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   After the guys came out we all hung out and talked until they had to go get ready for the show. They were getting their hair and makeup done.

  "Now that you are done please don't mess your hair up." Lou said.

  "We won't." Liam said.

  "You boys have fifteen minutes before you have to be out on stage." Paul told the 5 seconds of summer boys. We were all sitting on the floor playing with James and Lux. The 5 sos guys got up and started following Paul to the door. After they left we all got up and went to the side of the stage so that we could watch them perform.

  "They have two more songs before you boys go in. Here is your mics. Put in your ear pieces now." Paul said. He handed each of them their mics and their ear pieces before he walked away.

  "You four should come out on the stage and sit out there with us while we perform." Harry said. We shook our heads at him.

  "No this is your show not ours." Perrie said. She was holding James in her hip.

  "Come on you have to come out for one song at least." Niall said. I shook my head at him.

  "No we don't have to go out there at all." I told him.

  "Will you come out so that we can sing you happy birthday with the fans. I know that you don't like your birthday but we always do it for our birthdays or any of our teams birthdays." Louis said.

  "No I don't want you to. I don't like my birthday and I don't want to be reminded that today is my birthday." I told them. I turned my attention back to the boys that were on stage and they were finishing up their last song. After they finished they introduced one direction and the boys went on. The 5 sos guys changed before they came back out and sat with us to watch one direction perform.

  "What were you guys arguing about before we finished our set list?" Michel asked me.

  "Oh they were asking us to go out in the stage. After we told them no they asked me to go out so they could get the crowd to sing happy birthday but I said no because I don't want that to happen." I told him.

  "I know that you don't like your birthday but they were telling me that they wanted to because it has kind of become a tradition for them to sing it if it is one of their birthdays or their crew members birthdays." Calum said.

  "I know they told me that but I still don't want them to sing it." I told him. I heard the boys stop singing and turned my attention back to the stage I heard Louis talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying the next thing I know I am being pulled out onto the stage be Harry and Zayn.

  "What are you two doing. You had better not be doing what I think you are doing. Let me go." I yelled at them. They didn't listen to me and they kept pulling me. When they got to the center of the stage they stopped.

  "So everyone knows who Sarah is by now. Today is her birthday but she hates her birthday." Louis explained.

  "Louis you better shut up right now and not say what I think your about to say." I said.

  "Well we brought her out here because we are going to have all of you sing her happy birthday." Harry said.

  "Guys I said no." I yelled. I tried to run off the stage but Luke and Michel came out and grabbed me. "Let me go." I yelled.

  "Guys let her go. She doesn't want this and your just going to make her mad or upset her." Niall said.

  "Come on it will be fun." Michel said. I tried to get away but they held onto me too tight. The guys all started singing happy birthday and the crowd joined in. After they finished they let me go and I got off the stage as fast as I could. Ashton and Calum tried to stop me but I pushed past them. I ran all the way to the bus and got on. I started crying because I told them no and they did it anyways. I sat on my bunk and I pulled out the neckless my brother got me for my birthday last year. I held onto it and cried until I heard the door to the bus open.

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