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  We were all in the car on the way to the game. I was really excited for the game. I have been playing soccer for my team for six years and I have always loved watching it on the TV. I have never been to a professional game before. I was also really excited because my dad got is front row seats and we get to sit right behind the team. I was sitting beside my brother with my headphones in my ears. I was listening to music by one direction. I felt my brother jumping around in the back seat.

  "Why are you moving around so much?" I asked him.

  "I have to use the bathroom." He told me.

  "When we find a petrol we will stop. We need to get some gas for the car anyways." Our mom told him from the drivers seat.

  "I know but I really have to go." He said.

  "Here listen to some music. It will help you get your mind off you having to go." I told him. I handed him one of the ear buds and I pushed play on the song.

  After driving for another ten minutes we pulled into a gas station. All of us climbed out and went inside.

  "Everyone take a bathroom break. When everyone is done we will meet back up here. We will get snacks and drinks then we will finish driving to the game." My mom said.

  I went into the bathroom and found an empty stall. After I finished I washed my hands and went to wait outside for everyone else. I found my dad and brother waiting for us. We waited for my mom then we went to grab some snacks and drinks. I grabbed some trail mix and an Arizona tea. We went back to the car and waited for our dad to put gas in the car.

  "You had better not eat all of that candy in one sitting James. I don't want you to be super hyper the whole ride. It is bad enough that you are very energetic already." My mom told him.

  "I won't be hyper." My brother said.

  "Yes you were. The last time you had a bag of candy you were climbing up the walls and jumping down. We took you to the park to get some energy out of you and you ran around in circles for an hour then you fell asleep on the slide." I told him.

  "Fine I had a lot of sugar but I was younger then." My brother said.

  "That was the day before we left to come here." I told him.

  "Exactly." Our dad got back in the car and told all of us to buckle up so that we could leave.

  "So what were all of you talking about when I was pumping gas?" He asked.

  "I was telling James not to eat that whole bag of candy you let him get because we still have half an hour to drive and I don't want him to be really hyper the whole ride then we were talking about the sugar high he had the day before we came here." My mom explained to him.

  "Okay I agree with your mom on this one. Don't eat all of the candy. I have not had to handle you when you were having a sugar high but I don't plan on it anytime soon." Our dad said.

  "You never have to handle him like that because you are at work when he has a sugar high." Our mom told him. We started to pull out of the the gas station. My dad was about to get on the road when my mom screamed and I felt the car get pushed by something.

  I could feel a pain ripping through my side as the car moved. After a while the car came to a stop and I looked around and it took me a little bit to realized that we were just hit by another car. I turned to see my brother leaned over in the seat with his head in an extremely uncomfortable position. I tried to move to check on him but my leg was pinned against the door. I tried to kick at the door with my other leg but it wouldn't budge.

  "Help somebody please help." I screamed as loud as I could. I heard someone running over and turned to try and see who it was.

  "Help is on the way. They will be here soon. Are you hurt?" The person asked me.

  "Yes my leg it's pinned against the door." I told him. The man nodded and I could hear sirens in the background. Everything started to become fuzzy as I started to feel really tired but I tried to stay awake so I could make sure my family is okay.

  "Hello I am here to help you. My name is Henry can you tell me your name?" I heard some one ask as I felt a hand against my head.

  "M-my name is Sarah." I told him.

  "Okay Sarah can you tell me how old you are?" Henry asked me as he placed something around my neck.

  "I turned 18 today. Is my family okay? I haven't heard anything from them since we were hit." I said trying to look around but my vision was blocked by Henry.

  "We are working on helping them as well but right now my job is to help you. Your leg is pinned against the door so we are going to cut the door off. Once your leg is released it may hurt a lot. You can hold onto my hand and squeeze it if it hurts okay." Henry said. He placed something over me and grabbed my hand before they started cutting. After they got the door off I let out of a scream of pain and grabbed onto Henry's hand. I saw dark dots dance in my vision and tried to blink them away but before I knew it darkness consumed me.

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