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  The two weeks of our break went by really fast. Most of it we just spent in the hotel watching tv or playing with Lux. Now we are at the airport about to head to California. The first stop of our USA park of the tour. All of us were getting on the plane. After everyone was seated we were ready to go.

  "Are you excited to be back in the US?" Louis asked me.

  "Yeah I am. It has been almost five months since I have been back here. I am excited for when we go through Texas. We are spending two weeks there. We are also going to be in my home town. I grew up in Huston." I told him.

  "Well one more month and then we will be there." Niall told me.

  "Well when we get there I am going to have to show you around and show you my childhood home." I tell them.

  "Wait since your mom and dad are no longer here who owns the house?" Louis asked me. Liam smacked him upside the head.

  "Well my parents left the house to me. They had it in their will that if anything happens to them then I get the house. I will just have to remember where we put the house key before we left since I lost mine." I told them. All of them laughed and went back to what they usually do on the flight. After the flight attendant told us we were free to unbuckle our seats Lou came up to me.

  "Can you hold Lux. She is crabby and she keeps saying Sayah because she wants you." Lou said. I grabbed Lux and placed her in my lap. She ended up getting a hot pink cast put on her leg. I bounced her for a little bit before she fell asleep.

  "Why are you so good with babies?" Niall asked me.

  "Probably because I practically raised my little brother when he was growing up. Our parents worked most of the time and I would always watch him. For the first five years of school I was home schooled so that I could take care of him until he would go to school." I told him.

  "Wow. You were like a mother to him then?"

  "Yeah. That is why the two of us were very close. We fought like all siblings do but those fights would be forgotten within an hour."

  "That's crazy. When Greg and I used to fight when we were kids it would go on for days."

  "It's just because we had a really close bond with each other. Now let me sleep. I am tired." I closed my eyes and laid my head on him shoulder. I woke up when we hit turbulence and my head bounced on his shoulder. I looked at him and he was still asleep along with Lux. I saw that Louis was awake and he was about to draw on Liam's face because he was asleep.

  "Louis you better not do what your about to do." I warned him. His head shot up and he hid the marker behind his back.

  "I was not about to do anything. You were dreaming that." He told me.

  "Oh really. What is behind your back then huh?"

  "Nothing. There is nothing behind my back."

  "Oh really. Show me your hands then." I heard the marker hit the bottom of the plane before he pulled his hands out from behind his back.

  "See there is no marker in my hands." He said.

  "No that's because you dropped it before you pulled your hands out. Pick it up and put it back where is came from then go back to your seat and leave Liam alone." I told him. He did as I told him then he fell in his seat and crossed his arms.

  "Lux behaves better than you do and she is a year old. How old are you turning in next month?" I asked him.

  "I am turning twenty three." He told me.

  "Then you need to act like it. You are the oldest out of everyone and you act the most like a kid."

  "That's because I am a kid at heart. And why are you telling me this. You act like a kid as well. You are the one who was doing the prank war with us."

  "Yeah but I am nineteen. You are still older than me but I act more mature than you do." He huffed and looked out the window.

  "Please put your chairs in the upright positions and fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing soon." The pilot said. I woke up Niall and put the seatbelt around Lux and I. After we landed I picked Lux up and we left the plane. She was still asleep so I made Niall put his jacket over her so that the flashes from the cameras would not wake her up.

  "Niall is she your girlfriend?"

  "Sarah is that your kid?"

  "Whose kid is that?"

  They kept asking question after question but I ignored them and kept walking. Niall had his arm around my shoulder while we pushed through the crowd and went to the cars. We got inside and all of us went to the hotel. We got inside and it was bigger than the last one we were in. There was a knock om our door and I went to open it.

  "Can I have my kid back or are you going to keep her?" Lou asked me. I handed her Lux and invited her inside. She declined and went to her room.

  "We have the next three days off. What should we do?" Louis asked me.

  "We should go to Disney world. I have always wanted to go but I have never been." I told them. They all agreed and Liam went to buy us tickets for tomorrow.

  "So I Simon called the management and they are getting us a private tour guide who will show us around and they are also going to make sure that fans do not mess with us while we are there." Liam said.

  "That's amazing. It will be so much fun. We have to ride all of the rides and stop at all of the food places." Niall said.

  "No we are not stopping at all of the food places because you will get sick from eating everything. We would see if Lou will let us take Lux with us. It will be so much fun." I told them. They all nodded and I went to Lou's hotel room and knocked.

  "Hey Sarah do you need something?" She asked me when she opened the door.

  "Well the boys and I are going to Disney world tomorrow since they have the day off and we were wondering if you wanted to come along and bring Lux or if we could take Lux with us." I told her.

  "Actually it will be fun to go. Just let me know when we are going to leave and I will come with you." Lou shut the door and I went back to our room and found the boys running around chasing each other.

  "Woah I was gone for five minutes. What is going on here?" I asked them. All of them looked at me and shrugged.

  "Oh really you don't know. If you don't tell me then we won't go to disney tomorrow. I will go with Lou and Lux and leave the five of you here." I told them.

  "Fine. Harry stole Zayns hair gel and he hid it." Liam said.

  "Okay that explains those two chasing each other but what about you three." I said looking at Louis Niall, and Liam.

  "Louis ate the last cookie and Niall was trying to kill him and I was trying to stop Niall." Liam admitted.

  "You five are like children. I cant leave you alone for five minutes without a fight happening." I grabbed my bag and walked to the room. I was already exhausted and it was only eight.

  "Are you already heading to bed?" Niall asked me.

  "Yeah I am. I am tired and tomorrow is going to be a long day. I suggest everyone else start heading to bed because I don't want to deal with five cranky boys tomorrow." I told him. I grabbed my clothes and I headed to the bathroom for a shower. When I got out Niall was already in bed.

  "I see you listened to me. Did the others?" I asked him. He shrugged and I climbed in the bed and went to sleep.

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