Chapter 14

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Bam’s POV

I don’t know what Mr. Kim saw in this girl that he badly wants to hire her as Jennie’s guard when I can do it without thinking twice. Maybe there’s something in his head why he decided to offer it. This Lisa girl is kinda weird for me, imagine a girl having a birdie? That was absolutely crazy man, absolutely.

“Bam, could Manoban really do this training?” Mr. Kang ask me, he’s the one who yelled at Lisa.

“I think so sir, you know Mr. Kim, he never fails to see the possibility on a person” I replied back.

He just nod and dismiss himself then walk away yelling at those irresponsible trainees we have. I remember the day when Mr. Kim saw me along the highway, yes I was a beggar way back then after I move here in Korea when life was so unfair for me in Thailand. But I realise it was way more worst here. I used to beg just to get something to eat and to tell you honestly that was the hardest moment of my life. Not after he offered me to train and be one of his guards then that change my life forever. He saw something in me which he believe I could, that’s the reason why I’m here with these people and now I’m the one training them.

Everyone was fast asleep as I check their barracks one by one, it will be a tough day for them tomorrow and to upcoming days. I look at them once again specially to greenie, the weird girl, sleeping peacefully. I saw myself on her and I’m willing to do anything in my power so she’d bring out her best. That’s all I have to do.

Lisa’s POV

I woke up 4 in the morning as our superior told us to, I got up and do some warm up to awaken my body from sleep. Some of my colleagues are still asleep, I thought that I should wake them up but I heard noises outside our barracks so I peek out from our door. There I saw some of the trainees are already on the ground while our superior are on his way. I ran as fast as I could in the line not wanting to be punish and I totally forgot about my roommates.

“Goodmorning, I see some of you really are courageous to continue but some aren’t. Congratulations” Mr. Kang spoke.

“Goodmorning sir” we greeted in unison.

“Today will be the start of your worst nightmare, because I won’t consider any dramatic action from any of you. Do you understand?!?” he shouted.

“Sir yes sir!!!” we shouted.

“Good, now do as what your superiors ask you to do. Now!!!” he walk pass us and some men in army gear showed up including Bam.

“We’ll split you up in teams and each team will have a leader. The failure of the team will be acquired to be the leader’s lackness of authority and power. That means he’ll take the punishment all by himself” a guy in red hair spoke infront.

I raised my hand “Excuse me sir, but that is a little bit unfair isn’t it? If you said it’s a team then that means all should suffer, all should feel success because they’re a team. It means they’re bind up for each other” everyone was silent that you could only hear was the crickets as a background.

He thought for a while and look at me “Incredible judgment, okay change rules. Team’s loss will be team's consequences and every week we’ll have a battle for the winners and losers. This will be like a game but I’m warning you, don’t plan to hurt others intentionally because here we consider everyone like a family. Understood?!?” he talked as he walk side by side.

“Sir yes sir!”

“Good, then let’s start!” he shouted.

They start picking up some names in the chart list and write them up in a board. I saw my name as a leader in the fourth row, my eyes got big as I can’t believe on what it saw. No fucking way I’m being a leader. As they finished to announce the teams, we started running in the field as we’re learning the basics. We saw the other trainees who are late being punish by Mr. Kang as they’re doing some push ups.

The sun was already giving its intense heat on us when we’re on the obstacle courses. Some are fuming tired including me but I shouldn’t give up for my team, a guy bump into me and look at me with a smirk.

“Careful on that guy boss, he’s kinda boasty and unkind. He was my roommate” one of my member said.

“He really looks like one, the way he acted a while ago was enough evidence. Never mind about him, remember what they told us “we’re all family here” so we must include each one as a family” I explain.

We all got back on what we are doing as we gave each one our hand to finish the activity. It was tiring but this was making me enjoy some new company. I think Chaeng will be so proud of my development soon.

Rosè's POV

I wonder what Limario is doing now, if she’s doing fine or stupid. You cant blame me if that’s my mindset about her since I’ve been with her since from the start. I hope she’s doing great and okay because all I can do for her is pray for her safety. It’s just two days since she’s gone but it feels like she’s been gone for a very long time, I miss her presence in my resto.

“Looks like you’re thinking of someone else rather than me baby, are you giving mixed signals now?” a cute jealous voice sprung behind me.

I face her and cup her face with my own hands. She’s really really cute when she’s pouting “Ooohhh don’t be jelly you little skunk, I’m just worried about Lisa” I said to Jisoo my girlfriend.

She hold both of my hands with hers “Don’t worry about her baby, uncle will never handle her into bad hands. I’m sure she’s doing fine there with the troops” she explained.

I sigh “If that’s the case then I shouldn’t worry about it” I look at her.

She smiled victoriously “You should smile and relax baby, nothing bad will happen to her. What if we go for a date today? In order for you to stop overthinking?”

“Sounds great, wait I should close the resto early so that we could spend a lot of time today” I said excitedly.

She chuckled “That’s my girl, I’ll help you close the shop”

“Thank you baby” I kiss her cheek and we both do our thing before going for a date.

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