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The boys had their first show to kick off the tour a week later. All of us girls were sitting backstage while they had their dress rehearsal and then they had interviews. I was talking with Sophia and Perrie when I had a BH. I grabbed my stomach and bent over because I was standing.

"Sarah are you okay? Is it the Braxton Hicks again?" Perrie asked. I nodded and slid down the wall to sit on the ground. It had passed but my feet and back were hurting so I sat down.

"Your five months. I didn't start getting the braxton hicks until two months before I had James." Perrie said.

"Well they said since I was having triplets that they could come early. If it is really early it can be seven months or eight months." I told her. Lux came running in the room because she just got there with Lou. She saw me sitting on the ground and came to sit with me.

"Hey how are you doing?" Lou asked me. She knew that I have been getting some BH lately and they have been getting pretty bad.

"Good. I just hate the Braxton Hicks. I only have three and a half months left." I told her. I tried to get up but I was not able to. They tried to pull me off the ground but we're not able to.

"Hold on. I will go get Paul." Eleanor said leaving the room. She came back later with Paul and Andy behind her.

"I was told that you need our help. What's wrong?" Paul asked. He saw me on the ground trying to get up and started laughing.

"I need help off the floor but if you don't stop laughing at me I will hit you." I said. Andy came over and tried to grab my arm to pull me up but he was laughing at me. I punched him in the arm.

"Ow. What was that for?" He asked me.

"I said to stop laughing at me being stuck on the floor and you didn't so I hit you." I said. Paul came over and picked me up with one arm under my knees and one under my back. He picked me up off the floor and he put my on the couch. He helped me sit up and stand up off the couch.

"So it was not that hard. You didn't have to laugh at me getting stuck on the ground." I told Andy. The door opened and Niall walked in with Liam and Ashton.

"Hey what are all of you doing in here?" Liam asked.

"We had to come help Sarah because she got stuck on the ground then she punched me." Andy said.

"Sarah why did you punch Andy?" Niall asked.

"Because he decided that he was going to laugh at me while I was stuck on the floor. I warned him that he is going to be punched if he didn't stop and he didn't so he got punched." I told him. He laughed and came over to give me a hug. I heard him laugh a little because one of the babies kicked against him when his stomach was pressed against mine.

"I guess that they don't like you hugging me. They have not been kicking a whole lot today." I told him. He laughed and pressed his hand into my stomach. I went and sat on the couch and the rest of the boys came into the room.

"So this is where everyone is disappearing to." Luke said.

"Yeah. We usually hang out in here with Lou and Lux while the guys are preforming. We just had to get Paul and Andy I'm here because-" Eleanor started but I cut her off.

"Do not even finish that sentence." I told her. She put her hands up in defeat and sat down.

"Wait I want to know why they are in here. I thought they were helping keep the fans back from the gate." Louis said. I glared at him and he shut up.

"We made the pregnant woman mad." Luke said. I heard someone hit him and him say ow.

"Who ever hit him thank you. Although I would have aimed for in between the legs." I said. I looked up to see Luke leaving the room. Paul and Andy followed him. We all laughed at how fast Luke ran from the room.

"Oh shoot Andy left before I could apologize for punching him." I said. Everyone laughed before finding a spot to sit.

"So why did you punch him?" Zayn asked.

"Oh I was stuck on the floor because I decided to slide down the wall to sit on the floor when I was having those false contractions but since I am five and a half months I can't get up off the floor by my self. El went to get them to help me up but they were laughing at me. I told them to quit it. Paul stopped but Andy didn't and I punched him. I blame it on the hormones." I said. They all laughed and one of the boys managers came in.

"Hey you one direction guys have an interview in five minutes they you 5SOS guys have one after them." The manager said. The boys followed them out of the room to go to the interview.

"Can someone go get me some food please." I said.

"I was already going. Do you want to stay here or come with me." Eleanor asked grabbing the keys.

"I will stay here. I think Lux has fallen asleep on me anyways." I said. I look down and Lux has her head against my stomach and her eyes are closed.

"She loves laying like that. She does it to me when I am laying in bed and she is laying beside me." Lou said.

"I know why she does it to me but maybe she thinks it is comfortable when she does it to you." I said. I felt a strong kick from under Lux's head and she jumps awake. She sits up and rubbed her eyes.

"What happened?" Lou asks.

"I think the little boy didn't like her head on them. They kicked her in the head hard." I told her. Lou climbed to the other side of me and put her head back down. She went to the side that the girls were on and laid her head down. The girls are calmer that the boy.

"Are you comfy Lux?" Ashton asked her. She nodded her head.

"Lux can you kiss the baby." Lou said. She picked up her head and felt around for one of the babies and kissed it.

"Now I just wish I knew if she kissed the head or the butt." Lou whispered to me.

"I think it was the head because she is lower. At the ultra sound before we left the UK the girls had their heads in the lower part it was the boy who had his head near my ribs." I told her. I felt on of the babies kick me hard in the rib and I winced. I rubbed the spot with my hand. I felt Lux rubbing the spot beside her head.

"Mommy can you pay frozen pease?" Lux asked looking up at her mom.

"Yeah baby one sec." She said. She went to her bag and pulled out her phone.

"I have my computer in my bag if you want to keep you phone." I told her. Perrie grabbed my bag and handed it to me. I realized that Perrie didn't have James with her.

"Hey Perrie where is James?" I asked her.

"Oh Zayn took him with him when he went to the interview." She told me. I balanced my computer on my legs and went into Netflix. I found frozen and I pushed play. When do you want to build a snowman came on. Lux knocked on my stomach and started singing to my stomach.

"Lux are you singing to the triplets?" I asked her. She nodded and continued watching the movie. I couldn't help but smile when she pressed her face into my stomach while she was singing the song like Anna did in the movie when she was singing the song.

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