Chapter 27

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Kai’s POV

I saw her with that smile again………with that fucking retarded idiot Lisa. How can that stupid dork face make her laugh and smile like she won a lottery. I have to copy her tactics so Jennie would have got to like me back, and I should be there making her smile not Lisa.

“Kai, you are called by Mr. Kim in his office” one of the maids told me.

“Okay, I’ll be right there in a minute” I look back to Jennie in the garden. Just wait for me Jen, I’ll go get you…..soon.

I walk towards the office, to my surprise the fucking stupid dork was there too sitting comfortably with her weird outfit.

“Looks like someone was lost and don’t know where the idiots party is” I started bickering her.

She just look at me plainly “Atleast the one who made me do it love the idea though” she boast that made my blood boil.

“You look darn stupid” I commented.

Mr. Kim cleared his throat “Excuse me gentlemen, we’re not gathered here for a fight. I called you both because we have an important matter to discuss about”

We kept quiet wanting to hear what will Mr. Kim would say to us.

“I want you both to know that next week, we’ll be going to Hawaii for approximately 2 weeks maybe. There’s an event that me and my daughter would attend to. And some of our men will come along with us for security” he never bothered to look at us because he’s a bit busy in his table looking at some stock papers.

“Uhm what should we bring Mr. Kim?” this idiot infront of me ask. Tsk of course we’d bring our uniforms and some important stuffs asshole.

This time Mr. Kim look up at us “Bring some comfy clothes, the ones that don’t make you look like a security. So that the enemies doesn’t know who they’ll kill” he paused “And of course don’t forget to bring some weapons” he added.

We just talked a bit about the plans and rules that we need to follow while we’re on a trip. After that, Mr. Kim dismiss us. This is my time to court Jennie again, I’ll make sure she’ll like me when we’re in Hawaii. In just two weeks, I’ll make her fall in love with me.

Jennie’s POV

I badly wanted to travel in Hawaii since I was a kid but my father didn’t want to after what happened to my mom. He always tell me “You can’t go to Hawaii, I’m afraid I’ll lose you too and I don’t want to experience the pain I felt after your mom died”. He’s so worried that something bad will happen to me well in fact I already did had traveled a lot of times and he’s going to tell me that. Anyway I’m packing the things I’m going to bring since we’ll be staying there for two weeks, as I look in my closet I saw the dress that we bought in the mall. I remembered Lisa’s words to me that makes a red tint crept in my cheeks, “but you look best in red or maybe when you’re naked” that pervert. I didn’t know she had that kind of mindset because all I know is she’s dumb and pathetic.

There’s a sudden knock on the door that made me jump on my place.

“Miss, you’re orders are here already” one of our maids speak on the other side.

I went on my door to open it up “Okay” I grab it from her without saying thank you. I closed the door with force. That’s how rude I am to our maids, you can’t blame me because they’re made of plastic. My dad wouldn’t believe me as I told him so.

I unwrap the package to see if my order was right and I squealed as I check it one by one. This is gonna be fun, I mean they’re going to have fun or should I rephrase it again I’m going to have fun. I place them on one of my bags because my suitcases are already full, after packing my stuff my stomach grumble as I didn’t ate breakfast. It’s already 10 AM and I want to have some nom nom, that’s what my replacement on the word eating.

“Hi bitches, what’s food for today?” my voice echoed in the whole damn house.

One of the maids immediately comes up to me “Uhm what would you want for today miss?”

I look at her from bottom to top “Something that wouldn’t kill me” I spoke before going pass her.

“W-what’s t-that supposed to mean? M-miss I…I” I cut her off.

“You know what I mean stupid, I don’t need to explain it to to ‘coz you’re not that dumb aren’t you?” I glared at her.

“Y-yes m-miss, I’ll just call you when the meal is ready” she dashed off like she’s part of a marathon. Freaking stupid.

I walk outside near the pool to relax, I decided to stay on the side swing since I feel more comfortable there. A few minutes later my eyes feel heavy and I drift off to sleep.

Lisa’s POV

I was having my brunch when a cute sleeping cat eyed girl caught my eye. She was so peaceful there, my feet lead me to her place and I hear her soft snores. I can’t help myself to fix her hair that’s been covering her bare face, I put it behind her ear as I sit in her level. She’s really really really pretty, I tried to touch her mandu cheek but I flinch as she caught my hand before I could do it.

“What the fuck do you think are you doing Manobal?” she hiss at me while glaring.

I was sweating as fuck as my tongue was like tied into knots not knowing what to reply to her, my mind was also having a panic attack. What would I tell her? I never been touch her except when I guide her somewhere where I could gently put my hand into her back.

“Better have an acceptable reason Manobal or else you’re a dead meat” she’s still holding my hand.

“I uh….I uhm…j-just r-removing some hair blocking your face” she raise her brow “a-and t-there's dirt sticking on it so yeah….I remove it too” I smiled weakly saying those. Please god if you exist save me from this woman’s wrath.

“Ah huh, dirt…. Tsk, just honestly say that you can’t take your eyes off me” she smirk.

I gulped which is caught by her eyes, she even smirk wider “I uh …. I…I s-should probably g-go, there’s s-something I’ll gonna do” I mentally slap myself for stuttering again.

She let go of my hand and I stand up immediately walking away from her piercing eyes. Shit she makes me weak like a jello, I should pray often. I’m not yet ready to die. I walk back to my room to pick up the things I supposed to get, her face was still in my mind and I think that even if I’ll be blind I still remember what she looks like.

Third Person’s POV

Nothing special happened for the past few days, the Kim’s mansion was still busy since they’re going to have a trip in Hawaii. Jennie as usual was in her bitchy attitude still being mean as ever, she always made fun of their maids like scaring them at night putting some scary printed figures on the wall. Some of them even fainted, scream, cried and resigned. On the other hand Kai and Lisa was bickering on who was better on guarding Jennie, they both argued about it for how many days already since both of them wanted to have a solo moment with the girl they wanted.

Everything seems perfect, the weather, the place and so on but beyond the knowledge of everyone, someone was planning to ruin their peaceful life. Someone who wanted to have revenge for a very long time and he thought that now is the right time to do it. Little did they know that this person will be an angel in disguise.

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