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  After I hit the seven months mark my doctor wants me to go get the babies checked every week. I went for the appointment yesterday and the babies are moving into the correct position that the doctor wanted me to be. I just have two more months and we finally get the babies out. Everyone is currently running around the bus getting ready because they have an interview soon. Niall lost his pants some how and Liam can't find his shoes.

  "Babe have you seen my trousers. I had them this morning." Niall said. I shook my head and continued rocking James in my arms. He started holding his own head up two weeks ago.

  "No I have not seen them. Go put a different pair on you have ten minutes before you have to leave." I told him. He went and grabbed his suit case from his area. He started pulling clothes out and throwing them on the floor.

  "Niall James Horan. You had better not leave these clothes on the floor." I told him. He started picking them up but not putting them back in the suitcase because he was looking for pants. Once he found a pair and put them on. Liam came in the room without shoes on.

  "Liam go get your shoes on." I said.

  "I would but I can't find them." He told me. I rolled my eyes and sat James beside me to that I could stand up. Once I was standing I picked James up and sat him on my hip.

  "Hey you were sitting on my trousers." Niall said. He grabbed his pants and put them on.

  "You should have not left them on the couch. Liam where did you last have your shoes." I said. I walked towards the bunks where Perrie and Eleanor were.

  "Here take James apparently these boys don't know how to keep track of their clothes and shoes." I said. I tried to hand James to Perrie but Louis came running and grabbed him. He didn't have a shirt on.

  "Louis put James down and go put a shirt on." I told him. He rolled his eyes and put James down. He walked out of the bunk area and Liam came in still had no shoes on.

  "This is why you are supposed to bring more than one pair of shoes." I told him. He was digging around looking for his shoes.

  "Well usually I don't have to worry about losing my shoes. I think I left them at the hotel. The only pair I have is the other ones that I can't wear to the interview." Liam told me.

  "What size shoe do you wear maybe one of the other guys will wear the same size." I said. I went to where we  keep all of our shoes.

  "I wear a size 8 in mens." Liam said. I went to grab Niall's suitcase because he wears that size but I realized that it was not back there because he tore everything out of it earlier trying to find his pants. I went to the sitting area and found his suitcase with everything out of it. I grabbed a pair of his shoes that he doesn't wear often and went back to the bunks where everyone else now was except for Zayn.

  "Niall I am giving Liam a pair of your shoes because Liam lost his. Perrie please go see what is taking your boyfriend so long in the shower. Louis I have already told you to put a shirt on." I say. I hand Liam the shoes and Louis pulls a shirt on.

  "Stop stressing out so much. It's not good for the babies." Sophia told me.

  "I know that but these five act like they can't get anything done on their own. If they keep this up I will stay in London after I have the babies and not finish out the tour with you." I said. I saw all of the boys shake their heads and Zayn came out of the bathroom in only a towel.

  "Seriously. You guys have two minutes before you have to go to your interview and Zayn is not dressed. Niall lost his pants. Liam can't find his shoes. Louis didn't even have a shirt on. Harry is the only one who is even remotely ready for this interview." I said. I went and sat on the couch after pushing Niall's stuff off it. I hear the door to the bus open and I don't even bother seeing who it is.

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