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Niall's pov

  After I went back to my to my mom's room. My mum and dad were both sitting by my brother crying.

  "What's going on mum?" I asked her.

  "The doctor just came in here and said that they found a match for your brother and they are just waiting for the family to give consent to donate the organs." My dad said.

  "That is great. Who is the woman?" I asked him.

  "It was a mom of two that was in a car accident. Her husband and son were killed in the accident but the oldest daughter lived. They are waiting for the daughter to give consent." My mum said.

  "I feel so bad for the daughter. She lost her dad and brother and now she is losing her mum." I told her.

  "I know. I talked with the doctor and they said if she gives consent then we can go talk to her and meet her if she is feeling up to it. She is your age."

  "Well I do want to meet her even if she doesn't give consent. It must be hard for her to put up with all of this. I can't even imagine losing my brother much less everyone in my family." I say. I go take a seat beside my brother.

  "I am not going anywhere. You are not going to lose me anytime soon. I want to see my little brother succeedin this music career he has started for himself." My brother said.

  "I know that." I tell him.

  "What took you so long anyways. You said you were going to grab some food then come back up here then you came back empty handed." My brother said.

  "Oh I totally forgot to get food. I went down there and I saw a girl who was my age who was sitting by herself and she looked sad so I went over there to see why she was so sad. She told me that her family got in a car accident and her brother and dad were killed. She had an American accent so I don't think she was from here." I told him.

  "That is so sad. Is she okay?" My mom asked.

  "I think so. She had a cast on her leg and a bandage on her head though." I told her. Greg's doctor came in and he had a smile on his face

  "So I have some great news. The daughter has decided to donate the organs. I have to go prep Greg for surgery." He said.

  "That is so good. We will see you after the surgery Greg." My mom said. They took Greg out of the room leaving me mum and dad in the room. After a bit there was a knock on the door and a nurse walked in.

  "So I was told by the doctor that you wanted to meet the daughter of the person who is donating the organs to your son is that correct." The nurse said.

  "Yes we do." My dad said.

  "Okay. I am her nurse. I talked with her and asked if she was okay with meeting you and she said yes. If you will follow me I will take you to her room." The nurse said.

   We followed the nurse to her room. She knocked on the door and a come in came from the room. The nurse told us to wait outside for a minute. I could hear talking but I didn't listen to the conversation. The nurse came back out and told us that we could go in. We walked in and I saw Sarah sitting on the bed. She had tears rolling down her face and she looks ready to cry any minute. I couldn't believe that I didn't connect the dots when she had told me about the crash earlier.

  "Oh hey Sarah. I am so sorry to hear about everything." I said as I walked over to be beside her. I leaned over the bed and gave her a hug and she hugged me back.

  "Wait you know her?" My mom asked.

  "Yeah she is the girl I was telling you about when I went to the cafeteria." I told her.

  "Well Sarah it's nice to meet you. I am Maura Horan and this is my husband Bobby Horan and you have already met our son Niall." Mum told her.

  "It's very nice to meet you mrs. Horan." Sarah said. She attempted to smile at my mum but I could tell it was forced.

  "No please call me Maura. We wanted to come down here and thank you for allowing the doctors to donate your mom's organs. You are saving out sons life."

  "Your welcome." She said. I could tell she was starting to get upset so I decided to change the subject.

  "I never asked you earlier how old are you?" I asked her.

  "Oh I just turned 19." She said.

  "That is so cool. When was your birthday?" My dad asked.

  "It was today. My family came here to Ireland for my birthday." Sarah said.

  "I am so sorry sweat heart." Me mom said.

  "It's fine. We were actually on our way to a futbol game when the accident happens. My mom and dad know that I love as we call it in America soccer so we were going to the game tonight." She said.

  "Well maybe when you get out of here we can take you to a game." I said.

  "Oh I don't know." Sarah said.

  "Where did you visit here from?" My dad asked.

  "I live in Texas."

  "It is so cool there. I remember the first time I went there with my mates. It took us a while to get used to how people there talked because it is so different from how we talk here." I said.

  "Yeah we do talk different. When we first got here I was asking someone something and I said y'all and they looked at me funny." She laughed. It felt nice getting her to laugh after finding out about her family.

  "Do you have anyone waiting for you back in Texas?" My mum asked and my dad elbowed her.

  "No I don't. My mom dad and brother was the only family I have and I didn't have many friends there." Sarah said.

  "Hey can I talk to you two outside really fast." My mum said. My dad and I followed my mum out in the hallway.

  "I think we should ask her to stay with us for a little bit." My mum said.

  "Maura I don't know if that is a great idea." My dad said.

  "Why not. She just lost her family. She doesn't have anyone else." I said.

  "I guess your right but we know nothing about her." My dad said.

  "Well we could get to know her better. I feel bad that she has no one." My mum said and I got a text from Harry.

  Harry: Hey the lads and I were wondering how your brother was doing?

  Me: Well the doctors found him a donor and he is in surgery now.

  Harry: That is so good. We will come by there later. The boys are trying to get me to go to the shops with them but I don't want to.

  Me: Why are they trying to get you to go with them and why don't you want to go.

  Harry: Because they are trying to distract me. That girl I told you about stopped texting me back and I am worried that she doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

  Me: Maybe something happened or her phone died. I doubt that she just doesn't want to not talk to you. Who wouldn't want to talk to Harry Styles.

  Harry: Well the thing is she doesn't know that I am Harry Styles. I have not told her that I am in a band yet.

  Me: Why have you not told her yet?

  Harry: Because I don't want her to like me just be aise I am Harry Styles I want her to like me for me.

  Me: Well I have to go I will see you later

  My parents finally decided that they were going to allow her to stay with us after we got to know her better. We went back in the room to keep talking to her.

  I kept trying to do everything that I could to make her laugh and smiled when she could let out a small laugh or even a small chuckle.

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