Chapter 46

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Unknown's POV

Today is the day I decided to do the plan, there's no turning back. I'd better taste Lisa first before Jennie could. I'd contacted my brother that I'm near from where they are, he said he'll wait for me. If you're asking why I had a grudge on the Kim's, well blame Jennie's father for creating a monster within me. Imagine loosing a mother at a very young age just because of some stupid business trip that killed her. They're somewhat stupid, guess what...some of his men are my father's men. So in just one click we could dominate them and rule the fucking world with our powers. I end up liking Lisa, because she's naive and innocent. She's not those victims I killed a long time ago, she's more than a collection. Getting her on the palm of my hands is such a glorious and victorious thing that could ever happen.

"Hello" I answered my phone.

"Better be safe there darling, you might be caught" my father warned.

I just chuckled "Don't you trust me daddy? I've done this before and nothing's new about it" I boast.

He laugh "You're really my daughter, don't're brother will help you when things get worst"

"I love you dad" I said sincerely.

"I love you too princess" he replied before ending the call.

I arrived at Jennie's resort, it was a nice place actually. I love how she planned about this but I'd probably love this place more if I bury her body here. I smiled at the thought. I'm interrupted on my moment when someone bump into me and I fell, I turn to look at her. I think the universe is on my side.

"I'm sorry miss, I didn't mean to" I never expect to see her this early.

She hold my hand and I think it send electric chills on me "I'm okay, don't worry"

"I'm very sorry, I'm just rushing inside and I didn't notice you" she was nervous as she fidget with her fingers, I've seen this side of her before when Jennie’s around her.

"I said it's okay" I smiled at her making sure she's comfortable.

"Uhm okay, I'm Lisa" she offered her hand for a handshake.

I just chuckled "I'm yours" I accept her hands on mine and it fits perfectly.

She just bite her lips because of anticipation, I fake laugh to convince her I'm a very friendly person to talk to.

"I'm just kidding Lisa, anyway I'd better go. See ya around" I turned my back ready to walk away when she speak.

"I didn't get your name yet" she whined.

I look over my shoulder as my eyes land on her "You'll know it soon, specially when we are on bed" I smirk knowing I'd hit something today.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

I left her there not wanting to spill who I am,'re just so near to me. I smelled her perfume, it was so manly and much more if we both made love to each other. I mentally moaned feeling the ecstacy in my system, I know I'm crazy for doing this but you don't know how addicted I am to her.

"Hi Manoban, my future husband" I sarcastically laugh.

I walk out finding a vacant room for me to stay, I'm working in the Kim's company for about a year now and we're all planning for about 2 years already. Everything was settled, the men, the plan, the action and of course ourselves hahahahahahaha. Good luck Jennie, I'll make you suffer.

Jennie's POV

I'm annoyed at Jisoo from interrupting Lisa and I in our intimate moments. Lisa is a naive person in terms of having erotic actions with me, not unless I do it first or let her drink a few shots of alcohol or some medicine for booster if you get what I mean. I bite my lips imagining her on top of me while nibbling my neck down to my collar bones.

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