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  When we got to the house everyone ran outside and gave Niall and I a hug before someone took Ishmael out of the car and inside. I walked inside and was instantly surrounded by the guys family.

  "Finally Sarah is here." I heard Louis yell as he entered the room with Felicity.

  "Now you can take the babies and get them to stop crying. Olivia and Felicity have been crying since we left the airport." Karen said as she brought Olivia to me. I took her and rocked her a little bit but she wouldn't stop crying. I rocked her and got her to calm down before handing her off and I was handed Ishmael as I went to go sit down on one of the couches. I was beginning to feed him a bottle that I was handed when someone else sat down beside me and I saw that it was Daisy who was watching me feed the baby.

  "Would you like to hold him?" I asked her. She nodded and I sat the bottle down beside me and handed him to her as I stood up to go say hi to everyone who had come over. The house was busy because all of the guys parents were over.

  "Hey how are you doing. I know that it must have been crazy when you had the three of them." Jay said as I gave her a hug.

  "I have been doing great and it was crazy.  We were at their sound check when I went into labor and Niall, El, Perrie and the guys hair dresser Lou." I told her.

  "So I am guessing that they gave all of the babies all of their shots and everything that they needed there at the hospital and checked that they were breathing right." She said. I nodded and went back other to the couch where Daisy handed me back Ishmael and went to go find the others. Jay came over to sit by my and I handed him to her and went to go find Niall because I haven't seen him since we got back to the house and I haven't seen his mum yet and she was the first one I expected to attack me once I walked in the house. I found him sitting in our room and it looked like something was upsetting him.

  "Niall what's wrong why do you look upset?" I asked him as I sat on the bed beside him.

  "I just heard back from my mum and she said that Greg's cancer has come back that's why didn't come down here when we got here." Niall said as he looked over at me. I held my arms out and gave him a hug.

  "Hey it will be okay. He beat this before and he can do it again." I told him. I started running my fingers through his hair to calm him down.
  "I know I am just worried. Last time his body started shutting down and we were lucky enough to find a way to save last time but what is were not as lucky this time." He said. I moved to where I was laying down on the bed and I pulled him down to lay beside me.

  "Baby he will. Your brother is a strong person. If it will make you feel better we will fly out there tomorrow and stay the week with your family so you can be close to them then we will come back here for your shows and everytime you have a break during the tour we will go back to Ireland to stay with your family." I told him. He nodded and I grabbed my computer that was laying beside the bed and booked us tickets.

  "They have a flight out there tonight or one first thing tomorrow morning." I told him. He lifted his head up off my chest and I saw he was crying hard. He selected the one for tonight and I went with it.

  "Hey we have to go tell the guys that we are leaving tonight but we don't have to tell them if you don't want to." I told him. He nodded but didn't move from where he was laying with his head on my chest and I wasn't going to bug him. My phone rang and I picked it up to see it was Maura.

  "Hey so I am pretty sure that Niall already told you but I wanted to do it myself because I know Niall is probably going to be a mess about it. We found out this morning that Greg's cancer is back." Maura said. I could hear the sadness in her voice.

  "Yeah Niall already told me. We already booked tickets and are going to be getting on the plane soon to be out there during the guys break so he can be with you guys and you all can meet the triplets." I told her. We talked for a little bit before there was a knock on the door and I told her we would call her back. I put my phone away as the door opened and Liam walked in with Olivia.

  "Hey I came to see where you two disappeared to because everyone is looking for you." Liam said. He came over to the side of the bed and handed me Olivia. Niall lifted his hand up and placed his hand over her and smiled when she began sucking on his hand.

  "Yeah I was looking for Niall and found him up here and we were just talking." I told Liam. I saw him look down at Niall confused because he was on the verge of crying.

  "Okay. What's wrong Ni?" Liam asked moving closer. I looked down at him and used my free hand to run my finger through his hair.

  "Greg's cancer is back." Was all he was able to get out before he broke out into tears again. I hugged him tight as his whole body shook with every sob. Liam leaned over me and Olivia and gave Niall a hug.

  "I am so sorry man. I know how hard it was for your family last time." Liam said.

  "Sarah already booked the ticket for us to fly out there tonight we will be back by the next show but I have to go be with them right now. We leave in an hour." Niall said. Liam nodded and got out of the bed and left the room. He came back in with the rest of their band. Louis and Harry were both carrying a baby.

  "Well we will get you five packed for your trip. You two just keep these three entertained." Liam said. Louis and Harry placed the babies by the two of us and turned around to leave the room.

  "Okay please explain what just happened we were talking to Liam then everyone comes in and drops the babies and leaves the room." Niall said letting out a soft laugh.

  "I don't know but at least we didn't get stuck with James." I told him as Perrie walked in with James. She sat down on the bed and looked at us.

  "Zayn just told me what happened. They are wanting to go with you two but know it's best to wait for you to ask them. They are running around trying to figure out what to pack since the majority of your stuff is at the house you had bought." Perrie said. James started making grabby hands at me and I laughed while grabbing him with a free hand. He moved so he was laying against both Niall and I before he settled down.

  "We were about to head to the other house so we can get what we would need to go home but I just wanted to lay here for a minute because since the babies were born we didn't really get a chance to do this." Niall said. He started to get up and Perrie grabbed James back.

  "Here I will help you get what you would need from the other house while the guys are running around like crazy here." Perrie said as she followed us down the stairs. I noticed that the guys families were no longer inside. We got the babies on their car seats and loaded up the car.

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