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  I was woken up the next morning having the sun in my eyes from the window. I pulled the blanket up over my eyes but someone pulled it back down.

  "Hey you gotta wake up so that we can get out of here." Niall told me.

  "But I wanna sleep." I complained. He laughed at me and laid beside me.

  "You can sleep on the plane." Niall said. I sat up quickly and fell back onto the bed clinching my side in pain.

  "Woah slow down. You are going to reopen your stitches on your side. Lay back and I will get the doctor to give you some pain medicine." Niall said. He left the room and came back with a doctor.

  "All right. I will give you some medicine for the pain then I will check your stitches then what do you say about getting out of here." The doctor said. I nodded and he took the bandage off my side. After he was done and Niall handed me the clothes for me to get dressed.

  "So what did you mean earlier when you said I could sleep om the plane earlier?" I asked him after I finished pulling my shirt on. He handed me his hoodie and I pulled it on.

  "Well after Simon heard what happened he let us finish the tour a week early and go home. All of us are going to the house that us boys share in London." Niall said. The doctor came back in the room with the discharge papers. After everything was filled out Niall and I walked to the car where everyone was waiting.

  "Lets go to the airport. Our plane leaves in an hour and it is a half hour drive from here to the airport so everyone climb in the cars." Liam said. I climbed in the back and was sat between Niall and Louis.

  "We have to stop and get something to eat because Niall and I have not had breakfast yet." I said.

  "We were going to stop anyways because none of the rest of us have had breakfast anyways because we were too busy packing because Simon called us this morning to tell us we were leaving and going back home." Liam said.

  "Wait Niall the ultrasound photos I wanted to get a photo album from everytime we got a new one of the babies." I told him.

  "It's okay. I have them with me." Niall told me. I laid my head on him because I was tired. I was being shaken awake when we got food. I smelt eggs and my stomach was starting to churn.

  "Sarah are you okay you are starting to look green." Niall said.

  "Oh no. Liam hand me that shopping bag and roll down the windows." Lou said. Lou put the bag under my chin just in time. Once I was done getting sick Lou tied off the bag.

  "Is that better?" She asked me. I shook my head and pushed my food away no longer hungry. I laid my head against Niall and fell asleep.

  "Come on sleepy head we are at the airport." I heard someone say while they were shaking me. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Niall and Lou helped me out of the car and I to the airport.

  "Liam and Louis are getting your bags out of the car." Paul told us.

  "I could have grabbed my bag." I said. Both Niall and Paul shook their heads at me.

  "You could not have grabbed your own bag. The doctor said you can not lift anything over five pounds and every time you get your bag weighed it weight at least fifteen so you can not carry your own bag." Paul told me. Harry and Louis came in the airport carrying Niall and my bags.

  "Okay but I know why you are carrying my bags but why are you carrying Niall's bag?" I asked them.

  "Because we told him that we would get his bags while he helped you get inside. From now on you are going to be surrounded by people until they figure out why that person tried to hurt you." Harry told me.

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