No I got it." I said. I handed her another price of chicken. I was pulling out one of my fries to eat but Lux leaned over and took a bit of it.

  "Hey that was my fry." I told her. Everyone else laughed and continued eating their food.

  "Yeah that is so funny. I should set her in your lap and let her eat your fries." I told them. They all stopped laughing and went back to eating their food. After everyone was done we decided that we were going to watch a movie.

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