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  After we got back to the hotel the guys were no longer in the lobby which I was greatful for because I was still not ready to go back to the room. I followed the girls back up to our room and fell onto the bed because that walk to the restaurant and back wore me out.

  "Hey we have the hotel room until tomorrow when we leave tomorrow for the next stop of the tour. So if you still want to stay in here tonight we can or we can go back to our rooms with the guys." Perrie said.

  "I think maybe we should go back. Perrie it's not really fair that Zayn doesn't get to see his baby until tomorrow." I told her but she shook her head.

  "No it is fair. He was with them when they tricked you yesterday. He could have tried to stop them yesterday but instead he helped them. This the consequences to his actions." Perrie said sitting on the bed with James in her lap.

  "No I say we keep this room and have us a girls night. We can have a spa day here in the room while all of them decide how they are going to get their act together so you will stay with us. We can go to the store while you stay here and rest and get everything that we would need." Sophia said. The rest if the girl agreed and I laughed a little bit at how crazy they were being.

  "If you want I can stay here with you while they go get the stuff for it so the guys don't mess with you." Lou said.

  "No while they go out I think I am going to go have a serious conversation with all of them about how everything is going to change. I need them to know that I am serious this time." I told them as I started getting up.

  "Okay well we will text you when we get back. Don't let any of the guys in on our spa day." Eleanor said as she walked out the door. I followed behind them but I went the opposite was and headed up to the floor the guys rooms are on. I stopped outside the room I was sharing was supposed to be sharing with Niall, Liam, and Sophia and sighed before knocking on the door. When the door opened I saw Niall standing there looking like he had been crying.

  "Sarah. Please don't leave. I don't know what I would do if I did." Niall said. He hugged me for a bit before I pulled away and walked into the room. Liam was sitting on the bed and looked up when he saw me. He started to get up to give me a hug but I shook my head no and he sat back down.

  "I need one of you to get the rest of the guys in here so we can have a serious conversation because this is the last time I am going to say any of this." I told them. The both of the nodded and pulled out their phones. I sat on the other bed in the room and Niall began to sit on the bed beside me but stopped when I told him no. He went and sat down on the bed that Liam was sitting on. It didn't take long before the other seven guys piled into the room. I made all of them sit on the other bed for now.

  "Look I am serious this time. You guys have a month to clean up your act or I am done. There is only two more months before my due date and all of you act so immature that I don't even want to be in the room with you guys. Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn. You guys know how much I hate my birthday because of what happened and you you still pushed me to go out on that stage. Even after I fought with about it you still forced me out there with you guys. I will no longer put up with any of this. I have given you multiple chances to improve how you behave but you haven't. How am I supposed to put up with all three babies and have all of you acting like literal children at the same time." I told all of them. None of them bothered to even say anything because they knew that I was on my last nerve with them.

  "That stunt all of you pulled last night was my last straw. My birthday is only a reminder of the worse day of my life. It is the day that my family was killed and I was the only one that survived that accident. Every single day that is what I think about. Yes I have you guys now but I would give anything in the world to have my family back. You guys forcing me out there made an already bad day even worse because I told you not to do it." I told them. I wiped away the tears that were falling down my face and the boys stood up to give me a hug but I told all of them to leave me alone.

  "Look we didn't mean to hurt you Sarah. We just wanted to try and make you happy." Louis said. His voice was shaky from him crying.

  "Well that plan didn't help any. I am going to stay in the hotel room with the girls tonight then tomorrow we will be on the tour bus but please just leave me alone tomorrow." I told them as I got up to leave. I left the room and heard Niall call after me but I just shut the door and made my way down the hall when I ran into Paul.

  "Sarah I am so sorry about what the guys did to you yesterday. If I had known I would have stopped them." Paul said.

  "It's not your fault Pauly. It is theirs for not listening to me when I said no the first time. Hey I don't really want to be at the hotel right now because I know that they will probably try to come find me now that I had a word with them but I don't want to talk to any of them right now. Can we please go somewhere?" I asked him.

  "Yeah we can. There is a park not that far from here that we can go to. Just let me go grab my keys from my room and I will meet you in the lobby." Paul said. He gave me a hug and made his way past me and to his room. I had gotten into the elevator when someone came running into it and I saw Ashton standing there crying.

  "Look I know that you don't want to talk to me so please just hear me out. I think you should quit ignoring the guys especially Niall. He tried to stop them rest of them but they just wouldn't listen to him. After you left with the girls and refused to talk to any of us Niall took it the hardest because he cares about you so much. He ended up telling his mom what happened and we could hear her yelling at him and he didn't even have her on speaker. He was crying asking her what he should do because he is so scared that you will leave him." Ashton said.

  "Look I am not ignoring any of you. I just need some space. They all know how hard it is right now and them just ignoring what I told them just made it so much worse." I told him.

  "I know. They just wanted to make yesterday special for you." He told me. He came over and held his arms out to give me a hug and I hesitated but eventually let him hug me.

  "Yeah I just would prefer not to celebrate my birthday right now. Maybe in a few days we can all do something just not right now." I told his as I placed my head on his shoulder. Soon the doors opened and I let go of him and walked into the lobby to see Paul already standing there waiting for me.

  "Seriously how did you beat me here? I took the elevator." I said as I left the elevator I looked back to see Ashton still in the elevator pressing one of the buttons and the doors closing.

  "Well I saw Ashton run to the elevator as the doors were closing and I wanted to make sure he wasn't ambushing you so I quickly ran to get my keys and ran down the stairs but seeing how you are not crying I guess I don't have to hurt him. Come on let's go to the park." Paul said as he led me outside and to the car. We drove over to the park and when we got there there was hardly anyone there and Paul and I sat on the swings until the girls called me to tell me that they were back at the hotel so I asked Paul to take me back to the hotel so we could have out spa day before we had to be back on the tour bus with the guys tomorrow.

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