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  The next  month the boys were more organized and behaved more their age when they were off the stage. I didn't have to get onto them as much as I did before. They still had their moments though. It is currently eleven at night because we had to get on the plane as soon as their concert was over. Tomorrow is the deadline I gave them to clean up their act before I left the tour and they did so I am staying on tour with them. We are about to get on the plane to fly to Israel. It will be our last place of this leg of the tour. We will spend the next week here then we will fly to the UK.

  "Now Louis you had better behave on this flight." Liam told him. Louis nodded and walked to his seat and sat down.

  "So I will not have to move you during this flight right?" I asked him. He shook his head and put his headphones in. I was about to sit in my seat when I felt a sharp pain in the lower part of my stomach I rubbed it and the pain went away.

  "Are you okay?" Liam asked. This flight I am sitting by him and Niall. I nod my head and sit down.

  "Boys I suggest that you get some rest on this flight because you do have a concert tomorrow. You don't have to be at the stadium until seven thirty for sound check. You will have an hour and a half before the show will start. so it will give you plenty of time to rest up before the show if you can't get much sleep on the flight." Paul said. He took a seat and I pulled out my headphones and put them in my ears. After we took off the babies got really active and kept kicking me a lot. I rubbed my swollen stomach to try and get them to stop but it wasn't working. Good thing this flight was only two hours. Half way through the flight the pain in the lower part of my stomach happened. It went away just as fast as it came so I didn't worry about it. I assume that it is just BH.

  "Hey are you alright. You usually sleep during the flights unless Louis is causing problems." Paul said.

  "Yeah. The babies are just kicking and they are making it hard to sleep. They are kicking hard and it kind of hurts. It doesn't help that I keep getting those stupid braxton hicks." I told him.

  "Are you sure that it is the braxton hicks and not actual contractions. You are only two weeks away from your due date and your doctor said that it is likely that they will come early because there is more of them." Paul said.

  "No it's not actual contractions. There is at least an hour in between them so I am sure it is just the BH." I said. I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. I fell asleep for the rest of the flight. Niall woke me up when we had landed. Now it was one in the morning and I was tired. He led me to the car and I fell asleep. After we got to the hotel we checked in and went up to our room. In the elevator the pain in my stomach hit again but this time it lasted longer. It was probably the BH again so I didn't say anything about it. We got to the hotel room and I went straight to the bed. None of us got up until twelve because all of us were so tired.

  "Come in we have an hour to get ready before we have to be there for the sound check." Liam said when he came in the room to get us. We have been lazy all morning because we didn't want to get out of bed. I have been getting a few of the contractions during the day but they were an hour or two between them. I got up and went to shower before I went to eat. Through out the hour before we left the hotel the pain came back twice but no one saw that I was hurting so I decided to stay quiet.

  "Happy birthday Liam." I said when we got on the tour bus.

  "Thanks Sarah. I can't believe I am twenty one today." He said. I laughed and I sat down. The pain in my lower stomach came back and it was stronger this time so I winced.

  "Are you okay?" Louis asked seeing me wince. I nodded and rubbed my stomach.

  "Yeah I am fine." I said once it passed.

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