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  After the show was over all of us went back to my house. I invited Perrie and the rest of her band over but they said they were tired and they were heading to their hotel. By now it was ten. I needed to leave in the next half hour to make it to the airport in time to pick them up.

  "Hey guys I am tired. I'm gonna head to bed. All of you probably should too since it's getting late." I told them. They all nodded and went to their rooms. I grabbed my clothes and decided that I was going to take a shower before I left to get them. After I was out I pulled my hair into a bun and grabbed my keys and left the house as quietly as I could. I was almost out the door when Louis stopped me.

  "Where are you going?" He asked me.

  "Oh Perrie asked me to take her some food. Go back to bed." I told him. He nodded and I quickly texted Zayn and Perrie what happened in case he decided to ask them. I got in my car and I drove to the airport. I was there for ten minutes before Jay texted me letting me know they were landing. I climbed out of my car and went inside. I cursed at my self for forgetting to grab a jacket because eventhough it never snows in Texas it still does get cold especially since my hair was wet. When I saw them Daisy and Pheobe ran to me and hugged me.

  "Hello to you two." I told them. They started giggling and Daisy climbed on my back.

  "Daisy get off her back." Jay called.

  "She is fine. My back is okay. It has been a month since I hurt it." I told her. I walked to the car with both set of twins while Lottie and Fizzy went to get their bags with Jay. I got all of them buckled in the car when they came back. They all climbed in the car before I called Harry.

  "Hey do you have Louis family yet?" Harry whispered into the phone.

  "Yeah I do. Why are you whispering?" I asked him.

  "Because Lou fell asleep on me and I am trying to not wake him up." He told me.

  "Harry you are supposed to help us set up the room. Why did you let him fall asleep on you."

  "Because boobear wanted to cuddle with me and I can't tell him no because his birthday is tomorrow." I laughed at him.

  "So Larry is real. I knew it." I joked. Jay shook her head at me and laughed.

  "Seriously. This is the first time you have ever said anything about it. How could you. You know he has a girlfriend."

  "I know. I was just joking. I know that you are really close friends. I could never think that El was a beard for you two. She is too much of a good person for that. Hey I will be there in five minutes find a way to get him off you then get all of the other boys in the kitchen." I told him. I hung up and pulled up to my street. When I got there I opened the door and let all of them inside.

  "Okay the kitchen is right through there. I am going to go get your bags. Make yourself at home." I told them. I went to grab the bags and Jay came with me.

  You do know that you are spoiling Louis by bringing us all the way out here right." She said. I nodded and grabbed some of their bags.

  "Yeah but I don't think anyone should be away from their family for the holidays or their birthday unless there is no way to avoid it." I told her.

  "Well since you don't have your family to spend the holidays with you are spending it with our family." Jay hugged me and grabbed the rest of the bags. We went inside and I placed all of them in my parents and little brothers room. I went into the kitchen and everyone was in there but Louis.

  "Okay while I was at the store with Lou we got about two hundred balloons. We are going to blow all of them up." I told them. I grabbed the bag they were in and set them in front of everyone. "Try not to pop any or he will wake up."

  "How are we going to get them from down here to his room?" Harry asked. I went and grabbed two big buckets from my room.

  "This is how. We are going to blow them up and Daisy and Pheobe are going to take them up to his room. Every five balloons that we blow up we are going to put some money in them so that he has to pop all of them to find them." I told them. I went to where my money safe was and pulled out some. I went and sat it on the table and we got started. When it was midnight we were not halfway done but we sent the kids to bed and the rest of us stayed up to finish.

  "It's almost five in the morning and we still have more to do. I am going to go get us some coffee and energy drinks so that we can stay awake today and he doesn't know we stayed up all night. Who wants to come with mr?" I asked. Lottie and Fizzy both raised their hands. I looked at Jay to make sure it was okay and when she nodded we headed to my car.

  "So where are we going?" Lottie asked.

  "I am going to the coffee shop that is near here. I know what the boys will drink but what about you two and your mom. I forgot to ask before we left." I said.

  "I have never had coffee before usually I drink tea. What is a good coffee to drink?" Fizzy asked.

  "Well there is a lot of seasonal ones right now. I usually get either pumpkin spice or peppermint." I tell them. They decide what they want and we get to the coffee shop. I ordered all of them and payed for them and we went to wait for them to come out.

  "Oh we heard that you are dating Niall now." Lottie said.

  "Yeah we are. After we left for Cheshire he asked me on a date. While we were there he took me out. After the date he asked me to be his girlfriend." I told her.

  "I could tell when you came over to our house that he liked you. He would look at you with love in his eyes.  I really saw it when he ran after you when Daisy accidentally upset you when she asked about your family. I'm surprised it took him so long to ask you out." Fizzy said.

  "It might have been because he wanted to wait. When he met me I had just lost my family in a really bad car accident." I told them. Both of them gasped. I guess they were not told about that yet.

  "Wait have you not been told about that yet?" I asked them. They both shook their heads at me.

  "Oh. My family was visiting Ireland for my birthday. We were headed to a football game as you would call it. My brother had to use the bathroom really bad and we stopped at a gas station or a petrol as you call it. When we were pulling out a truck hit us. My father was killed on impact and my brother died on the way to the hospital. My mom was declared brain-dead and they made me choose to donate her organs or not. I decided to and that is how I met Niall. His brother needed a liver and kidney and he got my mom's." I explained. Both of the girls stared at me in shock as I wiped a tear from my face both of them wrapped me in a hug.

  "It's not time to be upset it's Christmas Eve and Louis birthday. Our drinks are here let's get back." Lottie told me. She grabbed one of the drink carriers and Fizzy grabbed the other one. We walked back to the car and got in. When we got back they were done filling the balloons and we're starting on breakfast.

  "Here is your drinks everybody." I handed all of them their drinks and we got cooking. After it was finished we were about to go wake up the twins when we heard a pop and Louis yell.

  "Oh no he is awake. Get the twins and hide in my secret room under the stairs." I told Jay. Lottie and Fizzy ran to my brothers room to get the older twins while Jay ran to my mom's room to grab the younger twins. They all ran to the secret room and shut the door.

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