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  "Come on Sarah you have to wake up so that we can catch our flight." I heard someone tell me. I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.

  "Come on you can sleep on the plane we have to go." Niall told me.

  "But I am tired and I want to sleep now." I told him. All of a sudden the blanket was ripped off me.

  "No we have to go. Louis already put your bags in the car so now you just have to get to the car." Liam told me.

  "Carry me. I don't want to walk." I lifted up my hands and someone picked me up.

  "You can't walk anyways. You are still crippled." Louis told me.

  "I am only still crippled because you made me fall out of my bed." I told him.

  "I have already apologized for that and getting you wet so why are you still mad at me." He asked. I knew that he was still playing into it like he did yesterday.

  "Because of you I had to get my cast changed twice. Now enough talking I am tired let's go to the car." I was carried to the car and put in the back seat. I laid my head on Niall's shoulder and I ended up falling back asleep. The next thing I know I am being picked up and carried again.

  "Come on we have fifteen minutes before we have ve to get on the flight so why don't we get some food. Niall said. I was put down because they saw that I was now awake. We walked and got some food. We waited until our flight was called.

  "Come on we have to get on the plane. I think our gate in 9. Do you have your card for you to go through with the with the metal in your leg?" Liam said.

  "Yes I made sure that I have it lets go get on it." I told him. We got through the gate and we got on. I was sitting by Louis while Niall and Liam were in front of us and Harry and Zayn was behind us. And Eleanor and Perrie is behind them.

  "Okay so are you ready for our prank?" Louis asked me.

  "Yeah I am excited. How are we going to do this?" I asked him.

  "Well when we lift off they say where the flight is going and how long it will take to arrive there. They are going to announce it then."

  "Okay so I guess we will wait until then. Can you hand me my bag so that I can get my Ipod out." He handed me my bag and I am put them in my ears. I just had to wait until we took off. I was about to fall asleep when Louis nudged my shoulder.

  "You might want to listen to this. We are about to take off." He told me.

  "Welcome to the british airlines. We will be arriving at at Chicago in five hours. Sit back and enjoy your flight." The flight attendant said.

  "Wait did she just say chicago?" Liam asked.

  "Yeah she did. We must have gotten on the wrong flight." Harry said.

  "What are we going to do?" I asked.

  "Excuse me ma'am I think we are on the wrong flight we have to get off." Liam told the flight attendant.

  "I am sorry but we are already in the air I am afraid that you can't get off now. You will just have to wait until we land and then you will have to get tickets to the next flight." The attendant told him.

  "We have to tell Simon. He will know what to do." Louis said. I was trying as hard as I could not to laugh.

  "I was so sure that this was our flight how could I have gotten it mixed up." Liam said.

  "It was an accident. Everyone makes mistakes. We will call Simon and see what he wants us to do." I told him. He turned back around in his seat and he started to text on his phone. After about ten minutes he turned back us.

  "I texted Simon and he said that he will get us tickets for the first flight back but that's not for a week. We will miss the first show by then." Liam told us.

  "Wait if we are missing the first show show what are we going to do?" Louis asked.

  "They are going to reschedule the show. Its all that we can do." Liam said.

  "Now that Liam has texted Simon he knows that we are on the plane and the boys think that we are on the wrong plane this is going to be fun. Go ahead and tell the girls that the plan is in order." He tells me. I texted the girls and let them know what was going on. I put my headphones back in and I fell asleep.

  "Come on wake up we are here. Simon said he was to have a group of of people waiting for us to take us to the hotel." Niall told me.

  "Come on we have to go now." Louis said. I got up and I followed them off the plane. We found the men that were waiting for us and we got in the car.  There was a lot of fans that surrounded the car that started pounding on the car.

  "How do you handle all of this all the time?" I ask them.

  "It takes some getting used to along with all of the pap that follow us around." Perrie told me. We staid I'm the car until we got to the hotel.

  "I will call Simon now and I will tell him that we got to the hotel." Liam told me.

  "When are we going to tell them?" I whispered to Louis.

  "Simon is going to come here and then we will tell them." He told me as he went into his room. I went into the room I was sharing with the girls.

  "Have you told them that this was a prank on them yet?" Eleanor asked.

  "No Louis said that Simon is going to come over and tell them that this was a prank." I told them.

  "Maybe this will show them that they can't always trust who they are pranking with. They think that I am on their side." I told them.

  "Well I hope that I never get pulled into the wrong side of this prank war. You have already proved that you are awesome at pranking." Perrie said.

  "Well I will always tell you two who we are pranking and what it is." I tell her.

  "Well I will always help you when you are pranking." Eleanor said.

  "I will always help you also. It is funny watching you prank them." Perrie said. We sat in the hotel room until there was a knock at the door. I went to go get it and Simon was there.

  "You three ready to go tell the boys that this was all a prank?" He asked me.

  "Yeah let's go I think they are all in Louis room." I told him. We went to Louis room and I knocked on the door. Louis opened it and had a devious look on his face.

  "Come in let's do this. It is going to be so funny watching their reactions." He told me. We all entered Louis room and all of the boys eyes went wide.

  "What are you doing here Simon. I thought you were in Manchester." Harry said.

  "Well I am in in Manchester so are you. Louis called me and asked me to help prank you." Simon said.

  "This was a very mean prank. Who was all in on it?" Liam asked.

  "All of the girls were in on it."  Louis said.

  "Why do you have to call us out like that. This was was your idea to do this prank." I said.

  "How could you prank us like this. We thought we were going to have to move our show and we thought we were in the US. Also Sarah you are supposed to be on our side helping us prank Louis." Niall said.

  "There are no sides in a prank war." I tell them.

  "Well just know that we will get you back and it will be just as big." Zayn said. I laughed and went back to my room. This tour was going to be amazing hanging out with all of them.

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