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  The next time I woke up I was the only one left in the room. It was almost ten so I knew that everyone else was probably already up and getting ready to go to the sound check before their show today. I climbed out of the bed and went to the main room and saw that all of them were already dressed and ready to go.

  "Hey I don't have to yell at all of you today." I said. They all jumped because they didn't know that I was up yet. The 5 seconds of summer guys screamed and sounded like girls.

  "Must you sneak up on us like that?" Luke asked. He put his hand over his heart attempting to slow it down.

  "I thought you had heard me. I do walk heavily." I said laughing at them. Liam handed me a plate of food and I sat down beside Niall and Louis.

  "We decided to not mess around and be ready before you got up because we know that you may not have a good day today and we don't want to stress you out." Louis said.

  "That is good. I'm sorry about waking all of you up so early this morning." I said taking a bite of my pancake.

  "It's fine. We don't mind waking up to help you because you had a nightmare." Niall said.

  "Yeah but you guys have a show tonight and you are all going to be tired because we went to bed at twelve and I woke all of you up and three." I said. They all shrugged and went back to eating their breakfast. I was feeling upset still because of my dream but I'm not going to say anything because I don't want them all to worry about me.

  "We have to head to the stadium for the sound check then we have three interviews before our show then we have our show." Liam said. We all finished eating then loaded up onto the tour buses and headed to where their show was for today. When we got there all of us climbed off the bus and went into the stadium.

  "You girls stay here while we go do the sound check. If any of you need anything come get us." Niall said. All of the guys left and we stayed back stage.

  "Hey how are you feeling?" Perrie asked me. She sat James down on the couch and walked over to me.

  "As fine as I can right now." I told her. The truth is I am really upset. It's my birthday and it is also the one year anniversary of my family dieing. It's supposed to be a good day but for me it's the worse day of my life.

  "I know that it is hard for you today." Eleanor said. She came over and hugged me. The tears that I have been holding back started to fall. Perrie and Sophia came over and joined in the hug.

  "I know that you have not known me for that long but the little time we have known each other we have gotten pretty close so I wanted to say I will always be here to listen if you need a shoulder to cry on even if Liam and I aren't together anymore." Sophia said.

  "Thanks Sophia. That means a lot to me. I have become close with all of you since I first went to stay with Niall and his family last year. All of the guys and you girls have become like family to me." I told them. My phone started ringing and it was Maura.

  "Hello." I said when I picked up.

  "Hey I wanted to call and tell you Happy Birthday. I know that you don't like your birthday because of last year but I still wanted to tell you." She told me.

  "Thank you Maura. I don't like my birthday but I appreciate you telling me happy birthday." I told her.

  "I know that you probably don't want to hear this but it was exactly a year ago today that you saved Greg's life and we asked you to come live with us." Tears started coming to my eyes. Perrie saw and came over to give me handed me James. I took him and started rocking him.

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