Chapter 24

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Jennie’s POV

As we reach our home I immediately told Lisa to follow me at the garden since I’m going to order her about my necessity with her expertise. She replied “Yes mademoiselle” and followed me as we walk down the hallway leading where the garden was. I abruptly stop when I notice that Kai also followed us.

“Did I ask you to come with us?” I arch my brow scaring him but he don’t even react to that.

“Sorry mademoiselle but wherever you go, I should be there also” he replied without any fear.

I sigh in defeat “Okay, it looks like I couldn’t shoo you away so I’ll let you follow us but don’t eavesdrop” I warned.

He nod in response, we continued to go where we supposed to and as we made it through the garden, I told Lisa to sit in the chair across from me while Kai in other hand was standing far away from us looking jealous.

“So w-what’s the matter m-mademoiselle?” she stuttered.

I look at her in the eye which made her look away “You were a cook in Chaeng’s resto, right?” I lean on the table.

“Y-yes, I am. But that was 7 months ago before I went on training” she bite her lips.

“I was thinking if you could cook my meal everyday, since you’re my worker you’d do so” I demand.

She looks at me “W-why would y-you want me? If you h-had already c-chefs” she asked curiously.

“Because I told so, I don’t want to be questioned. So what I want you to do, is obey me” I scare her.

She just look away as I said those words, she looks pretty when I got to see her face closer. But before I can get lost, I stand leaving them behind. They both followed me as I walk back inside, not minding if they’re looking at my body or maybe to the surrounding. I step inside my room, closing my door and went to my bed.

Lisa’s POV

My heart was still racing after our talk, I thought she’s going to confront me about the thing happened on the mall. I just take out a deep breath, relaxing myself since the talk was over.

“You probably get scolded about your dirty mouth. It’s a trend to wash your brain sometime” Kai begun to annoy me again.

“Atleast I’m not a walking girl with a dick like you” I fired back.

He smirk “Nice try but try your best to insult me sometime. It’s boring to hear your stupid words”

“You’re the reason why people created a toilet” as I said those he suddenly grab my collar.

I just smirk at him “I thought you’re not going to be piss on my insult, oops look at that, a shit holding my collar. Should I take a bath after this?” I tease him more. He just let go of me, his knuckles turning white as he made a ball of fist from it. I just fix my crumpled collar and dust of my coat like there’s a dirt on it.

In my peripheral vision, he just harshly breath some air in and out trying to relax his mood. I know that if I go further, a fight will just be a few seconds away so I close my mouth and shut my fuck up. The night came so we had some dinner, everyone was quiet except for Mr. Kim who gradually speak and tell some stories about how their life become as successful like this.

“You know when Jennie was a little kid she always boast us that someday she wanted to become a housewife hahahahahaha” we all laugh at his story except for Jennie who look pissed.

“Dad that’s enough story about me, gosh you’re making me look stupid” she whined.

“Well she still looks like a kid to me” I commented which I shouldn’t because Jennie glared at me.

Mr. Kim and some of our colleagues laugh at my remark, for me it’s absolutely true enough that she still looks like a kid because of her height. Everyone went on to their usual spot after the dinner, Jennie went in her room as we stand behind her door. We also have shifts in able for us to rest for a while that’s been our duty.

Third Persons POV

All went well for the past few days since there’s no sign of any incoming danger from them, so everyone just way too loose with their perspective jobs. Kai and Lisa was still the same , they’re both an enemy for each other not wanting to be friends at all. Lisa also started cooking after the deal with Jennie, which was reported to Mr. Kim since he didn’t know about it. Both of the Kim argued but of course Jennie always win an argument.

Kai was starting to make a move to Jennie just by simply giving her some bouquet of roses and expensive chocolates which been questioned by the latter. She just shrugged him off everytime he start to open up some stories because she knew that if she ever talk to him, he’ll probably think that she’s flirting back. So to cut it short, Kai was always got rejected. Lisa on other hand was secretly having a move on Jennie just by putting a piece of daisy on her working table. Lisa knows that it was a hard task since she had to slip in through that room without anyone noticing it, she even write notes and leave it.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turn into months. No one expect that a peaceful ocean will experience a great storm.

Kai’s POV

I always got rejected by Jennie, she always have an excuse whenever I had the chance to ask her out. She says “Sorry but I’m busy” or “We can’t go since we have to bring Lisa along”. I know she’s just doing it because she didn’t really like me at all but it didn’t gave me reason to give her up since this is what I really wanted to do.

“So what do we have here? A sad problematic face, would you want to share that problem of yours?” Red ask me. Yeah he became one of us who got to the top ten most guaranteed army after the training.

I have a troubled feeling “It’s about Jennie, she’s been rejecting me a lot of times. She even declined my offers, such a feisty woman” I sip my whiskey since we have the privilege to drink when it’s our break.

He also put some whiskey to the empty glass and started to drink with me “Well of course in your case, Jennie really would say no. But if you keep on going, one day she’ll say yes” he said which I agreed to.

“For now, let’s just chug it all down to our throats. Then face the consequence for tomorrow” we both chuckled.

Maybe I just have to go further, someday you’ll say yes to me Jennie Kim. And if that will happen, it would be on our wedding day.

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